/plg/ - Powerlifting General: 'Powerlifting Fulfills my Spectrum Needs: Volume II' Edition
/plg/ - Powerlifting General: 'Powerlifting Fulfills my Spectrum Needs: Volume II' Edition
>That would end up just introducing ambiguity around how much momentum/compression is rebound.
It would eliminate the ambiguity already apparently surrounding what constitutes "motionless" and waiting for the press command.
>Reffing can be difficult enough as it is already.
I refuse to believe it is as difficult as they routinely make it look. Borderline, blink-and-you-miss-it calls are one thing, but I've seen far too many cases of the refs blowing REALLY basic and obvious shit, to the extent of clearly not knowing what their own fucking rulebook says.
It wouldn't chap my ass NEARLY so much if IPF shitmongers weren't so up their own ass about the quality of refereeing and integrity of their federation and blah blah blah when the refs in their meets are as brick fucking dumb, and usually as obviously unlifting, as they are everywhere else.
This post, to be clear, was meant to respond to this post
More than you
Bench 5x5 at 245
CG Bench 5x3 at 230
Upright Row 4x16
Close Grip Bench 3x20 at 135
Curls 3x15
Face Pulls 3x15
More than you, fucking loser
Heard you project the first time Thanksgiving in real countries tomorrow. You going to sit on the toilet all day faggot?
Maybe I'll feed your poorfag family by dropping some Norman khan on your plates LOL
Just dropped a few Norman khan into the toilet with ease
We'll see if that was a quickie or if more khan is needed to be disposed of
(60 seconds later)
Oh my yes I think more Norman khan will be coming out shortly I can feel it alright
(90 seconds later)
Oh maybe that was a false alarm I think that was actually it
Gonna call it a day
If I want a 100 kg ohp do I need to make ohp my main lift or can I push both bench and ohp up currently can ohp 80 kg and bench 142.5 bw 86
tfw already depressed and find it hard to lift
tfw family members seriously ill today in hospital
it’s amazing how much your desire to lift just vanishes
>caring about others
Everyone dies now fuck off with your blog
hey kid not sure if you realised but this general is exclusively for blog posts only
Can't remember who was on about CLUTZ last thread but I had a gander and it looks quite comfy. Gonna try it.
Doing Texas Method modified like this:
Squat 5x5
Bench/OHP 5x5
Barbell Row 3x8
Squat 2x5
Bench/OHP 3x5
Hyper extensions
Squat, Bench/OHP, and Deadlift 1x5
Speed Deadlift 10x1
>doing tm
Stopped reading right there.
What's wrong with TM?
try it for 1 month and see if gains I'm the 4 day tm shill since I did that for 12-14 months with decentish results
Is it bad to run a non-strength routine for some months after SS, and then do TM or Madcow? Is it better to do TM/Madcow immediately after?
>there are people who do something besides full body three times a week
tm and madcow aren't the only natural progression after ss. but no its not bad assuming you gain something from your program
Wouldn't hurt to prioritize it if it's your main goal. I mean it might hurt your bench but hey.
today im gonna start this modified TM I made, it has some DUP smolovlike elements
1. 5x5 @70%
2. 5x5 @75%
3. 5x5 @80%
4. 5x5 @82.5%
5. 3x5 @67.5%
6. 3x5 @85%
3 sessions a week so its 2 weeks total. Expect to be able to squat my 5rm for sets by the end of it. Before you say its retarded i respond well to high volume so this is catered for me
ill report back on how it went
>non-strength routine
As in hypertrophy oriented? Just run 5/3/1 with plenty of bodybuilding or something, you do still need to get stronger, even if you're not pressing your top-end strength as hard as possible.
how is this tm ? I'm sure that will work but I fail to see how this is tm the philosophy of the program is you stress with volume day and peak intensity all in a weekly basis
Looks semi madcow/HLM-ish, take a look at one of those maybe. It's a lot of fahve bah fahves which aren't bad but it's not really TM at all.
Thanks mate. What would be the best strength program after SS, in your opinion?
>non-strength routine
It's most likely going to be PHUL with heavy compounds. I still plan to progress as often as possible, I just won't focus 100% on strength.
>5x5 3 times a week
>high volume
its TM in the sense that it uses fahve by fahves to promote growth and then backs down into a light day which is session 5 to promote recovery and then the 5rm test but instead of a new 5rm its the old 5rm but for sets coz 1 set of 5 is bad for growth
75 reps with an average intensity of 75% over 5 days isnt high volume?
Prove it, you larping shut in.
Standards are relatively consistent within the IPF, to the point you can put mistakes down to human error rather than Stan Efferding not paying full attention because he's filming the lift from the refs chair.
The majority of IPF refs are current or ex lifters.
Overall there's not much ambiguity around 'motionless' when it's a fed that has standards. Within both British Powerlifting (ex GBPF) and the ABPU/BPU (WPC affiliate) I've seen consistent standards. It's the US circus feds that tend to have inconsistencies, which desu is a product of the lolfed mentality than anything else.
I do that in one day tbf
Whilst on the topic of TM, is TM/HLM a terrible idea if I want to get bigger after SS?
believing anything on /plg/ is a terrible idea.
I got good results with 4 day tm but I've only done couple of programs.
> 1x5 not good for growth
what's this based on ? I hit 190 squat and 131 comp bench with basic bitch 4 day tm
I realize it’s not much difference and nobody likes the guy but should I run this with normal squat and bench or SS? outalpha.com
seems pretty similar desu
Which UK federations don't drug test?
whichever program has you going to the gym doing your compounds stick to that. stop over thinking stuff novice stage Is 4-7 months max leave the over analysing for later
No? Do some chinups and extensions and shit, eat, get stronger, grow.
oh okay just thought I’d miss out by doing no curls, no weighted chins or rows
6x2 squat 80%
w2d2 cuckols 3x int high bench
chin ups work up to heavy weight doing triples and doubles then back off
push press
t bar rows or cable rows if im not up fot it
lte 3x15
face pulls 4x25
It looks good. Wider excercise selection than SS. I think you should keep the box squats if you're a beginner.
yea i get that but that doesnt mean it was optimal
maybe you couldve done 205 and 140 on this
cringed hard
>call a guy in my gym (who eloquently annoys a female m’lady PT every day) a redditor in jest because I am the kind of autist who spews Veeky Forums memes irl
>actually hit a touchy spot, he gets super mad and later gives me offtopic drivel about my 3x/wk fullbody being shit when PPL is clearly superior
life imitates art
Wanna go for a ride but don't know where to go
How do I glutemaxx my highbar squat? Cannot lowbar or hip thrust due to badly healed injury, but high bar is fine yet mostly hits my quads. Which is obvious, but I need dat dere homobait bubble butt too.
Uhh go deep and squeeze your ass?
optimal based on what nugget? world record holders did only 3 days a week one for each lift. people want to min max lifting when it's a thing that's different per person past certain stage.
how are my incel peons doing today
the king is in the house
I almost atg (got shit femurs lel) and try to engage glutes as hard as I can, but I still am a t-rex with a pancake ass. I guess I just need to keep on squatting more, which I would anyway.
It was a very pleasant day until you showed up.
Go to blogtown.
Start deadlifting
do GHR and bar hip thrusts
honestly this squatted 165 atg hb then switched to lb now can do 195 and still when I learned proper dl my glutes were in dom heaven after one 160 high rep session
what do you do when you are feeling no energy and have to motivate yourself to still go to the gym?
Motivation is for amateurs and mental GDEs.
Be disciplined and get to work.
Pls be in kgs for 10 reps
a very wise man once told me to try harder
I get a pissening glute+ham pump from hypers
you go to gym
Do it anyway because training is that gives me energy and motivation. Also habit.
> 165
> in lbs
> on plg
I wish I was a qt3.14 5"0 70 lbs jailbait
I am never in this situation, since training is all I have in my life
Hold your arm up high and mark the wall.
With no run in, jump and make a mark as high on the wall as you can.
Measure the difference between the marks.
Unless your vertical is 20 inches +, go find a new hobby.
Fast twitch muscle is a marker for strength athletes. You can't improve it much through training. It is inherent.
Saved you GDEs some heartache. Go play vidyas and collect amibos, you no-jumping faggots.
Explosive strength isn't necessary to be good at PL because you can still grind through a lift and get it successfully, unlike Oly.
speaking of energy I just had the worst session 2 days ago.
> last day of cycle 2 in memeburn
> the fucking first warm up set feels heavy and moves slowly
> all reps grinders
> still finish
> wake up next day feeling like I just got raped by pack of wild niggers
was I over trained ? because after upping calories to maintenance and doing deload week I feel better
>Explosive strength isn't necessary to be good at PL
Fast twitch muscle is required to be good. Go measure your vertical.
I wish i had 70lbs jailbait gf ;_;
pretty much this. even a sub 20 inch jumper like rippltits got a 430-440 wilks
Fast twitch muscle is a marker for strength athletes. You can't improve it much through training. It is inherent.
>shows picture of Olympic weightlifter that trained for years
I heard you get one delivered once you hit 500 wilks
Mark jumped 22+"
Vertical can be improved 20% or so, max. Olympic caliber lifters are identified partially through their vertical.
Suck a dick, jumplet.
Well time to try hard 500 wilks next year screencap this post.
he's right properly measured svj doesn't increase by muchmy bad he's still gde average tier
incorrect method of measurement.
He's above average.
>tfw 20cms
So thats why my lifts are so shit
Told you.
Vertical jump tells a lot about your potential. Not all, but a lot.
yeah no what if im above average but im obese then my vertical would be garbage
So i can finally claim gde without retards shouting its just mental. Thanks user
>what if im above average but im obese then my vertical would be garbage
See pic And if you're too fat for your muscle mass, then you suck fatty. Fix it.
Bugman spotted
>See pic
yeah nice argument but that guy cleans over 200kg how many people can do that
lets see that guy jump high early in his career when he could clean sub 100kg betcha he couldnt
>lets see that guy jump high early in his career when he could clean sub 100kg betcha he couldnt
He probably jumped 20% less high. So Maybe 24" instead of 30".
Quit making excuses. Just putting athletic truth out there.
its no truth since its entirely your opinion
right without vertec and good operator it's incorrect, sorry about your inflated svj I'd reduce 6-8 inches off this shit amateur method.
No. Its fact. Vertical jump has no real skill. It is a measure of muscle fiber type and rate of contractile force. It is almost entirely genetic.
Read a book, jumplet.
>vertec and good operator
Might make a 1 to 2 inch difference max.
What's the matter? Scared to find out you're a jumplet?
Everyone can use the wall method to find out if they're in the right hobby.
Idk my vertical jump, but on box I jumped 115cm. Any idea if this is decent? From stand still
26" vertical.
420 wilks.
Gets my noggin joggin.
Just measure your vertical. Box jump is limited by your height and flexibility.
2 Questions for you lads about int programs.
Everyone talks about Candiots 6w program here. But which one? I went to his site and he has quite a few.
Also everyone talks about Nuckols various programs, but where are they? Is there a PDF somewhere i can download or something?
Thx lads.
Did 28 inches once and I suck at powerlifting what's the deal
kek I do, but I have weird leverages, never felt much of a glute activation even at full bar-fuck lockout
cannot, injury. 90lbs hip thrust cripples me for days, GHR makes all the effort go to lower back even with splendid form
hm, might be able to do them unweighted for idiotic amounts of high rep volume if I pay attention. worth a try.