Working platform, deal for VISA.
Low cap. t-zero partnership.

What do you want more?

Sure, you can buy some more ODN or BCH for 10% profit, or go into hottest ICO of December and do an easy x5.


Pajeet whitelist group:

so i have to whitelist to be part of ICO?

Do they have a card coming????

who is t-zero and how many zeroes will it add to my gains my sweet sweet crypto gains

contract signed user, and they did it pre-ICO. No MCO scams here

heard about overstock.com? 1.8 billion in revenue

t-zero = their trading platform

Be all over my nut with these sweet Ignite gains

what happened with MCO/monaco and their card?

they made a lot of cucks bagholders when they promised it and it didnt happen

half a million Visa cards officially in production per their latest announcement last night

Those are dudes

>working product

you are saying this like its a bad thing

you put a link to reddit instead of the fucking website for the coin

what does the token do?

is this for real?

It seemed like a really good platform until pic related.

This will fuck it over. 50% of gains and 0% of losses will be distributed to the decentralized aggregate that is fund managers and token holders. That's such a raw deal for investors, holy fuck. Why wouldn't potential investors be triggered by this?

This is such an appeal to the greed of token buyers at the expense of the supposed clients of the service that I'm wondering if this isn't just a scam cashgrab.

No one in their right mind would think this is a good idea.


reddit explains it, mate

So ignite is a good deal ?
Team seems strong I like it.

what you talking about fag, successful active token holders are rewarded same as passive token holders

Don't be ridiculous. Just buy some Monaco.

just signed up

owe u one user