>Leave /fit for months
>Come back like always
>Wonder what my fit bros are up to
What's with the new meme guys?
>Leave /fit for months
>Come back like always
>Wonder what my fit bros are up to
What's with the new meme guys?
Other urls found in this thread:
I hate onions... So I'll just sit this one out and laugh at the shill hunting.
Its a bunch of shitposting dyels hopping on the next fad meme hoping that some single super food or "one crazy trick" (such as nofap) will magically improve their lives, because they're pathetic and don't have the strength of will to actually enforce change in their lives.
/pol/ has taken a visit and left this flaming shitbag at our door
>Says this but isn't capable of eating one single onion
Made me lol and i'm actually the one you're responding to.
onions are the shit
I'm the person you replied to, that shit wasn't funny at all.
I'm the person you're replying to and I was unphased by your post
It spawned from a Troll comment. Please do not follow this trend, the person was obviously making a joke when they created it. Eating a diet consisting of a large amount of onions or solely of onions could potentially make you unwell and severely damage your health.
I'm the person you replied to, and I had a little chuckle.
no brah, this is a Veeky Forums original
I am the person you replied to and I am actually gay. Fuck me in the ass AHHHHHHHH
Onion juice was the joke. Munching the onion was the pill.
So...is it a running joke or are people actually eating insane amounts of onion? Why are the supposed benefits?
>or are people actually eating insane amounts of onion
You only need to eat 1 or 2 onions a day for the test boosts. Put them in a salad.
I'm the person that you replied to. I'm 12 and what's this?
its a vagene
>an actual high T twelve year old
Take the onion, help us invade some land
>2 onions a day
Just buy ashwaganda you fucking loons lmao
Did you try that shit?
This is what i currently take, d-Aspartic to make sure my body always produces its natural amount of tes
Ashwagandha for stress relief and strength gains in the gym, i feel an overall sense of well being, it stars after a week
I'm the mutant you responded to. CMON
I'm the person you replied to, bathing in Chilean salad
I'm replying to you, kill yourself
how much do you take of both?
you did get the KSM-66 ashwagandha, right?
Not him but u just started on ashwagandha a few weeks ago and it's fucking incredible. I'm taking 500mg twice a day and the reduction of anxiety and stress is a miracle. I got to recommend this if you daily feel stressed and tensed day in and day out, no meme it's a huge help.
>Eating a diet consisting of a large amount of onions or solely of onions
Yes, because of course, adding an extra onion to your diet requires you to eat absolutely nothing else and to replace the entirety of the rest of your meals with it, right?
People are eating at least one onion a day for health benefits, it has to be raw, no exceptions.
>reminder that onion juice on your head will make your hair grow back
Now before you call me out and use the "meme" buzzword, take a moment to google it.
can actually tell from your hand that you're built like a girl
Why I can't find it. I don't understand google wtf. I don't understaaaaaaand it
I'm the person you replied to, I'm an onion.
The Jew fears the Onion.
I'm the onion you person to. I replied a little bit
Why is everything about jews!!! I hate this board. You know you will smell, Parsley is a fucking lie!!!
tits or gtfo
>meticulously make this graph and gather sources
>stick to the ebook thing for 3 years
>gain like 20ish chest hairs
>resort to nolvadex for further estrogen decreasing
>post updated chart because of interest in other threads and no apparent solution offered
>and the...the onions came
>the onions are popular on Veeky Forums
>the onions are popular on /pol/
>its ONIONS ONIONS ONIONS everywhere
truly, not sure what, but yea truly fug.
ok to eat raw onion instead of blending it into juice?
You niggas are fucking dumb. First of all dumb because you are living by rule of memes.
Second because why the fuck werent onions already in your diet? Sandwiches salads and just with the various veggies in your day to day life.
Are fried onionsOK for increasing T or does the fact of them being fried, stop them from being effective?
i argue their onion-ness works even if they are fried,baked or whatever!!
>avoid GMO
0/10 see me after class
the study linked doesn't say shit about test, only sperm motility. where the fuck are the test increasing claims coming from?
Help! I'm an onion! Pls respond!
lmao jokes on (((them))), i just ate some raw and it was actually bretty gud.
Will we reach an age where bodybuilding becomes basically an onion-eating contest for extended periods of time until competition day?
I ate an onion, played one match of video game and my reflexes were sharper, it's not a meme.
t. soyboy
i love Veeky Forums