Now this is power. Stand back skeles
Now this is power. Stand back skeles
>not training to kick your dog/cat harder
That actually looks hard though
>how to destroy your knees
that guy is a fucking retard. watch his shit videos
>white people
lol take a good look, this is how you'll all turn out
You mock him now but wait until the race war begins and you have to face him in battle
>fat faggot will gas out after 20 steps
wow so frightening lmao
cope you stupid dicklet
Georgians are white? that's like saying greeks or turks are white
he would fuck you up, nigger
kek you done sucking his dick, pinkskin?
>haha mom i made le epic troll again
>she's upset
He and his millions of clones will act as a shield wall for our infantry
haha so mad
>n-no you!
state of pink cucks
absolutely pathetic .. lurk more
twinkcel paki geek cope
Take notice , wristlets
Devastating MOG
>being so triggered by seeing a pic of a REAL man and having so much internalized teenage angst you have to post cuck shit
yeah u pretty mad
(if you reply again you confirm it and I officially win)
this post is so embarrassing
You’re a faggot.
You stand no chance , shitskin
The bloatlord will destroy you
Woah I didn't expect two counts of mad
>responding to an obvious troll post
>not upset
choose 1 and only 1
>responding to an obvious troll post
>want to talk about bloatmaxing
>my thread gets filled with racists and brainlets getting baited
You two are literally the most immature faggots I've Ever seen
wow mad much?
baka at these geeks, they probably don't even weigh 200kg
You are a lesser human
rip hip joint
>heh spot me while I do these squats, son
>oh shit sorry son
>wuuuuiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeuuuurrrmmmm BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRUUUUMPPPFFF
>aw dagnabit shouldnta ate so much o' that bean casserole. Pause the set timer son, dads gonna need to hit the-
>s-son why are ya sniffin?
This can actually fuck up your back pretty easy if you do it carelessly
blame /pol/, they are shitting every thread
>implying this isnt amazing core obliques and hip flexors exercise + conditioning
saying that just proves you're mad
Take the fucking bait you two mad little faggot anons
grizzly haters coping
post your 8pl8 lat raises
his technique is questionable but he does have some oomph. give me three months to coach him and a couple brave sparring lads who accept being punchmogged dead into the ground for the greater good and he will rule the world
wow u mad
why are you like this
wtaf am I watching
I think its quite obvious, put it on slow motion and youll see.
pls elaborate aspie
Like I said put it on slow motion.
is that man strong because he is fat or DESPITE of it?
did this video really need to be this long? Could have been a vine.
is this how fat people do crossfit?
he's greek.
flawless technique
Powerlifting is crossfit for fat people.