>72 hours later
>still onion crazy
it pains me to see you people still acting like this
yall niggas getting memed on
I think (((they))) are just fucking with you
Onion psyop
I don't know who's fucking with who anymore.
I'm with you dude, I thought Veeky Forums was meming on everyone but now I'm not even sure. Maybe we're just meming ourselves.
so you're saying that (((they))) paid a group of researchers to lie about boosting rat test back in 2009 then replicate those results in 2014 as well as paying others to corroborate them all so that some losers on a bangladeshi crochet marae would eat more onions?
this shit
i have no idea what to believe anymore
>They still haven't taken the onionpill
We’ve taken memes too far
>we have to go deeper
How deep do we go? We got a trump into the most powerful position in the world with a cartoon frog
What’s beyond that?
Creating an entire economy based on onions or maybe turning onions into a hate symbol just to make the left look even dumber than they already do
Didn’t we already do the second part
> I feel like if we can legitimately make a meme economy this world is doomed
Its easy for me.
Even if it would work I would never eat raw onion daily. Tastes like shit and makes you smell like shit. No thanks. I rather have lower test than smell like shit
already ate plenty of onions because who the fuck doesn’t use garlic and onion in their food this is basic fucking gastronomy
what the fuck is wrong with you.
>I rather have lower test than smell like shit
It makes me believe in the eternal jew. PROTIP: Parsley, faggot.
The meme isnt about just onions. Ofcourse people use onions/garlic in food. Its about eating raw onions, daily
t. schizo
I bet onions will help your paranoid mental state too.
It's not a meme, and the media is legitimately shilling against us as we speak.
Why though? Yeah retarded bloggers will say stupid shit but it’s not like doctor oz is going to say it’s bad
>implying (((you))) aren't the psyop
Think about it, what do (((they))) have to gain from meming us? Versus, what do (((they))) gain in making it seem like onions are a meme? Also, eating onions doesn't hurt, so where is the joke? I come from a culture that casually eats raw onions alongside meals, so why would people eating a healthy product be a meme? Fucking cunt, die in a fire.
Sorry that my life isnt so pathetic that Im willing to try every dumb meme just to try and increase my test. Hoping that Ill magically become chad and my life suddenly will be amazing.
It isn't about being a chad, it's about healthmaxxxing. I want to invade the cucklands and establish the Republic of Ogranian.
Because in our current society masculinity has become synonymous with evil, men being independent is a bad thing, and men with higher testosterone tend to be right wing.
An easy way to boost test is terrible for all the candy-ass, roody-poos who want us docile and easy to control
4channers are trying to replicate the success of past media psyops (pretty good track record so far) to get leftists to melt down over dumb shit like they have with milk, pepe the frog, the a-ok hand gesture, and “It’s okay to be white”
Getting another extremely common, inoffensive, essential food item stigmatized as some sort of “racist” alt-right secret code word or whatever would be more of the same
Next task is to get antifa types to starve themselves to death.
Only feminazis think this
There is a very loud minority about this stuff, actual doctors and big media outlets( CNN, NBC, TIME) won’t say something stupid without having credibility in their sources
Maybe you're right, OP.
At the same time, an onion is just a vegetable with lots of nutritional value, it's not going to hurt anyone.
Nothing will stop me in my pursuit of gains
Onions, meteors, nothing.
>I rather have lower test than smell like shit
Look at this beta male.
Obsessing over food is pointless and a waste of energy. It really isnt that hard to eat healthy. All superfood crap is bullshit
The “cooking kills nutrients” thing is also a retarded meme that came from the raw food retards
But that’s ok, I like raw onions anyway on burgers and in salads, salsa. Topping an already cooked dish with raw garlic gives it a fresh bitter (in a good way) kick
Yes, but you need raw onions and garlic for healthmaxxing. I've already been eating shredded cabbage tossed in grass fed butter along with x amount of veggies, served with balsamic vinegar, toasted walnuts and topped with raw onion every day for a couple of months. General health, mood and energy have definitely improved.
Notice how I said "lower test" instead of "low test" bitchnigger? I had my test tested recently. Im 820 ng/dL. Which is pretty good for a natty 30 year old.
Try again faggot
Get a woman to mainline onion juce daily for a month.
Her voice isn’t going to crack and she isn’t going to turn into a man
>Obsessing over food is pointless and a waste of energy
Why are you obsessed over not eating my blacked semen then?
This, the "joke" is that you just end up being slightly healthier in general and with an expanded culinary horizon.
That's because it will only improve endogenuous testosterone production, it will obviously not raise testosterone to extra-physiological levels.
Hope this helps.
Not a retard like you
Well, if the increase is percentual like in the study that wouldn't be a big surprise. 20ng/dL times 3 is just 60ng/dL. This is not injecting test, it's increasing your natural test
This. From what I've read it basically helps us to get back to our natural testosterone levels, like the ones our ancestors had.
Really this entire fad comes down to eating healthy, something a surprising amount of Veeky Forumsizens don't do.
>not wanting even higher test levels
cant i just take those garlic pills and onion pills to get the same effect?
>onion pills
gib pls
You can but why deny yourself the delicious flavor of garlic and onion
If you can find better price per pill ratios then post them.
>Really this entire fad comes down to eating healthy, something a surprising amount of Veeky Forumsizens don't do.
To add to this, look into vitamin k2 supplementation, because lmao good fucking luck even reaching RDA with desaturated shit tier western foods. Pretty much 99% of you will in fact be functionally deficient in it.
It's their fault for falling for such a dumb meme. Looks like you can easily use the /much jews/ meme to reverse psychology autists on Veeky Forums. Enjoy your placebo effect while it lasts onionfags. You're going to be smelling like a fucking Turk for a while. HAHAHAHAHA
Have you ever had good Indian food? They thicken up the curries with whole god damn onions
>convince anons to eat a healthy vegetable
As I've said, being skeptical is one thing, but denouncing something with no prior knowledge of it is something only a complete moron would do.
Isn't there some sort of Asian fermented soy bean that contains a shit ton of k2? It's produced in your gut flora so I don't know why you would want to obtain it anyway, right?
>expecting your subhuman gut flora to adequately produce k2
>expecting to get even remotely close to RDA of phyllonquinone on western foods (pro-tip: soil depletion)
>implying our ancestors didn't receive K2 from animal fats
But yes, you can eat "natto" if you can find it, but you really basically need clinical dosages (15+mg/day) to even begin to undo the damage following decades of neglect.
>You're going to be smelling like a fucking Turk for a while
Jokes on you, I already am a Turk and eat onions often. This is why white countries are being overrun by Muslims, get ahold of yourselves.
You people are stupid. The ones who are shilling the onion meme are not denying the health benefits of eating onion daily. Its the fact that the dumbasses are willing to eat fucking raw onion daily and smell like shit 24/7 just for a chance to increase test
Which actually sums up the Veeky Forums mindset perfectly
>smell like shit 24/7
Eating my first onion. Halfway through. It feels really strange in my mouth at this point, but no reflux because I mixed the first half into a sandwich.
I eat white onions raw in salads often so this isn't that bad but honestly I don't know how someone who doesn't eat raw onions semi-regularly could go from 0 to O N I O N.
When was "onions are unhealthy" ever mentioned? You onionfags are the ones strawmanning that argument. Good luck smelling like a dirty shitskin though, people are going to avoid you like the plague. No amount of cologne's going to save you from that.
>I'm already a Turk
You heard it here folks! The fucking shitskins are the ones shilling onions. They want us to smell as bad as them!
Just chew on some peterselie, faggot.
You are the shill. It was mentioned like hundred times that certain gums and herbs help against the bad breath. You're only stinking out of your pores when you're juicing the onion.
Smell = genetics and health.
Low quality specimens smell like low quality specimens no matter how many bottles of expensive french estrogen water you dump on them
Petersilie means parsley in English.
Your going to want to rub that shit on your skin onionfag. Not that it's going to save you though. You're probably used to the scent already. Turk. HAHA
>estrogen water
>can't get women because he's smells like an disgusting Turk
>calls them all low quality specimens
COPE MORE onionfag
I'm talking about beta male incels you fucking retard. Healthmaxxing (by for example EATING ONIONS) is legit a way to IMPROVE natural body odor, as it improves both your immune system AND your hormonal profile.
Perfume was literally invented by subhumans in an attempt to mask their non-Chad scent (of course it did not work) and just like all "hygiene" and "health products" (like sunscreen etc.) it is laden with estrogenic plastic compounds.
You mean by the French?