>only get mired by teenage girls
This fucking sucks, bros
Only get mired by teenage girls
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Enjoy it while it lasts.
What kind of fucking fantasy land do you live in where this is a bad thing? Nice humble brag now post full body pics faggot
Do it for us user .
I'm getting that also. Teen girls only flirt with men for two reasons.
- Really messed up upbringing
- They feel safe to flirt with you because they believe you won't act on it; it's innocent practice
lol go for it
Brain doesn't finish developing until mid 20s. If you find girls attractive under 25 without being under 25 yourself, you're mentally challenged / pedo
u smot
I'd literally kill to be in your shoes
imagine being this indoctrinated by feminists.
It's natural to be attracted to any young woman who's ready to get pregnant.
Weak bait. Women have convinced you to be attracted to older women so you're more willing to support them when theyre finished fucking chad and want someone to support them financially
>billions of years of evolutionary pressure means mental disorders
girls usually look like full grown women when they turn 16.
is this girl even a teenager?
>I only get mires from the objectively most beautiful group of women
>not having a stable of white teenage girls you turn into heroin addicts to pimp out
fucking pussy
>looks good enuf'
Yeah, that's using some real brain power there, user. You were the idiot in ancient times that ate poison berries because they "looked good enuf'"
I only get hit on by the 80 year old ladies at work. They think im at least 50. Im 25 q.q
You're pedo if you're white. Black pedos are welcome. Cuck the nations, sandniggers.
who are you quoting, my fucking imbecilic friend?
if you are getting admired by teens, it means you are being admired by older women as well.
Teens just don't realize how obvious they are, and/or their hormones make it very difficult to resist staring.
they're emotions are on their sleeves. They don't try to hide them. adult women do. adult women look away and think "shit, I'm being creepy, don't stare too much." Or "oh man, I have a boyfriend, no reason to work myself up over another dude, just ignore him." Or "i'd go up and talk to him, but my ego dictates that he should approach me."
I do well with women of all ages. but teens are the only ones that are blatant about their adoration for you.
Oogga booga penis go where? For real though, stats actually show teenage moms make shit parents because they're kids themselves. If that's your logic, you belong in the stone age where people didn't rationalize life. We've evolved for a reason, we learned to use our head to make more informed choices- like not getting children knocked up. If you think a la caveman still, you should move to the middle East where antiquated thoughts like that still hold prevalence over scientific evidence and rationalization
you are desperate, eh?
they don't "look good enough". They look like their 25. females look like adults younger than males do. That's a fact. If you saw most 16 year old girl on a college campus, you wouldn't even realize she didn't belong there.
you're the one in denial against your human nature. I didn't say you should bang teenagers, they're not emotional mature enough to handle the stresses of a sexual relationship in general. I said it's normal and natural to be attracted to them, like any other fully developed women. We aren't attracted to brains, user.
age of consent in germany is 14. other european countries have similar ages of consent.
get your bullshit out of here.
>t. 30+ yo roastie
hear this all the time.
>ew shes too young for you
then why is she trying to get it?
condoms exist, kiddo
Lol my dude
Women are nothing but whores, their brain finishes developing by the time they're 10
And reasoning like that is why there have literally been 5 year olds who had to give birth. Just because she can get "knocked up" is the stupidest fucking excuse. I could've been knocked up at 9, I was bleeding; sure as fuck doesn't mean it's right or something you should even think about doing
>we've evolved
>we've completely changed biologically in the blip of evolutionary time since 100 years ago which is when boning teens stopped being ok thanks to suffragettes.
hey there, retard. YOu know that for most of human history, women didn't go through puberty as early as they do today? additionally, a vast majority of cultures preferred not to make their women get pregnant until about 18, because women were a resource who provided the next generation. A tribe/city/empire relied on women having babies to survive, and they wouldn't risk women and children dying during childbirth by getting them pregnant while young.
Even in the worst places in the middle east, this isn't a norm. Sure, it's more common, but people still don't want their daughters/wives/children dying without a reason.
additionally, we haven't evolved sexually. We're still the same as we've always been. we barely evolved mentally.
and your only response is "hurr durr caveman". do you think it's wrong for a 16 year old girl to have sex with a 16 year old boy? if you don't think this is wrong, than you're a hypocrite.
>girls usually look like full grown women when they turn 16.
>looks good enuf'
can't tell if this dipshit is a salty fat older woman, an emasculated numale, or just r9k diaspora
m8 i am 26 and this year i was constantly fantasizing about fucking teenage girls and then I actually found one. power of attraction. nothinng beats that smooth teenage skin and how eager they are to learn from you sexually
when i say teenage i mean 16+, ofcourse , hheehhe
What happens if you get a 16-year-old in bed but you're a 25-year-old virgin?
Depending on the girl it could either be the most humilliating night of your life, or the best night of your life
I watched a documentary on Netflix about how media sexualises younger and younger females, and in it they discussed a study that showed most men's brains have a part, a part that indicates they are seeing a potential sexual partner, that lights up when they see a female age 6 and up. It later discussed how that part lights up for every heterosexual man when they see a girl who's about 11 years old. It's just how our species works. Doesn't mean you WANT to. It doesn't mean every man is a pedophile. Our brains identify potential sexual partners for a good reason - we need to survive. Humans naturally die young, hence why in biblical times, you were considered a man at 13 and could marry, buy land, and have kids. It would be stupid to only notice potential sexual partners that were 25 and up in times of catastrophe and the population around you is all dying.
If you were stuck on an island with a bunch of 15 year olds after an apocalypse, the only humans left, and you had cancer and would be dead in 1 year, you mean to tell me you wouldn't reproduce with them?
I'm not saying to go out and bang kids. I'm just saying to approach this subject with a rational, scientific perspective and try to understand how our species works.
>they don't "look good enough". They look like their 25.
If all attractive 16 year olds looked 25, OP wouldn't have made this thread in the first place, and Pedos wouldn't need to search for underage kids. Also they're*
> females look like adults younger than males do. That's a fact.
NIfo, its not a "fact"- that fact that you think thats a fact tells me you don't know what facts are. It is true that females brains develop before males, but that doesn't mean their exterior will look more mature.
> you saw most 16 year old girl on a college campus, you wouldn't even realize she didn't belong there.
Was that even English? Are you trying to talk about plural girls, or just one? Please go learn English before trying to post
>you're the one in denial against your human nature.
AIgainst my human nature? I like cock , dumb dumb, and I sure as fuck wouldn't date one under 25
> didn't say you should bang teenagers, they're not emotional mature enough to handle the stresses of a sexual relationship in general.
There, you should've just posted that and stopped immediately after.
> I said it's normal and natural to be attracted to them, like any other fully developed women.
No, that's the point, they are literally not fully developed women
>We aren't attracted to brains, user.
Actually we are. There's plenty of studies that show that a person's personality (Aka what their brain expresses) can and does change how physically attractive people perceive you to be. That's literally how the best ltrs work. If you don't like each other for your "brains", you'll break up after the new puppy love neurotransmitter cocktail wears off, which is about 1-2 years
>get your bullshit out of here.
Right back at you. I mean you're clearly uneducated, so a lot of this may just go right over your head, unfortunately
a woman hits peak fertility at 16-18 you retard
a man hits peak test at 18-21
>t. 30+ yo roastie
hear this all the time.
>ew shes too old for you
then why is she trying to get it?
>t. 30+ yo roastie
hear this all the time.
>ew hes too old for you
then why is he trying to get it?
Do you see how little that reasoning makes sense?
That's great, but it doesn't make " she's old enough to have kids" any more of a valid excuse to be a pedo
If you're going to try to troll , at least put some effort into it; at this point the only view you're furthering is that Pedos are idiots
Since you can choose your gender at the start menu, why not all of the above?
>humanity is exactly the way it was thousands of years ago
i own a pub on a country where the legal age to drink is 18 and if the girl doesn't look like a kid its impossible to know if a girl is 15 or 18 or 20, my pub is near some schools and i've got so many fake id's from girls that looks at least 25
I was fucking my 15 year old girlfriend
yesterday and nothing you do will stop me you roastie whore.
I'm 19 and I live in Europe
>someone attracted to prepubescent children
>puberty is when girls develop secondary sexual characteristics and become fertile
>implying prepubescents are able to get pregnant
>and Pedos wouldn't need to search for underage kids.
pedos means being attracted to pre-pubescent kids. you don't even know the basic definition of the term, why should your opinion be taken seriously?
>its not a "fact"- that fact that you think thats a fact tells me you don't know what facts are.
your retarded. girls start puberty younger, stop growing younger, develop sexual characteristics younger, become fertile younger, have growth spurts younger. all of it happens earlier for females than in males. this is a fact. stop trying to argue about what a fact is to deflect away from your retardation.
>Please go learn English before trying to post
another great deflection. this is Veeky Forums. i'm glad you proof-read posts on a board as serious as this, but can't google "age girls reach puberty". I'm really proud of you, bud.
>and I sure as fuck wouldn't date one under 25
good thing we're not discussing dating, eh?
>stopped immediately after.
why? because you don't like hearing about the reality of the world around you?
>No, that's the point, they are literally not fully developed women
but they are, physically.
>There's plenty of studies that show that a person's personality (Aka what their brain expresses) can and does change how physically attractive people perceive you to be.
that's a matter of opinion. also, personalities are pretty consistent from adolescence to adulthood. just more wisdom and less energy is all. no one is like "damn, check that girl out at the bar, I bet she's a quiet introvert that likes books." or, "DAMN, LOOK AT THE PERSONALITY ON THAT CHICK!"
that doesn't happen. we're talking about attraction here, not years-long relationships or emotional bonds.
>I mean you're clearly uneducated
you don't even know what a pedophile is lol
fags are those who claim a woman isnt awoman at the age of 16, thats the point when they are at their peak
as a specie? yeah, there hasn't been any pressures on humanity that changed us in the last 5,000-10,000 years, at least. the last pressure was the agricultural revolution, which wasn't universal.
we're talking about teens here dumb roasty
messed up upbringing makes them kinky as fuck
I wish I had a 17yo fucktoy with a messed up past (I'm 26 and 16 is legal here)
I'm not attracted to their brains. Terrible logic on your part.
after 21 or so is when most girls start to become demanding joyless harpies who will withhold sex for dumb reasons
Why do you care so much about what women think of you?
Honestly I dont get it. I understand that you all want to fuck like crazy and you want someone to cuddle but why don't you turn gay or fuck traps?
Women nowdays have no fucking honor, they get everything gifted to them and you just want to do the same because somehow having sex with them is worth it. Women are not rare anyone, there are a lot of them.
I dont understand why women always get a special treatment and everyone is like "its ok because she is a girl".
I think I might simply just ignore them from today on. I cant take it anyone. The amouth of stupidity and self entitlement are so annoying. They also consistently pat on their own back about how unique and "strong" they are and at the same time they have it soooo hard.
Fuck women, honestly.
>hey there, retard.
Someone's butthurt, did I hit a nerve ?
>YOu know that for most of human history, women didn't go through puberty as early as they do today?
Yeah,same reason North Koreans are shorter than South koreans; tends to happen when you don't know when your next meal is, still happens in today's modern era
>additionally, a vast majority of cultures preferred not to make their women get pregnant until about 18
As someone who studied anthropology, that's just b.s. you pulled out of your ass
>because women were a resource who provided the next generation.
Why would that be a reason to not get pregnant until 18?
> A tribe/city/empire relied on women having babies to survive, and they wouldn't risk women and children dying during childbirth by getting them pregnant while young.
Women are less likely to die in childbirth when young, its when it comes to actually raising the children that a teenage mom ends up fucking things up, because they're children themselves.
>Even in the worst places in the middle east, this isn't a norm.
No, its quite normal for them to fuck "underaged" girls (especially from lower social standing, they are them as words to be used), I've seen many interviews with such girls
>, it's more common, but people still don't want their daughters/wives/children dying without a reason.
They'll literally stone their own daughters to death for being raped
>additionally, we haven't evolved sexually. We're still the same as we've always been.
Tell that to the full sized robotic sex doll that needed to be sent out for repairs after getting shown no mercy
>barely evolved mentally.
Again, we've gained the knowledge to visit space; you think cavemen visited space?
>and your only response is "hurr durr caveman".
Oh no it isn't
> do you think it's wrong for a 16 year old girl to have sex with a 16 year old boy?
No, theyre bith on the same page developmentally.
> you don't think this is wrong, than you're a hypocrite
Ill say it again, if you have the developmental equivalency of a 16 year old, you're retarded
Yup. This has happened.
>I watched a documentary on Netflix
You realize that's not an actual source, right? I can't believe I have to actually tell you this, like you haven't already realized?
Also if I was on a deserted island and had cancer I'd say it's time to fucking die, most of humanity is a curse upon this world and frankly really does need to be destroyed. Pedos especially
>Someone's butthurt
haha great meme, a classic
>tends to happen when you don't know when your next meal is, still happens in today's modern era
great job missing the point. You're very good at that. oh look at that, I used You're right. you gonna talk about that instead, again?
>As someone who studied anthropology
then you should've studied more. what, did you take a class, or read a book one time? As someone with a master's in history, i know more about this than someone who "studied anthropology". we all took that elective at the community college.
>Why would that be a reason to not get pregnant until 18?
THe romans are a perfect example of this. Their works survived more than most civilizations, and 18 was the stressed age for marrage. because even ancient people realized if women got pregnant younger than around 18, they were more likely to die. you don't want your women dying across your civilization.
>Women are less likely to die in childbirth when young
did you learn that garbage when you studied anthropology?
>Pregnancy is the leading cause of death for young women ages 15 through 19.
oh would you look at that
>I've seen many interviews with such girls
where? when you studied anthropology? lmao
you just posted memes. they stone them "over there"? where? there are literally over a billion people "over there", and hundreds of different cultures, and dozens of religion. but don't let me keep you from oversimplifying things.
>Tell that to the full sized robotic sex doll
you proved my point
>Again, we've gained the knowledge to visit space; you think cavemen visited space?
right, when judging how much a specie evolved, we look at the tools they used. Just like, when we discuss evolution of birds, we only look at the nests!
>same page developmentally.
so the consequences of sex changes?
A humans brain isn't fully developed until your mid 20s, retard. The "they can get knocked up so it's okay " argument has already been hashed out here, read the thread before pisting
Woah, so you're just a salty lardass aren't you?
You're only throwing a hissyfit because this thread was posted on this board, aren't you?
Fuck off back to r9k
Idk why you're yelling at me, I'm not the mentally challenged one setting themselves up for misery and chaos. Yell at your free therapist lol
How? Lmao how do you only get mires from teenage girls.
>posts before googling
Dude go Google the youngest birth mothers right now. Literally 5 year olds have been forced to give birth. You don't need to be 13+ to get knocked up
female brain never finishes developing
Move to Alabama, it's cool there.
that girl is 11
>5 year olds
Really? I thought the record was like 8-9 last I checked
>you don't even know the basic definition of the term, why should your opinion be taken seriously?
You realize some kids don't hit puberty until their late teens, riiiiiiight? Probably not, going by your current body of knowledge
>your retarded.
Oh wow, such a well thought out response;
> girls start puberty younger, stop growing younger, develop sexual characteristics younger, become fertile younger, have growth spurts younger. all of it happens earlier for females than in males.
Again, there are males and females that don't start puberty until their late teens. You want to make things black and white when the reality is puberty has a huge spectrum of development and ages
> this is a fact.
Again, you've already shown you don't know what facts are
> stop trying to argue about what a fact is to deflect away from your retardation.
I'm not going to bother arguing that piibr, you've already shown you don't know what a fact
>another great deflection.
Because you don't understand the difference between their and they are? That's some pretty basic shit dude.
>this is Veeky Forums. i'm glad you proof-read posts on a board as serious as this,
Proof reading is when you double check your own writing; me reading your post is just me trying to read your post.
>but can't google "age girls reach puberty". I'm really proud of you, bud.
You realize there's not a magical number where all girls start bleeding in unison, right? It can happen anywhere from 9-17 years old
>good thing we're not discussing dating, eh?
Unlike you I'm not whore- if I'm fucking you then im dating you
>why? because you don't like hearing about the reality of the world around you?
I was telling you that you had the right sentiment there, but you seem to want to believe in multiple realities
>but they are, physically.
No, I've said this like 10 times already; your brain doesn't develop until your mid 20s.your brain is not an intangible theory, it's a physical hunk of meat in your head
>that's a matter of opinion.
Yeah, as in people's opinions of you will change based on more than your physical exterior
> also, personalities are pretty consistent from adolescence to adulthood.
If you're the same as an adult as you were in your adolescence, you're either an underdeveloped adult or you were a highly developed adolescent.
> more wisdom and less energy is all.
If you have more wisdom, why would you not apply it to yourself?
> no one is like "damn, check that girl out at the bar, I bet she's a quiet introvert that likes books."
I've seen posts on fit like that many times actually
Personality is something you get to know over time, hence why relationships develop over time and don't magically happen overnight.
>that doesn't happen.
It does
> we're talking about attraction here, not years-long relationships or emotional bonds.
YOU'RE talking about lust , I'm talking about actual relationships that will not last unless you have a comnection that includes an attractive personality
>you don't even know what a pedophile is lol
Isn't that an ironic statement coming from the likes of you
larpers in this thread getting invested in an online argument over jailbait
I wasn't in relationship when I was in school and got my first gf only when I was 21, so I think that's why I'm attracted to teenage girls. I feel very uncomfortable because of this.
if teens find you attractive, 20something find you attractive, they are just more subtle in their mires (depending how hot you are) and more of them are in serious relationships
And Allah, most gracious, most merciful, did not reveal the Holy Quran to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) until the age of 40, as that is when a man begins to develop wisdom.
>le cherry picked exceptions means this is the norm
Dated a teenage girl up until recently and while it's fucking awesome most of the way through they eventually grow up and take off.
Are you me OP? Im utterly terrified tho cause of thr current social climate around younger girls older men. Im in my low 20s and 16 year olds mire me all the time and openly flirt with me. I have to go fuck some probably diseased whore off tinder to get my rage out. Its terrible
A free trip to prison.
>bith on the same page
>A humans brain isn't fully developed until your mid 20s, retard.
Do you even know what this fucking means you retard? It's just referring to certain nerves in the frontal cortex that have not developed all of their mylein but they still work just fine only slightly slower because they have ion channels all across the axon and not just at nodes like nerves that start with mylein.
Protip no one knows if this slightly slower speed translates to anything significant in actual behavior. It's just a nice little explination with no real backing.
Hell I don't even care about the central argument this statement just pisses me off.
Attracted to their physical body does not mean attracted to the person.
We are almost the exact same as we were 20,000 years ago. Endlessly implying is braindead.
Get used to it because they stop flirting once they graduate and start getting hit on be millions of men constantly. It’s a good thing OP.
Hebephilia is the sexual preference for early adolescent children (those roughly ages 11 to 14). Some evidence suggests that hebephilia is a distinct and discernable erotic age preference .
>why don't you turn gay or fuck traps?
Because finding a fag is difficult and also they have to be attractive and also HIV is serious and also most people are simply disgusted by fags
>tfw no underage b& gf that'll love me forever because I was her pseudo father figure and lover
It hurts
>look at this one time a 5 year old had a kid
Stop posting
There aren't that many 16 year olds in college. That's pretty rare
>>tfw no underage b& gf that'll love me forever because I was her pseudo father figure and lover
That's gonna get weird when you put a baby in her
You can't have a Daddy without a Mommy.
Why is anyone arguing with a women? Of course she'll think dating/fucking under 25 is wrong. It's her direct competition for attention. Most men prefer 16-24. That's just universal fact. Only outliers fetishist think otherwise
No it won't. My imaginary underage gf would be a great mother after growing up a bit.
Lol yes
>be at a mall, in a Starbucks
>see girls through store window looking in at me
>they start smiling and waving
>be in mall on different occasion, walking around
>group of teenage girls walks by
>start smiling and saying hi to me
>be at music festival (not a hip young one, just like a music fest for normal people)
>random teenage girl comes up to me and asks if she can give me a hug
I wish adult women were as painfully obvious about their attraction to me. I guess is right
all them (you)s
I don't like how this board is trying to normalize pedophilia.
First that german guy is treated like a hero and a celebrity and now this thread is full of guys defending the explotation of little girls.
This isn't what lifting and self-improvement is meant to be for.
you guys arent making this up, right?
its been happening to me for some years now, probably more since ive started lifting. Why is that? Girls around my age dont seem very interested. I'm 26.
What german guy? Also what happened to the user who kissed that 12 y/o then got his thread moved to /adv/?
>running martial arts thing for a school activity
>14yo girls keep trying to flirt
Shame their mires are easy mode tier
Only get mired by fatties
>What german guy?
Some dude from germany that's grooming an 11 year old redhead girl into being his girlfriend, he posts pics and updates every now and then before the thread gets killed