The golden rule: if there's no realistic full contact sparring against a resisting opponent, you're wasting your time.
Veeky Forums guide to choosing a martial art - ultimate edition
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Last paragraph you separated the and m instead of writing them.
But good graphic for sure.
Have you been in many fights outside of the gym?
this is an old infographic dude
not anymore. I'm 32 now
not sure how old it is. I created it just a few months ago
On Muay Thai- they actually regularly spar pretty light at least compared to the gyms I've trained at here in US. A lot of this has to do with the fact that many fighters have to fight every week, so no point in getting injured training. They also understand that you can spar light and get benefits from it if you respect the opponents blows. Far too often here in the states, spar light means one person just ignores light strikes and pretends they're not their so they can feel like they have an advantage. This is a waste of time bc they are tricking themselves into thinking something will work. So what ends up happening is the intensity of sparring just goes up as people get frustrated.
Also- pure muay thai gyms are less likely to be McDojo.
Krav Maga- almost all gyms are a joke, one indicator of a gym being serious at least in the U.S. is if they are Fit2Fight certified. It's kind of a bullshit belt/ranking system- but they do spar. The rank system is a combination of moneygrab + making sure sparring is safe. But...again, at least they spar- and they'll usually have bjj and muay thai classes.
Where do you put MMA in all of this? Since there are now schools that sell this.
gym where i started 2 months ago offers box and MT. i picked MT and main trainer recommended us to visit boxing classes too. box has better scheduling than mt. should i drop MT and do box? already know kicks, knees from kickboxing. elbows in theory and on heavy bag. but not even pros at the gym use elbows during sparring
do whichever you will train the most.
> but not even pros at the gym use elbows during sparring
biggest weakness of muay thai training outside of thailand. Noone knows elbows.
I don’t see people use elbows anywhere in the US. I always assumed that they’re kind of tough to incorporate into training since they slice people open. Btw the OP list is retarded. Everyone knows that boxing isn’t miraculous on its own, and that Art Jimmerson vs Royce Gracie proved what the educated few knew about striking styles vs grappling styles. A truly competent martial artist must be at least very comfortable in all phases of a fight.
Most competitive fighters will tell you bjj + boxing are the kings. Bjj and boxing classes will teach you everything you need to know before you go to the real answer of self defense which is just buying a gun.
I want to do train some material arts, but i dont want to get brain damage from getting punched in the head (my job requires brain cells), what material art has the least amount of head punching/kicking involved?
>Muay Thai
>unless you're in Thailand or Holland, odds are you're in a fucking McDojo
Anybody know a good place in Amsterdam?
Where the fuck is fujitsu? I did this for 9 years and I've never lost a fight. Black belt
Thoughts on Kyokushin? I know Shotokan is a meme
Doing HEMA would be cool as fuck, there ain't any clubs in 100km radius where I live. Hell, there ain't even fencing clubs in that same radius.
So, based on this nice infograph would it be smart to pick boxing and then move onto krav maga? 24 year old here, I found boxing interesting for a few years now and I know some of my highschool mates used to do krav maga and sometimes came to school a bit messed up from sparring, and that like six years ago. So I know sparring in krav maga is a thing where I live.
Thoughts, anyone? Boxing because I like it, and krav maga to acquire moves other than knocking out from boxing.
>the tkd school i go to is the probably one of the only non McDojangs in the US
I move out from my city a year ago. I was doing sambo for more than 2 years and I was happy....
Now I can't find sambo here and I have to do bjj... After 2 years of sambo I can kick-ass of most of the blue belts in bjj in their own game...
I miss sambo but bjj have their things too
I trained in a few places were they were doing KM. I never saw a real sparring session in KM...
Is that a meme?
boxing + wrestling
What should I do to learn how to use my legs too? I don't know anything about fighting but a good kick should be way more powerful than a punch.
Been doing SAMBO for 2.5 years now.
It's been fucking amazing.
It is, but it's slower and harder to execute.
>tfw used to train martial arts but due to health problems I can only shadow kick at the gym now
>material art
Cant do judo anymore due to pilonidal sinus and bleeding through the back of my gi pants making it look like a shit myself
Muay Thai or kickboxing probably.
If you want to mangle other people's legs, then bjj.
Judo and Krav need to be swapped and then it's a good infographic
MMA is alright. its sparring and has all elements so its good. Personally Id recommend combat sambo which is the same but with more likely better teachers
man ive trained in BJJ since 2003. I grew up with Royce as my idol. I rented those tapes back in 1995. im fkn brazilian you think i dont know BJJ is a fantastic art?
but ti DEFEND yourself in the street, boxing is best because you cant grapple or kick in bars, crowds. because BJj schools focus on BJj and not self defense. listen to Rickson as he talks about this. you dont know wtf u are talking about
Brazilian jiu jitsu. of course.
legit as fuck. its on the list. the best of the karates and has some seriously tough guys. just not A or S tier.
krav maga with no sparing is a mcdojo. get out before you die trying to use their BS techniques in real life.
In terms of Veeky Forums I'd probably put Kyokushin a bit higher
theres no reason to do kyokushin when boxing and MT are so available unless its simply what you love.
Kyokushin probably train harder than boxers desu........
>krav maga
miss me with that kike shit
do systema instead, it's a more perfected art and it's a goyim art aswell
>tfw box gym/master moved
>too far away for me to go, it's in a different city
>there's non left here, small town
>have muay thai left but the only two goat gyms are packed
>thinking of Kickboxing
is kickboxing that shitty?
never in a million years. not a chance. boxing is the most physically demanding activity i have EVER done. surfing swimming BJJ weightlifting volleyball soccer basketball climbing hiking biking yoga capoeira kung fu fkn crossfit
boxing is much harder
no chance. no chance at all.
no. depends on the gym. its better than nothing thats for sure
Kickboxing is sick
Have you ever trained kyokushin?
not him, but i've tried both boxing and kyokushin and in my experience boxing was still noticeably more demanding.
Traditional TKD has alot of hand techniques and even some throws incorporated into it, Olympic TKD is horseshit and should be avoided like the plague
Yeah , perhaps, but why did I put boxing in first place?
Not because it's the best. But because it's the only one guaranteed to work, wherever you go.
Boxing gyms will ALWAYS teach you to be competent in a fight. Always. Always. Always. Everything else is a crap shoot. Some of them are more sure things, and some are highly unlikely to ever be useful.
So Boxing + BJJ = untouchable?
did shotokan for about a year , its good as cardio and for the the discipline, but in a fight it falls short (mostly because the sparring was heavily oriented to the sport aspect), next time i train will be kyokushin or boxing and BJJ.
Not really. Look at the great MMA fighters in history. Fedor was pure combat sambo. Sakuraba was a pure catch wrestler. Chuck Liddell used kempo and wrestling. Anderson Silva used muay thai and BJJ. Ronda Rousey used primarily judo.
But for laypeople to learn to defend themselves reilably without dedicating a decade to it, I believe that boxing and BJJ are perfect, yes. So is Sambo. So is real krav maga. etc.
you still lose against a knife or a gun.
Why do clones run out the room at the end?
>boxingfags shilling this hard
Name 1(one) martial art that can beat either of those
I've been doing krav maga for a few years yet and don't have brain damage yet, except for posting here.
I don't know what's it like in other schools, but we only do full contact sparring with head protection & gloves which greatly reduces the risk of injury.
Also you obviously won't try to knock your partner out on purpose so you don't go 100% there.
I've trained with these guys a few times and they are tough as hell. The rules are rather strict and not all of it is useful in a streetfight, but you'll learn how to take some punches for sure.
If there's no sparring at all, get the hell out.
We only have one day of sparring per week for the advanced only (our beginners would obviously rather hurt themselves than really learn something) but any less than that is shit IMO.
No living in the US though.
>Boxing lol
A pro boxer would get raped by a college wrestler or a jui jitsu blue belt or even a good kickboxer. It's 1 dimensional and on its way out as a sport. Pathetic.
c'mon dude, there's no "infallible" martial art, the only thing that matters is how trained are you and your experience, i agree that boxing + BJJ is a godlike combination, but you still can get beat by a superior fighter.
it's like you didn't read the infographic.
I LITERALLY said that a BJJ guy with months of training can beat any grappling layman.
read it before you grab your pitchfork with a hand and your dick with the other
as anyone of you been in a streefight? how did you do? i was in one with a old fuck who must have been at least 30kg heavier than me, didn't do that bad but i got a few punches to the face. i couldn't beat the shit out of him though.
Did I mention boxing? Your graphic said TKD lacks hand strikes, I pointed out otherwise. Not arguing, I agree boxing would be more effective 9/10.
Wrestling is the ultimate redpill, everything else is fake, for soyboys, or turned you retarted.
yes I agree, but enjoy your brain damage.
>muay thai
Have you actually seen a Thai fight? They are literally retards standing there and trading leg kicks and body kicks, no movement at all.
You'd need to be purple belt tier to legitimately submit anyone off your back, and you won't be able to submit shit if you're not used to getting GnP'd.
Lets hope you wear a jacket, buddeh.
>Other combat sports
Not bad
>Meme Arts
They might work in ideology, but law of specificity prevents you from getting any legit practice, so no. (I'll pull my punch one inch short of your face, but just so you know, I hit you, ok?)
>But muh MMA
Yeah, have fun with your two-a-days training, I have a job and family. Takes too long to gain competency in each of the big four.
So why wrasslin'?
>Most people can't fight, and their first instinct is to overhand right
Blast double solves most of these problems, no GnP needed.
>vs strikers
this is obvious
>vs BJJ soyboys
Have fun trying to put a triangle on a wrestler while they BTFO you with punches from your "guard", a D3 mediocre wrestler can stay on top a 3-stripe purple belt in the training room with the gi on, what do think they would do if punches were allowed?
>muh 95% of fights end up on the ground tho
perhaps, but a lot of them go to the clinch before then. A lateral drop, or shuck can knock someone out. Back arch throws will render people quadriplegic.
>vs multiple opponents
You were fucked anyway, retard. Rethink your life choices.
Not in the last few years.
I've been in some situations before that, but most times I just got punched in the face and was too surprised to do anything about it or fell to the ground with my attacker and rolled around like some drunk dipshits.
I think training a martial art als improves your confidence and general presence so you're not perceived as a victim.
The situations I've been in after I started training krav maga were all resolved without violence.
It works wonders when you're not afraid of getting hit, talk to the aggressor in a calm manner and show that you're ready to go in if it comes this far.
Dude Kyokushin needs to be A tier. I did that for many years and it trains you hard for endurance and taking and delivering hits, plus fighting multiple opponents. Most actually useful martial art I've ever taken
some of this list is stupid. muay thai is great out of thailand. uk have some greatt gyms, as does the us i imagine. dutch dont really teach muay thai, its more just their style of kickboxing. i agree with boxing being the king though, i'd say maybe judo over bjj in terms of self defence but thats personal. i train bjj over judo too cus i enjoy bjj more, but dunno fighting off your back aint too smart in my opinion
How do you start boxing if you've never done it before? Do you take private lessons from an instructor?
Combat sambo doesn’t exist in the US, outside of NY and maybe California. You’re completely full of shit and I’m pretty sure you’re lying.
Youve clearly never wrestled
>boxing is hard
non wrestlers, kek
Where can you even learn wrestling after High School/Uni?
Where can I learn Nanto Koshou Ken?
In the US its fairly impossible: go to a BJJ or Judo school and ask for privates from a former wrestler. Whilst in Canada, Australia and the UK you can sometimes find a freestyle or greco club, but they are nowhere near on the level as American folkstyle - especially for self defence. Gut wrenches are silly but folkstyle rides can really fuck people up on the ground, see Ben Askren.
>boxing as highest tier
>krav maga is A
Doesn't matter what style you train
Doesn't matter how many people you are fighting at once
Doesn't matter if you train for the streets or for sports.
Doesn't matter how big or expensive your gun or knife is.
Nothing beats a well placed pipebomb.
Why waste hundreds of dollars and hours of your time with the risk of hurting yourself while you practice when you could make a pipebomb over night for about 40 bucks. All you have to do is google free pipebomb recipes, go to your kitchen or bathroom sink. Maybe go to Lowes or Wal-Mart. And you can make a device that will instill more fear and harm more people then any style, weapon or workout routine.
T. Facebook tankie
An MMA gym is your best bet. I got lucky and found a wrestling club in college, and found other wrestlers from there.
Use your epic pipebomb to defeat the #crapitalists and evil cis white males
Any activity can be made arbitrarily demanding simply by reducing rest. Even sitting becomes extremely hard if you're never allowed to walk around or lay down.
>Muh wrastling is so brutal
>new coworker tells me he's interested in martial arts
>take him to a judo sparring session so he can see what we do
>ask him what he thought
>"I hear aikido is better"
Now he's telling everyone at the office he does aikido so "they better watch out" after two weeks
Fucking disgusting
If i'm a lanklet what should I do? I just wanna be able to defend myself when people start shit at the bar or wherever
Don't be a degenerate who goes to bars
i don't go often but occasionally I get really drunk and yappy it'd be cool to be able to back it up
im 6'1 with 6'7 wingspan
what to practice to be able to defend myself at street / bar / concert
not that i go to any bars but i often go to shows and while i havent had fights(had shattered rib tho after pit, but thats mostly my fault) you never know right.
Boxing and basic wrestling/BJJ
You have a meaty reach so that'll help with boxing, wrestling/bjj to learn how to shoot a single/double takedown and learn basics of ground and pound
>be me, in uni judo club
>be squatting in gym
>see short haired qt squatting 2pl8
>the other day
>finishing up at Judo practice, Aikido (kek) trains after us
>see the qt again, she is in the Aikido club
what do
Either you cary a gun, or you're larping.
ask her if you can be her training dummy / punching bag
>tfw no gf to wrestle with on bed
M8, Nanto Suicho Ken is where it's are
Where are you faggots getting the type of money for dojos and boxing gyms
i live right by Gleason's and a couple years ago the price was 85/mo NOT INCLUDING THE TRAINER.
t. Poorfag
kek when I used to train Sambo my parents were paying $180 a month
now Im a poorfag so I train Judo for "free" with my Uni clubs
>Be poorfag
>Watch and imitate Hajime no Ippo
MMA is just what manchildren and neckbeards watch after they grow out of WWE at about 19
Most gym owners are degenerates who can't count. I went to a BJJ school for years after only paying for a few months because my professor forgot to charge.
no, you didn't
This desu. I always see neckbeards with tapout shirts even though they've never thrown a punch in their life
>not knowing how to address a BJJ teacher
proof that bjj is retard-level judo
Sorry, but this is bullshit.
It does not mention weapons at all, particularly firearms, of course. And completely discounts someone who doesn't play by your rules.
i.e. I stand up and box with you for 30 seconds, before I decide I'm bored and knee you in the testicles, before gouging your eyes, pulling you down by your hair, and biting you on the face and fingers, all while consistently hitting you in the testicles.
MA are for fancy boys who like to work out. You jocks forget that you might pick a fight with a psycho.
??? equals to "get brain damage" btw
Ask her to spar with you. When she does her shitty hand twisty thing and tries to "use your force against her" proceed to do an ippon seoi nage on her ass then chock that bitch out for being sucked into a useless "art"
>Not using ia no jutsu