when does it end
when does it end
2/3/4/5/ pl8
Next time you're in the gym load up 4 plates on bench and just drop them on your neck
>can't unrack 4 pl8
>no friend to spot
Just get a random gym member to help you
use the smith machine
>going badly with gf
>anxious friends don't really like me
Not true, man.
The ipf sent me a gf when I hit 1/2/3/4 but she was a cunt and manipulated me
I hit 2/3/5/6 a few months ago and nothing yet...
believe me, it never ends
When you man the fuck up, and by man the fuck up I mean swallow the onion pill.
how do make friend pls
>tfw only friend is gym partner
Just bite the bullet and go and find a hobby
>tfw you realized you have no friends because you are boring person and you actually do not enjoy going out
>Tfw you also realized if you are boring person you can forget about getting le gf
Same situation.
Kissless short manlet virgin with not one friend unemployed. Most days Ilay in bed doing nothing. Might do a half-assed workout. Have no food
This is not a thread that should be on Veeky Forums. This is a thread that should be on /r9k/ or /b/. I do not understand why such a thread exists on Veeky Forums, because it is not related to fitness, nor health in general.
>when does it end
When u get a gf and friends
if it makes you feel better im 6'2 with job
25 kissless virgin with no friends
Tell routine pls.
>no friends
>try to make friends through tinder
>have to actually date them otherwise they wont talk to me about stuff other than sex
If you're within 50 miles I'll be your friend to the extreme.
>Last year 0 friends 0 gf
>Now friends and gf
I want to go back
If anyone wants to be my friend lmk
how would you rate your experience with (one) gf
i was pretty close to dating one chick but i fucked shit up and i got "cucked" out of it
just wondering if im missing out
lol, why do people worry about such superficial shit? Don't care about friends or a girlfriend, just worry about yourself