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That was easy
Fuck you, petite pixie girls are cute.
wh tf doesnot shit every day?
Is below 6 inches really beta male genetics? I'm like 5.5, half an inch won't make that much of a difference.
I only shit like every 4-5 days.
Bad at math?
>Thin voice
Why not high voice?
>caring about math
Lmao what a nerd
Not so bad.
t. Beta male
The checked 95% of them Cx
m8 i think you might have a problem
lol, whatever
Only got small gyno in right pec.
Don't know if 15 inch neck is necklet
Don't know if 7.5 inch is wristlet8
not bad
I'm a little confused at some of the things:
>eyebrows are alright but blonde, so they don't look thick, just invisible
>same with all body hair except pubic
>ring finger is about same length as the index, but broader.
Yes. You can't please most women with a 5 incher. Sorry.
>everyone itt balding
Y'all are pathetic with a capital P
t. projecting baldy
Can't complain, really. I'm a bit of a facelet but that could just be dysmorphia from the lookism takeover of Veeky Forums.
this is too easy OP. you need to expand on this create a new one where 90% of posters will be beta. include things like, "plays video games" or something.
just kys and reroll bro
>he plays video games
>reading comprehension
I didn't get bingo, so I'm okay with the result.
Fuck I thought at least one of these would apply to me.
Excellent taste
>feminine pubic hair pattern
To easy
I've got none of those
I'm alpha as fuuuuuuck
How's it feel to be losing your hair faggot?
Hopped on that rogaine yet?
Feels fucking bad man
I also rarely or never get morning wood. Why do you think this is? Even when I stopped watching porn for close to a year and was only beating off 1-3 times a week it wasn't happening, what gives??
My fellow patricians.
HA, fucking nice brah, true patrician humor
backwards idiot
this desu petite girls are best
You forgot the free slot
>is white
So much this. My life partner (female) is always giving me banter about how much more masculine the average black man is compared to me. I laugh because she has such outdated and problematic views on masculinity. She has such an ironic sense of humour too... just the other day she called me 'needledick' and laughed while I was changing clothes from our yoga class. She's such a crackup! LOL
But real talk tho, black men probably are way more masculine that us white boys. It's probably why my life partner has a little 'thing' for them, haha!
p lucky
Thanks mom and dad...
Don't know if it's even worth it to fight my genes
Unironically what does this mean?
Could be way worse
Petite chicks are GOAT fuck off, bonus points if they are fit too
Also I am a necklet for sure
>Tfw only 15 inch neck
I literally match none of these. Why am I still an incel?
I always knew I was a chad
The digit ratio is genuinely a huge indicator for being a beta, everything else is just poor genetics, you can still be an alpha just not a chad.
Sorry let me rephrase that: If you have a low digit ratio yet have shitty genes, you can still be an alpha. If your digit ratio is high you are inherently a beta to your core. The reptilian and subconscious portions of your brain will always drive you to betaness.
feeling a bit attacked not gonna lie
>The Chad digit ratio
does a female version exist?
>tfw spic genes
not a single fucking one. stay mad you little faggot nerds.
my index finger is 7cm while the ring finger is 8.2cm
what does it means?
High test
gonna end myself brb
You basically tick every checkbox for low testosterone / high estrogen.
>Pale or artificially tanned skin
There's nothing wrong with being pale. I agree about the spray on tan part though.
>Short eyelashes
Why would they think that men give a shit? I've never been attracted to a woman because of her eyelashes.
Same thing with long nails. We don't fucking care.
>no beard
I pity you.
t. manlet
Damn son
My index finger is about a 1/2 cm longer than my ring finger. How fucked am I?
Is the nose/eyebrow thing related at all to test? I have a large nigger nose and candito tier eyebrows
Statistically speaking, most of you are lying about your dick. If you have a 6-inch dick and you are in a room with 1000 guys, you are bigger than 850 of them. If you have a 6" dick, you are bigger than 85% of men. Is this why you lift? Because you are so insecure about your 5 incher you bump it up to impress other anons?
>dicklet cope
hey fag I said my dick is less than 6" dont lump me in there
If I were lying about my dick I would have lied about my balding as well. No point in being anything but honest on an anonymous imageboard.
tbf on the morning wood one, i jerk off like 2-3 times a day.
My bad. I see you.
t. dicklet
i'm only 6.7x5.6 tho
considering the average is like 5.5 inches, its not exactly hard to think that a lot can have 6+ inches
>If you have a 6-inch dick and you are in a room with 1000 guys, you are bigger than 850 of them. If you have a 6" dick, you are bigger than 85% of men.
No way. I'm like 6.2 inches and I've never had a girl tell me it was big. If 6" really was the 85th percentile then SOME girl would have commented on it at this point.
Am I gonna make it?
I genuinely don't know what this means? my fingers are thin as fuck
Good digit ratio, how big is your peenor?
fuck I'm so bad at math
Yeah if you include asians, literal testosterone-free subhuman bet males like the try guys, people whose diets consist of candy and fast food, obese people whose fupa and gut engulfs their entire member, people with genetic deformities, etc.
The average human man, who plays sports, without deformities, with average intelligence and wealth, who wasn't fed poison as a child has a 6.5 to 7 inch penis.
I have a 7 inch dick which isnt much bigger and I have had several girls tell me its the biggest theyve ever seen and pretty much everyone has gold me it is big. Ive also had a few girls buck their hips to try to get me to stop when im on top because they said it hurts. I live in Korea and almost exclusively fuck asians though.
>7 inch dick isn't much bigger than a 6 inch dick
Lol, that's like a saying a 7 foot tall person isn't much taller than a 6 foot tall person.
That extra inch makes all the difference in the world if it means you can hit a girl's posterior fornix. On the average girl that is 6.5 inches deep, so a 6.5 inch dick will only barely be able to touch that on an average girl (useless) while a 7.5 inch dick will be able to hammer that and make almost every single girl CUM instantly. A 6 inch probably won't even touch that spot on 75% of women, sorry.
This picture is a good illustration, though it IS a bit of an exaggeration I will admit. You only need 7.5 or so to hit the fornix consistently, not 10 like in the picture.