Hi there.
I started going to the gym one month ago and I'm currently doing:
Pull ups
Bench press
And various exercises to strengthen and warm up the muscles. My current weight is 65 kgs and my height is 175 cm. Is there anyway I could achieve abs aesthetic mode at the same time while increasing my muscolar mass?
are you a woman?
I'm a skinny male
I'm eating, I was 60 kgs a month ago.
Wow. Good job then. Keep eating. Do some ab work. Hanging Leg/knee raises
>No girlypenis
2/10, would not suck a fart out of her ass
compound lifts with full range of motion, 9-12 reps to failure with progressive overload: bench, squat, deadlift, pull-up and overhead press. ~500 calorie surplus daily with 2g per 1kg of body mass of protein.
why are you dressed like a slut subaru-kun? Where you planning on seducing me?
s-subaru-san your nipples are s-showing
What kind of reaction will I get with this line in real life?
>stares at nearest person they know
>"What the fuck?" while smirking and implying to their friend that you're a fucking weirdo
Then they'd try and close the conversation off and laugh at you behind your back as you were walking away
Will I attract sissy gays if I get nice abs?
Is that a meme or is it actually good
no, you will attract sissy gays in bear mode
Ok, I just hope to not attract sissy bear gays since I'm kinda slim now
What are some good replacement ear pads for the superlux hd668b ?
ops, wrong thread
It's good.
You should really read Danberu.
It's very informative, even if it hypes up some of the more useless exercises a bit.
I'm 5'6'' 111 lbs.
6' 120lbs checking in.
I've gone to the gym about 22 times now.
When I go I do an hour of cardio on the Elliptical
10 minutes on 5,10,13,10,5,& 10 resistance
Currently, 6'2 220Lbs used to be around 280-290 but dropped after a diet change.
If i keep going at it with the cardio how long till i can start dropping more weight?
also any suggestions are welcome
Balance well carbo, if you are natural skinny you can eat a little bit more.
Usually the problem with abs is the fat layer over it (that is developed by wrong eating)
Dragon Flags? They're fucking awesome, the deadlift of direct ab work.
Do You Even Lift, the manga? It's pretty good.
drop cardio, lift weights.
I don't really care about muscle but more about weight loss I don't think weightlifting changes weight much
>blonde hair
Pretty hot, picked up.
>55 kilograms (I'm assuming)
>Considers that heavy
Living in Kentucky, I sometimes forget that Japanese girls are all 4'10'' and don't require a scooter to move around the Wal Mart
Idk quite what curry bread is, but it sounds amazing.
Have you ever thought of just doing some Starting Strength? It will increase your muscular mass.
While I wouldn't recommend adding any extra nonsense to the program while you are still making linear gains, roman chair sit ups are the best, and possibly only remotely useful, exercise that targets the abdominal muscles specifically.
do both. more muscles --> loose fat faster, look better, feel better
well I'll keep that in mind thank you
I have a 30lbs dumb bell i do some reps with at home i guess i could do some more lat pull downs and deltoid/pec fly stuff and so9me barbell lifts after my cardio
>I sometimes forget that Japanese girls are all 4'10''
The Japanese consider skellingtons the epitome of womanhood. Just look at their arms.
Only if you dirty bulk.