>no more net neutrality
>no more Veeky Forums
>no more fit
No more net neutrality
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thanks america
>no more Veeky Forums
now we can all go out and socialize with our friends
destroying net neutrality would be a good thing if they broke up the regional monopolies
debate this
they won't break up the monopolies
I don't give a shit. The less people on the Internet, the better. That will perhaps get some people off their fucking phones all the time.
shoo shoo
the entire purpose of the internet was to create a more expensive version of cable tv where you pay a premium for each "app" like channel along with a subscription to "app tv" aka internet access itself and to make it easier for you to buy products directly from the advertisements they force you to watch through the internet. the whole idea of this glorious free and open knowledge contribution hub known as the internet was just a ploy to get you to beta test tv 2.0
the truth is you live in a reality where all the bad decisions are made while everyone else gets to enjoy the correct decisions in a parallel universe because you're a cuck and you know it.
What friends?
Agreed but there's no way in fuck those massive telecom hegemonies are getting broken up.
Just look at the direction rail road infrastructure took. There went from there being like 30 networks and now the US has like 3.
Due to the free market or government intervention?
Nah internet developed into this after computers became more mainstream. The last nail in the coffin was the rise of smartphones. Also i hate that everything is called an app these days. Nowadays every run of the mill computer program is called an app, shit annoys me for no reason.
I think i'm getting old.
"schlomo" would want as many people on the internet as possible ya dingus
It literally benefits me as a consumer in no way. It just paves the way for more assfuckery.
Only reason this is happening is because of the massive amount of lobbying so they can make that money back. Guess how they'll make the money back?
paying extra fees and service charges* yes which is exactly why they want to repeal nn
wtf i hate america now!
to interfering with the gov, they've pushed a ton of laws allowing local monopolies. they'd never let that change
Free market won't fix it. There's no profit motive to reduce the hegemonies. Getting the gov to artificially fracture them would be the "socialism" anti-NNers are winning about.
doesn't matter. if they don't get money out of making you to pay access to websites, they'll get their money by selling your information and usage habits and sending you ads. the internet is a pathetic piece of shit and i wonder why i still even use it. hell, why most people even use it...
Doesn't matter if there is a relative monopoly if it was created through superior services in the fred market
Well to bad it wasn't created by having superior service.
Dude, do you have any idea how much initial money you need to make a competitive ISP???
If one isp said they were not going to change prices, then surely everyone signs up with them and they make heaps of cash.
>oh look the latest dragon dildo is out just click this behavior based advertisement, your payment info is already linked and the product will be shipped directly to you door. also subscribe to the new Veeky Forums app for only $50 a month and don't forget to upgrade your internet speeds to unlimited for faster better access to your app channels!
Why won't Americans accept some "socialist" measures are the best for the majority? What the fuck. They are blinded by the tribalist hate-the-other-side
>ywn live in a world where Veeky Forums has its own dedicated ISP that guarantees 100mbs connections to Veeky Forums and your other favorite boards
What's the point? Making it is functionally impossible from here on out.
It's fairly cheap in the Fred market
No. Even in a free market, nobody is going to lay thousands of miles of underground wire for you for free.
sing it with me boys
>"schlomo" would want as many people on the internet as possible ya dingus
You ever hear about the Internet Asifa?
Those Hasids are a wily bunch.
good maybe that'll stop me from coming here and
searching for a sign from her
Because things like free/cheap healthcare and tuition get lumped together with shit like IdPol and NorK sympathy. So since the decision usually comes down to either all of one side or all of the other side, they err on the side of not getting sold to Ding Dong Gook and his merry nation of labor camps.
Americans are remarkably susceptible to buzzword rhetoric. The GOP can simply label any government imposition on anything "socialist" and the measure will INSTANTLY have around 80 million rural fuckwits rabidly opposing it.
The Cold War did serious damage to our collective critical thinking skills.
Certain social programs are bullshit but you have idiots thinking that the government steeping in to say, get lead out of drinking water to be "overstepping".
>tfw uk lad
>tfw leaving eu (which has net neutrality protected)
>tfw if us kills net neutrality, uk will likely follow soon after
Explain burger.
Correct me if I am wrong, but I'm pretty sure Net Neutrality is about keeping ISP's from charging websites (like Veeky Forums.org, cnn.com, Wikipedia, Fox News) different fees for the speeds at which consumers (such as ourselves) can access the internet.
For example, Comcast could charge Veeky Forums more to have faster upload speeds. If Veeky Forums could not pay that amount, upload speeds would be limited, and less people would use this site and probably transfer to Reddit, etc.
The problem is that it decreases the type of information that people will be able to attain. So megarich corporations can push out competitors who may have a better product or who have a differing opinion. It's like having to pay more to speak louder.
Is this real? Thats absolutely sickening.
Where is this from?
pepper your angus lads
This is for phones in Portugal mainly for work phones
and they can charge you more to access certain sites
and they can block you from accessing different sites, like degenerate places like Veeky Forums or any torrent site
Why are people saying Veeky Forums is going away with the end of net neutrality? Is it just fear mongering/ignorant people or is it an actual possibility with this?
it will be the end of free internet as you know it
fucking corrupt pieces of shit
As sensible as saying eating McDonalds would be good if they made the food healthy
Yes I know what it entails. Based on what I've read, it means companies can possibly charge you for cable like internet packages which could possibly affect internet speeds and what you can/'t see. I just don't know why that means the end of sites like Veeky Forums. Could be wrong and there might be cause for legit worry, but it just sounds like the same worst case scenario fear mongering that political parties have been using as a persuasion tactic recently.
You know nothing about America. When this was first an issue everyone wrote letters to the government saying they disapproved. The stuff that makes them money is the stuff we don't get a say in. But yeah this is my fault for being a republican and voting where my interests and values lie. Sure, don't blame the politicians or the media, blame the people who just go about their daily lives trying to figure out how to vote in a way that preserves their way of life in a broken system.
In a ton of American cities, you only have access to one ISP. There is no freedom of choice; it's why the
>hurrr free market
argument doesn't make any sense
>Net Neutrality is about keeping ISP's from charging websites (like Veeky Forums.org, cnn.com, Wikipedia, Fox News) different fees for the speeds at which consumers (such as ourselves) can access the internet.
not only that, but without NN they could also charge consumers more to access certain sites (i.e. "pay an extra 8.99/month to access the forum package ft. sites like reddit, Veeky Forums, [what the fuck other forums even exist?] etc.)
Ireland is just across the water. You know you want to move to the better island.
Yes, because breaking free from massive indoctrination is definitely would schlomo would want. Your larping is cringy.
I'd tell you to go back to /pol/, but you're too retarded even by their standards. Probably /r/Veeky Forums or something.
this is about 90% true
this is tribal loyalty
I lean republican, but I'm not fucking blind.
Hey man, I think most Democratic policies suck too. But the polls show that it's mostly Republicans backing NN repeal (without an ISP break up plan) so in this case, they're the dummies. I voted Trump. I am very aware that most good people are (if forced to choose) Republican but most Republicans aren't good people.
I'm a telecommunications engineer and shit like this makes my blood boil. I mean if this would happen where I am, I don't know what I'd do.
Though I'd like to think that I would not go gently into that good night...
Did you read my post? Le Cletus didn't do away with net neutrality, congress did. Why are we responsible for their corruption? Do you think if we voted for Hillary and democratic senators, that things would have turned out any differently?
Hello fellow spudmonkey!
Free market capitalism basically means everything in your life is pay to win and launch day DLC
Stalin did nothing wrong
Yeah, plain and simple. It's been a partisan issue since the 2011 vote for Net Neutrality laws were voted on.
Republicans in the house voted 2 for NN; 234 against. Democrats voted 177 for; 6 against. That's clear as fucking day, my man.
Source: govtrack [dot] us/congress/votes/112-2011/h252
govtrack [dot] us/congress/votes/112-2011/s200
Since then it has always been partisan, voting republican here is voting against our interest.
I don't want to make this a /pol/ thread, and again, I lean republican and we probably agree on most things. I just want to point out that in this case, this is definitely tribal loyalty and we are supporting corruption with our vote. Plain and simple
Will europoors get lootboxed too?
I'm too poor for this
I knew this i fucking knew this
>no more fit
Thank God!!!!!
Shut the fuck up you pile of puke!
>[what the fuck other forums even exist?]
Is SomethingAwful still around?
This is the future you chose, America. Good fucking job.
Use google
Question was rhetorical, but thanks mein kumpel. If I miraculously develop the capacity to give a wolverine's right testicle about answering the question, I'll be sure to use google.
Shut up you autistic loser. I want to stab you in the face over and over until you are huddled in a corner crying ,then i want to kick you in the face for good measure.
>muh no more internet
boo fucking hoo, maybe you'll join the real world now
America truly sucks dick doesn't it
It's just rich people trying to find new ways of getting richer without giving a fuck about anybody or anything.
I mean most places are similar but in America they don't even try and hide what they are doing
>"you autistic loser"
>that whirling dervish of pure SpergRage
please get back to your containment board before you hurt yourself, son.
>That's where you are from. STOP deflecting. Im going to break your back and piss on your broken body.