so, who or what started this onion meme?
So, who or what started this onion meme?
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Veeky Forums did
They saw a research article about rats eating onion extract and how it increased test levels by 300%, so now they assume the same will happen to them
Onion Lord and me. It was already known by 09, but shit's still raw.
>they assume
t. low test soyfemboy
Rats share 98% of their DNA with humans. The endocrine system is very similar and they are the standard test objects for drug evaluations. It's usually first them and then humans.
There’s no research on human subjects
Fair enough, I don’t want to jump the gun on this meme yet until they use human subjects
I posted somd research from Iran which showed that onions increased the testosterone in mice by 300%
There is now, Veeky Forumsizens are the test subjects. The results dont look promising.
We are already on the way to make our own case studies.
Welcome Onion Lord, nice to meet you again.
>mfw I tried to start the onion meme couple months back by posting a picture of an onion with the saying "I eat one whole RAW onion a day."
Didn't even catch on, fuckers.
I made a post about onions increasing test in mice and now it's all over the place
I remember that post 2bh
I'd been thinking about it all day
Someone post the study. I need to see this for myself. I saw this posted on /pol/ a couple days ago and just assumed it was /leftypol/ trying to fuck with us.
There is an increase in test levels, but looking at this board autism levels also increased proportionally.
I either except guys here to have test levels of 900+ or people have some health problems involving onions
At least someone appreciates it.
The study says that test increased in all groups whether they got onion juice or not. Only unique thing was increase sperm count
My fiancée used to eat onions raw like apples when she was a kid.
Makes me shudder to think about.
Nah, it was me. I'm just a math student. It's funny how everything turned out to be. Onions are the masterrace veggie.
Surely eating the onion raw would make it less digestible.
What possible advantage would there be if they were raw.
What did the other control group get?
The mice were dead within a week
lol no. The testosterone increased the most at 1g of onion juice per kg. The control group increased their testosterone levels only marginally.
At least they became soymen
You're both talking out of your ass and citing different studies.
>citing different studies
I don't see any links to accredited journals in either post m8
Google it then, sourcefag. Don't expect us to provide official sources.
>Google it then
If I gave a squirrel's middle-left tit, I would. Thanks though, mein kumpel.
Why not onions are great in ommlets salads burgers practically every meal is better with garlic and onion. its win win either way
>Serum total testosterone significantly increased in all the test groups (p < 0.05), and levels of LH significantly increased only in the group that received the high dose of fresh onion juice (p < 0.05), but the level of FSH did not differ between the experimental and control groups. The percentage of sperm viability and motility in both test groups significantly increased (p < 0.05), but the sperm concentration significantly increased only in the group that received the high dose of freshly extracted onion juice (p < 0.05).
>Serum total testosterone significantly increased in all the test groups
it will happen, us gymrats and labrats are brothers in arms against jewish pharma. shame it took so long for people to realize this
So the onions had no effect on testosterone then
>10 rats in each treatment group
>no confidence intervals shown
>performed in some lab in the middle of Iran
>didn't measure serum testosterone
Yeah this study is complete shit. The methodology doesn't even show how they randomised the rats. This study wouldn't be hard to perform on a group of men either, it would be a bit more expensive but there wouldn't be any ethical issues.
I don't know if this is a dumb question but why did they test it on rats when humans can eat onions anyway?
They thought people wouldn't want to do it. What they didn't realize is that people on Veeky Forums will try anything if you tell them it will increase their testosterone.
reminds me of this