Hey, Veeky Forums. What inspired you to start bettering yourself? For me, it was Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. Just seeing those dudes working out or just looking fit made me want to be like that.
>inb4 called a weeaboo faggot
How You Started Lifting/Working Out
I had too much time, and I didn’t have fun playing vidya anymore so I decided to try working out
Interesting. Boredom sure can make a person do strange things.
same here
fucking jojo man
Eyyyy. Was it a particular character or all of them?
Not a particular character, just seeing everyone aesthetic and swole as fuck made me want to get into lifting. I got my gym membership halfway through Phantom Blood.
Nice. Same here. I started watching my eating habits since I couldn't go to the gym. Jonathan is just the swollest motherfucker out there, man. His training made me want to start, and Joseph just pushed me more.
Not being motivated by based broheim
Pfft. More like
>not being motivated by Pillar Men proportions
>although desu Wamuu is the best of the three aesthetically
True, though. Swole and a fine warrior.
Spider-Man. Helping others expecting nothing in return. Being funny, center of attention, and yet Peter gets no fame off of it. You can't help anyone if you aren't strong enough to.
I started getting Veeky Forums because I want to pull off a big boss/Venom snake cosplay. I really want to be as beefy as him.
>think von stronheim is going to be generic badguy at beginning
>turns out to be my favorite character in season 1
that was weird
Do it for speedwagon
I want speedwagon to stop a bunch of thugs from killing me by telling them that im a true gentleman
Started with boku no hero and dekus workout same with one punch man. Stayed because of JoJo & fist of the north star
Yeah. A lot of people do that for Jojo cosplay, too. The staple of the series are buff men, so it's hard to cosplay if you're fat/skinny.
Hell yeah, man. Speedwagon is best Jojo.
Life basically, hated the skelly arms and every minute i spent on useless games. I basically exercise out of hatred of other things instead of the love for exercise, if that makes any sense.
Nice choice. Along with the gains, personality gains like Peter will make you a cool and great person.
Yeah it would. I'm like Peter but suicidal and also I hate myself.
Do you have a therapist? You should seek help, friend.
I do. Thanks for not giving me the typical Veeky Forums response. Making mental gains is my main priority right now. Thanks Pete, this one's for you.
Well, whatever hardship you're going through, just know it that the hard times pass. I used to be far more depressed than I am now, but after working on it, I realized that people believe good times are a default state. If you believe that bad and good times are different states of life, life gets better knowing that bad times end and when the bad times come again, you can prepare for them or use past experiences/coping methods to push forward. Just some advice, bud.
I really liked the witcher 3 so my goal body is pic related.
Also read 4 witcher books.
Also when i finish writing my book, i want forearms big enough so that i can have a tattoo my main character has, assuming my book gets published that is.
>17yo, chubby closet gay
>played vidya all day long to distract myself from depression
>visit paris in summer-holidays with family
>last evening of our vacation
>eat dinner at french McDonalds as a 'last day' meme
>see group of chaddish guys at table next to ours having a good time
>two of them lean in and kiss each other openly
back in germany i instantly changed my diet, started doing intense daily cardio (with a fucking stair stepper machine at home) and lost around 40lbs in the following 4 months
got my gym membership close after
>dad makes me play sports for most of my childhood
>makes me do the after-school weight lifting program during high school
>8 years later I discover Veeky Forums
Goals, man. Keep on going. What's the book about?
>watch Free!
>thin "hey I have some dumbbells and I live on a fuckin island, why arent I as good looking as those gay fucks"
>still have Gou as my waifu, 3 years now
>also became bi during that tho
i can get your book published boyo
drop your steam so we can talk
Well I’ve always been the fat one of my 2 brothers, decided I didn’t want to be the fat one anymore considering I’m the oldest. Already lost 30 lbs so feels fucking good, 20 more to go. And now I lift because it makes me feel alive. I like the pain.
Nice. What's your work out routine? Did you lose weight first then lift?
dark fantasy very witcher like.
About a monk traveling and helping people, it's dark fantasy as well so there's obviously monsters, for example my first monster he encounters is a priest who is actually a greedy demon(i will think of a name later, at first he was supposed to be a satyr because he can kinda use magic but i decided i'll try to create monsters of my own so he's gonna be some fat grotesque dude, has his own lair to which my main character will go soon enough).
i doubt that, i write in my native language, but thanks.
it's currently 1 am here so i doubt our timezones are the same but you can still add me.
i mean the demon can go from human to demon at will, i depicted him as a fat cunt with a scepter and lots of rings on his hands to simbolize his greediness and he also rules the city so i gave him the scepter.
The tattoo i was talking about would be someting like pic related but with crumbling tusks and horns symbolizing his change since when he was younger he was a bad person, went raping and pillaging and stuff like that.
I like mythologies so the book will have a lot of stuff from all the mythologies, but i will try to be original with the monsters most of the time.
does Veeky Forums have a higher percentage of fags than irl or do I just not know theres so many fags out there
Watching pro wrestling as a kid, I wanted to look like them. Don't judge me.
Veeky Forums, like Tumblr, just has a higher percentage of fags.
No judging about body goals here, man. You're saying that to a person that wants to look like an anime character.
That's cool, man. Keep it up!
>tfw will never be as massive as JoJo
Why even live?
you used the wrong pic bro
I also started working out because of JoJo and listen to the Awaken Pillar Men theme song exclusively when working out.
EXACTLY. But you can strive to be like them.
Same. That song just A W A K E N S your inner Pillar Man.
Ironically JoJo, the anime and the manga, was the begining of my "normiefication" FROM a useless fat weabo with social anxiety who spended his money on games, trash food and drugs TO a slightly fat (30kg less) social normie who spend his money on clothes, social meetings and gas.
wow wtf i didnt know everyone on fit was an anime fag like me i started because in 2014 i moved to maryland from PA and wanted to change but i only kept working out cause i watched anime while i lifted
Finally! Someone who doesn't think it's weeb trash!
Practically everyone on Veeky Forums watches anime, bro.
sorry im new around here
Same, actually.
>inb4 called newfags
Fucking newfags, you need to go back.
Aaaaaaand there it is.
High School PE only became fun after the instructor opened our gym Junior year to regular students. Before that all I wanted to do was parkour and shit, but the gym became the 'focus' area. Easy to stimulate endorphin production if you ignore the usual assholes in your class. Lifting however should stay a secondary pursuit.
Don't listen to these faggot weebs. I've been here since 2010 and the last anime I watched was DBZ in grade school
I work out and got into makeup+fashion+beauty just to pull off better cosplay.
got tired of my tits jiggling in the car
which one of you fags is samefagging, but honestly just trying to be as big as the pillar men
No one will ever tell, but good luck, brother.
>Someone is as crazy as me
It's Veeky Forums, We all do autistic shit like this
>season 1
season 1 is 9 episodes with Dio, then the rest is his grandson and the pillar men
I kept getting pushed around in the clinch by a dude who weighed 20lbs more than me. I probably weigh more than him now, and its all muscle.
Just so you don't get hit by more mad fags.
Phantom blood with dio is referred to as part 1
Battle tendency with broseph is referred to as part two because in the manga they are split by part.
why does everyone seem to hate Jotaro? He's a loveable autist
I wanted to become dio
It was mostly JJBA for me too
Yo same
I got sent to a 'therapeutic boarding school' after getting kicked out of high school freshman year. Drugs and problems and stuff. I was severely depressed and planned to kill myself.
When I got there I learned to lift. At 15-16 I really wasnt hormonally developed enough to gain a ton of muscle but I got thicc and I loved it. When I got back I didnt really lift much the next couple years. Did throughout college but I was always drinking/drugging so I never really made progress. Plus shit diet.
When I graduated I got back to it. I lifted hard and looked good. Then there was a slip up, had to move home, got depressed, lost my ex, then I REALLY hit it hard.
Now I lift every day with her on my mind. Im in the best shape of my life. I have frequent one night stands. Im in an amazing grad program with great job prospects and have a ton of friends who legit love me.
But I still miss her. And hate myself for everything Ive messed up. So I life in spite of myself and in spite of her. I like having a chip on my shoulder.
>Hey, Veeky Forums. What inspired you to start bettering yourself?
A massive dose of 8 grams of mushrooms.
Losing weight and lifting at the same time. Started August of this year, routine has changed once since I started so I don’t think that’s a huge factor. Change in eating habits had everything to do with it.
To answer the question I did 5/3/1 for 2 months and now on a PHUL.
Not natty you cant
Welcome friends. Join us in our homosexual fitness larp. I hope you get something out of this fucked up cesspool.
Newfags are welcome here, just try not to shit up threads with meme questions. Most are shit anyway but still.
First girlfriend broke up with me and I used that to “get back at her” by going to gym and eventually turned it into my hobby that I love and can’t go a few days without doing some active shit
>still reading capeshit Jew propaganda where they've turned all your heroes into niggers in recent years
Your mistake was calling them by the seasons. Thats not how you mention what story in JoJo you were talking about, mention the Part.
I started watching a lot of Broscience on youtube because my friends did and I wanted to be part of the memes
I was just tired to be the chubby awkward virgin guy.
I want to see my abs once in my life and I want to have plenty of sex with plenty of cute girls and being affective is a prerequisite to that.
Elder bro was always known as the BIG GUY and he showed me the ropes in a shitty ghetto-ass gym.
Now I outlift him, but still feel small.
I was a fucking loser and needed to get some better habits to turn my life around. It kind of worked.