> Start doing the onion meme
> Get gas that belongs in shrek's swamp and start shitting myself.
Thanks Veeky Forums
> Start doing the onion meme
> Get gas that belongs in shrek's swamp and start shitting myself.
Thanks Veeky Forums
Only whites can eat onions, you spacker
>start doing the onion meme
>have to cut up an onion for the first time in my life
>crying my eyes out the entire tine
>end up getting about half a bowl of onions
>mix it with some shit and eat it
>absolutely disgusting
I hope its all worth it in the end.
How long are you guys gonna last? Is anyone gonna do some before and after bloodwork?
>falling for Veeky Forums memes
I bet you were water fasting as well.
You were saying?
I've been doing it for a while now. 2 red onions in a bit of lemon juice a day
I've got more energy and I feel it especially when lifting, my voice is deeper, clearer and louder and I've become a bit of a prick without meaning to be
Why would a woman want higher test?
Offically ex-fatty here
the last 6,6g before having an non overweight bmi I did on water-fasting.
The first comments I got IRL was about my weight loss, few days later how muscular I got...
Idk you would have to ask your girl why she likes swallowing my load more than yours.
With those hands and digit ratio it looks like you are the one chugging loads, my friend
I've tried checking the digit ratio of gay guys and lesbian girls that I know and the digit ratio literally always matches
Los test hands
my sister's ring finger is longer than her index finger but she isn't a lesbian, but she is very strong with broad shoulders and she would beat all her male classmates in arm-wrestling
Mine is still digesting, I just need a better way to eat them and spread it out throughout the day.
>tfw you have a FWHR of 1.95 and a digit ratio of 0.93
My index finger is shorter than my ring though, nice attempt kid heh
You are like a little baby
Watch this
tell us a scary story, manlet skelly.
Not skelly. Just hideous hands
this was a /leftypol/ psyop
Propably. You can tell he's a leftie by the looks of """"his"""" hands
>that index and ring finger
t. genetic soyboy
What a retard. Even jews could eat onions.