now the test boosting effects of onions are understood steroids are redundant and we can replace /fraud/ with /onion/ general.
/onion/ general
Other urls found in this thread:
I've been injecting onions alongside my test for weeks now
why is the whole board talking about onions?
Why are you not talking about onions bro?
>tfw onionmasterrace
Onions give high test, persian scientists found
I mean, its probably a fucking meme, a spicy one at that, but what if its real?
>Iran rediscovers the ancient Aryan wisdom of the onion
>Reawakens the Aryan spirit flowing in the blood of all trve Aryan men
>Inadvertently ushers in the era of the Ogre
Ty based persian bros
I told you yesterday to shut the fuck up. I;m telling you again. SHUT THE FUCK UP. I will smash you into Pulp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
raw red onions are actually really nice though
raw onion on things like poppadoms are amazing
>why is the whole board talking about onions?
because they are a bunch of faggots who think they are on to some type of miracle test booster,
protip: they arent and they are retarted
>Stop eating onio-
Can you redpill me on onions? I’ve been away for a week and everyone is talking about them now ...
its a current meme
nothing wrong with onions and they are healthy for you, not some miracle food though lol
>nothing wrong with onions and they are healthy for you, not some miracle food though lol
well its a more useful meme to push than when Veeky Forums tried to make people chlorine gas themselves so ill give it a pass
It’s fun to see so much of Veeky Forums go so bananas over a trend so quickly.
I wonder how all the antisemitism fits in though, it seems unrelated.
(((They))) dont like masculinity
Some jews wrote negative articles about onioneers
I agree. You have a good point there.
So I just finished half of a 249g onion that I pureed with a tomato, worchestershire sauce. Gagged at first but neutral towards end. Puree texture was slushy and aweful but I think there is a way to make a tasty homemade onion V8. Will refine this recipe over the coming days, going to keep the onion at 1 -1.5 g/kg. It's really not that much to get down at least, I've had worse protein shake mixes..
Cheese and onion sam witches are nice too
Iran discovered the power of onions and shared it with the West in order to make white male stronger and thus weakening the zionists.
I've been eating a lot of it raw for 3 days.
My experience so far:
>better eyesight
>eyes look better
>my old huge acne scar on neck got smaller
>strong erections
>random erections through the day (feel young again)
>more energy (i can do 3-4 pull ups now, couldn't do even 1 before)
>better sleep with vivid dreams (lots erotic scenarios, including anime girls)
>mouth feels very clean, tongue looks pink and healthy now
>less brain fog and longer attention span (watched anime for more than 3 hours today in one sit compared to max 1 hour before)
>my nose picks much more smells than before
>better mood (laugh more often)
>better muscle definition
>i smell of onions
>i fart a lot
>my stomach makes a lot of weird sounds
>shitting became somewhat inconsistent
I'm glad I fell for this meme.
I fucking love onions I wonder if it has made me high T. Never been tested before.
Anyone have links to the "Soy turns you into a pussy" study?
so I put a shit ton of chopped onions in some of my soup the other night, woke up feeling really really good but the feeling didn't last (assumingly because i've stopped eating mass amounts of onions, or placebo stopped). The only reason I haven't resumed my onion consumption is because i'm fuckin terrified of onion toxicity/anemia. found this article and it bugged me out, scroll down to where the title says Onion Toxicity: Onions Sicken And Kill:
>Be careful my fellow /onion/bros
>His mother died when he was 13 and since his father wasn't much of a cook, the boy was frequently hungry. To supplement his unappetizing meals, he would take breaks during his farm chores to eat onions.
>"I didn't like them raw at first, but after awhile they started tasting great," he told me when I informed him that I found the taste of onions to be sickening.
>Although he didn't connect it to the onions, he became increasingly pale and weak over the course of a few months until one day he collapsed while doing his chores.
It took him months to have any serious side effect, moral of the story just cycle onions and you will be fine
>Just cycle onions
This is still scary as fuck, but I guess I can't stop now
Iranians are Aryans, just a different breed of Aryan whose Aryan culture was robbed from them by Islam. Some of them are still based though.
Obviously you can have too much of a good thing.
I'd start a cycle of 6-8 a day of Whites, or do two less and add Reds. Reds have less sides but are less potent.
Only cycle for 10-12 weeks. I know people say you can blast and cruise but it's not without risks.
I wouldn't mess with Vidalia, leeks, garlic, or Pearl until you know what you're doing.
Shallots are not worth it IMO.
Just so you know, Rich was running 18 shallots a day when he died. I bet that did it.
They say they found 280lbs of onions in his basement.
>6-8 a day
You mean 6-8 full onions? I'll just stick to one or two onions and cycle them out when I'm fasting. Where did you hear red onions are less potent?
This is some solid bait, not even gonna lie
Too much of anything can end up bad, this guy was eating onions during his farm breaks, and we dont know exact amount of onions.
There are cases of people having vitamin overdoses, water overdoses etc.
Does that mean those things are bad? no.
Eating onion or 2 a day won't do you any harm.
this is the inspiration.
I need the greek statue aesthetics
They have more Aryan culture than any German christcuck does
What about my breath?
You won't smell if you eat onions with other food. Or in sandwiches.
Looks like onions made you delusional as well.
Just blended half an onion with one clove of garlic and a teaspoon of turmeric. Tastes like shit, instant nausea, sweating and increased heart rate. Am I gonna die or is this just my body making gainz?
I spent all night dreaming of pussy and woke up with rock hard erections like three times
Onion eating old fag here. Been on the raw onions for almost 20 years. Leaned a few combo that make it easier.
>1 Cup of melted Cheese wiz + 1 Cup Chopped onion mixed in a bowl
>1Cup peanut butter and 1Cup chopped onion mixed in a bowl (My personal favorite)
> sliced raw onion with sprinkles of crushed Captain Crunch cereal.
> Diced onion + 1 cup fresh lemon juice + 2 tablespoons of nutmeg. Let soak over night, have with toast in the morning
> 1 Cup of boiled cabbage, cooled + 1 cup chopped onion. Blend together until smooth drink before bed
A Lot of these ingredients work symbiotically with the onion to enhance the natural onion benefits. I have a lot more if anyone interested.
Ty, the knowledge of the ancients is always appreciated!
This shit is so fucking spicy. I ate half of a large onion, I'm done, going to fucking bed. My stomach feels like a warzone. Does that mean it's working? Will report on my affects tomorrow
Post more. Will definitely try peanut butter and captain crunch
I've been away from Veeky Forums for a few months. Did this replace sips?
also roll for pushups
damn natties might actually be the dumbest people on the planet
>that first onion of the day
u about 2 go hulk mode nigga
Shit, that makes too much sense.
bye bye Israel
>protip: they arent and they are retarted
where do you guys usually buy your onions? grocery stores? farmers' markets? grow your own?
no source talk
>Work as an order filler at a grocery distribution center
>My headset tells me to pick 26 fucking boxes full of onions
What have you autists done?
(pic unrelated)
Would onions have the same test-boosting effect if they were put raw into a sauce e.g. pico de gallo?
i leave for one week to come back to this shit. What did I miss, quick rundown please.
I’ve been on raw onions before some of you fags where born. Back in my day we never needed to cycle or cared if it was white or red. I do remember some serious gain off pearls though out of Mexico. We Just made sure we were eating our supporting sups and boiled cabbage juice.
Man do I wish I could fined those pearls again though. They don’t grow them like they use to.
>everyone starts taking onions for muh gains
>starts smelling repulsively
>oy vey, m-more womyns for us, right juden?
>where do you guys usually buy your onions?
dark web
g-guys, my cum tastes like onions now.
Guys, just bought these. Which color was gains? What color did the rats eat?
Not sure which one was gains
White is the master-race choice, you stay pure but the gains are less than red would give you.
Red will get you ripped, but beware the danger.
Yellow is shit-tier.
What is the danger with red onions? Why is yellow shit tier? I need to know now so I can eat one before bed.
Just ate half of a red onion like an apple, what can I expect?
I think It was a /pol/ psyop
a form in the mail to turn in your natty card
red is spicy as fuck, and will make you stink the most, but is the most nutritious
I already eat raw garlic and that shit burns hotter than any peppers I've ever tasted. Are red onions the best gains?
Yes. I actually find the garlic to be more tolerable than the red onion though. I'm doing both.
Does cooking the onion do any harm to my T gains or do I have to eat it raw?
What if you combine sips with onions? Should you stick to the same color onion and sip?
Have you noticed anything from just the garlic alone? I ate a whole bulb raw last night and my balls are tingly.
gotta eat it raw. Wish cooked worked as well since it smells less and is easier to eat.
the rat study where all the onionposting stemmed from they specified raw
Unfortunately no, I started garlic at the same time as onions.
Can you give me a quick run down of your experiences? Onions per day, gains, how long you've been doing onions, ect. I've always disliked onions since I was a kid but I'll post a pic of my red onion after a few bites.
One of the best Virgin vs Chad ive seen yet.
Any recommended ways of eating it besides biting a chunk of it like an apple? (Which I already did)
Any gourmet plates or some shit?
memes aside, tuna goes extremely well with raw onions
Hemmingway Sandwich is my favorite so far. Peanut butter, onion, pepper on rye/wheat. I also do pork, onions, barbeque sauce in a sandwich. otherwise, mixing it with tuna like is a good idea.
Diced red onion mixed with diced tomato. Salt and pepper. Olive oil. Best ive found. Quick and easy. If the taste is too spicy you can add diced cucumber and a dash of lemon juice to mellow it out. Just be careful with lemon juice as the combined acidity from onion tomato and lemon can be unpleasant if you react poorly to that sort of thing. My stomach is slightly sensitive so I always eat it as a side.
I've just reported you for source talk.
>tfw just set up a sweet rig to mine Onioncoin
You guys are going to start smelling like sweaty pajeets, breath that smells like death and girls will find you repulsive. Cease this madness.
To get huge.
Shame that poltards have to throw their racism into everything.
Guys, idk if I'm gonna make it. I've always disliked the taste of onions...
We need a wiki up so people know how to pct correctly when coming off their first onion cycle.
Yellow onions are for poor people.
Why didn't take them 5000 years to find this out?