Is 332 grams of protein daily too much for 67kg/ 148pounds?

Is 332 grams of protein daily too much for 67kg/ 148pounds?

332 grams of protein daily is too much for 100kg

Do not do this OP you will die

you will never shit again

Eat enough fibre, drink immense amounts of water and train all day long. This is basically a Hollywood diet.

Does this shit actually work?

Do not listen to most meatheads on here you don't need that much protein. There's a reason why breastmilk has less than 2% protein

>dont listen to the meatheads
better listen to the skinnyfag boy
becaus he knows better, sure buddy

>not eating your bodyweight in protein
Never going to make it

That is my bodyweight in protein

you will literally destroy your kidneys with that ratio

i'm 95 kg and I make gains with only 150 grams protein daily. On rest days I might not even exceed 100

this is not a drill or a meme user

you are going to kill yourself

do you have your mouth in a chickens ass


If you want kidney stones, sure.

You need maximum 1g per pound. After that it's a waste of calories - assign them to carbs and fats.

should eat 150g per day

You'll die nigga
Eat ~150g of protons, add good fats or carbs

Wow... The Jewish shilling on this board is worse than I thought. Do it OP! Make those GAINZ!

Potassium in diet negates this