> tfw only ugly girls mire you
tfw only ugly girls mire you
It"s something
>tfw too autistic to even tell whether any girls mire u
two fives make a ten user, remember that
>getting mired in general
>tfw only gay dudes and old women think you're attractive
>tfw not gay
>tfw old women dont take you seriously but they still tell you you're attractive
>tfw 20 yo virgin
>only fat girls mire u
you're almost there.
they don't like ugly guys.
as soon as I notice people looking at me I just look at the ground and avoid eye contact
Can someone for the last time give the true definition of mirin' by Veeky Forums standarts?
If she stares at you? For how long should she do it so i can say '' yeah i was mired by bitches''?
Don't forget fat girls. They seem to think that muscley dudes are totally within their league. Where do they get off thinking that?
Likely those fat girls have been pumped and dumped by one muscly Chad in their life where they begin to foolishly believe they can pull in muscle chads at that point without any effort to lose weight
being tall, strong, and handsome means getting mired by uggos and fattys which makes me uncomfortable.
uhoh. is this making me empathis with women who have to get check out by losers all the time?
am i becoming feminist?
Sometimes people are just noting your existence. If a girl notes your existence more than once or just instinctively looks at you (happens most often in a gym) then that's a mire. Sometimes they will do it for a second or longer just because they know there is no institutional incrimination associated with girls checking out guys, it's encouraged. I have been getting a lot of mires recently just because I've put on some mass (5'10-5'11 180lbs rather lean rather built). Weird feeling, not all that it's made out to be tbqh senpai
>Mfw chubby mexican girls actively pursue relationships with me but I just want a cardio bunny.
holy fuck do I know that feel bro
I work a retail job, I'm always getting mired by older women (like 50+) , but girls my age won't even make eye contact with me
>girls are terrible whores they only want chad and will never see me for who I really am
>only ugly girls mire me
Sheesh, it’s almost like humans prefer the company of humans they’re attracted to?
>ugly girls mire me for most of my life
>cute girl mires you, but was too oblivious at the time to realize that she was hitting on me
I still can't believe that I blew it. A whole god damn semester of college went by before I realized my mistake.
do the look down or to the side?
down means they want you to approach them. they're being submissive.
Lmao I stare at guys at the gym when their form is retarded it when they’re doing something ridiculous not when I mire. There’s no guarantee, stop misleading the boy with your dumbass logic
The only time pretty girls mire me is when they have a boyfriend and they're 100% committed to him.
There's no benefit in considering negative possibilities like this, whereas taking everything as a mire boosts your confidence.
What makes you think you deserve more?
>work at a coffee shop
>Start serving cute girl
>She's overly nice and chatty
>Oh shit, is she into me?
>Start chatting her up
>Talking to her while making her drink on the espresso machine
>a min goes by and chad walks in, and goes up to her
>It's her boyfriend
>I'm cut off mid conversation so she can greet him
>feel like a beta
>only traps mire me
>not even the cute ones
>tfw only ugly guys ask me out
w/e virgin forever is okay
Probably senpai, desu real life feminists (not the ones on Tumblr) really just want to stop having to fear incel autists and rapey Chads.
Don't despair my men. If you're decent looking girls ARE miring, they're simply hiding it. Got drunk with classmates, they all told me I was hot as fuck and I'm a dyal average looking dude...
>be 7/10 by fit standards
>be somewhat fit
>be socially autistic from a childhood of limited human interactions and WOW making me a 1/10 in the eyes of any possible woman
Dude, you were operating under the impression that she was single and might be into you, finding out that she has a boyfriend throwing you off is not beta. That's human. Some girls are friendly in a way that can feel like flirting. Happens to the best of us.
Get out there and meet people. Find some groups that share interests on meetup.com or some shit. You may surprise yourself. And it is the only way to get better.
pick four
>only get mired by curl bros Jose/Jesus/Jorge(predominantly Hispanic gym)
Oh well, only my fiance gets the d
>the 1/4 black
>tfw only mired by black/mixed grills
I hate my parents
>only no girls mire you
I know that feel ;_;
how is it your parents fault that you're 1/4th nog
Cause if my dad knew better I wouldn't be 1/4 nog
Self-hating mulattos and other assorted mixed-race mutts are pathetic. Just be glad you were born, idiot.
Can't blame a guy for wanting to get his dick wet. Also your mother carried your useless ass inside her body for 9 months you ungrateful parasite.
Who do I tell if some cunt is mirin?
Veeky Forums.
>Be glad you were born ugly + an outsider
>tfw only gooks, nips and chinks mire you
>Just be glad you were born, idiot.
not that guy or mulatto, but lol bro srs? just be glad you were born? how the fuck is that something to be grateful for? at least say "born into a family and society wealthy enough to provide for you" or something
Become a suicide bomber for Christ
>only fat womanlets more
Well at least I'm desirable, I guess
>Lmao I stare at guys at the gym
this is Veeky Forums
we know you do.
>tfw born with no legs and arms
>have to eat through a tube
>I can't see or hear
>my parents could have prevented this
>they choose not to and instead hamper my quality of life
>they didn't want what's best for me and society
>lol just be glad you were born
>ugly girls mire you
>not choosing the manliest most chisel chinned female that's 5'9 and has stalked you since middle school
You don't want your sons to be ultra chad?
>get hit on by 7's and the occasional 8 irl
>downloaded tinder and paid to see who swipes
>fat chick
>fat chick
>Single mother
>fat single mother
>butter face
>qt that doesn't reply
I live in a college town so when I swipe all I see is 10/10's in bikinis
Nah mate, liking those androgynous insectoids would make you one
I tried with a girl this week but she ended up thinking I asked her out as a friend, shit happens every single time - guys/girls like me as a friend for the most part but have no interest in dating. In retrospect people have told me before I behave like a sociopath so I may be misconstrued in my social interaction s
How are you typing this you freak?
>downloaded tinder and paid to see who swipes
Wow this is a thing? Has it always been a thing?
Have you ever considered that maybe you aren't that attractive?
How have you survived this long?
No need to get defensive buddy. All evidence just points towards it.
it is a known fact that majority of men will attract below their level from online dating.
you need to be a vain faggot to have a good online profile or so shredded that a badly lit bathroom selfie is good enough.
>be skinny
>no girl gives a shit
>start lifting
>start getting gains but you still feel pretty small
>noticeably more girls are perving on you
>this isn't even my final form
The first thing your eyes saw when you looked at my post explained that I've learned from experience what league I'm in
>beauty glory power
Those are fascist aesthetics. Don't post that, it could kill 6 000 000 muslims
Wtf I can't believe you guys are talking about fucking fat chicks!! Thats it,, I only want to talk about the ones that are looking good...
back to jew
you have no power here
>tfw you strive really hard to get girls to like you and when they're finally at the point they really want you you push them away by being an annoying asshole because you're too much of a coward to be the one to call it off and then a month later you realise how badly you justed yourself
At least you leave the house
Logic is that you?
Also stop hating yourself for being born a certain race thats stupid
Ugly girls have pussies too. Sometimes clean barely used pussies.
I’m significantly more attractive than my wife. I like the fact she treats me like a king and she knows she could never do better than me. She has a great body and an average face with some acne scars. My life is a lot better this way than it would be if I married a crazy hot woman I had to constantly try to impress and had to worry about better looking chads try to fuck.
Think about it:
As a guy, whether you're ugly or not, you still check out and mire hot girls because we have a pretty universally accepted idea of what constitutes an attractive woman.
Women aren't really much different. What an ugly chick considers to be an attractive and quality male is going to be much the same as what a hot chick is going to be attracted to. The difference is that ugly chicks are going to be more obvious about it.
You're probably getting stealthy mires from hotter chicks too, you either aren't picking up on it because you're socially oblivious or because you've got it in your head that you're not worthy of their attention and you're self-sabotaging.
Ugly chicks, even though they're undesirable, still won't give an ugly guy the time of day. They certainly won't 'mire' them.
Tl;dr if ugly chicks think you're hot, hot chicks think you're hot too. They just expect you, as a hot man, to have the confidence and aggression to make the first move and often even feign disinterest to make you 'chase' them. A lot of hot girls do not want to seem easy. Only hot guys with the confidence and initiative to approach them are worth their time.
Ugly girls won't look at me, they know i'm too good for them