Can we talk about the overly aggressive modding on Veeky Forums? We're one of the better boards on Veeky Forums and one of the only ones dedicated to self-improvement. Yet mods continue to delete threads related to the ancillary parts of fitness such as sexual, social and spiritual fitness (in favor of leaving 5 onion threads up.)
Can we talk about the overly aggressive modding on Veeky Forums...
i miss moot
I got banned for a month for commenting on someone asking about dick sizes.
mfw im just slightly above average.
It is a bit too aggressive.
No life mods get angry over others having sex. Who'd have thought it.
Male Sigourney Weaver
They ban for racism now too. Even if it was against the rules I never saw it happen before it happened to me!
Agreed on this. While I support pruning shit like "dubs decides what I say to this tinder slut", we should be allowed to have one tinder/dating/sexual health general thread up at a time.
Got a ban for starting a test boost thread, minutes later there was a gay gym meeting thread.
Onion threads should be deleted imo
these moderators are pushing me away from here
we all know Veeky Forums is dying, but sad things is /fit and a few other boards were resisting the downfall, but now the only way to go is down.
And the worse part is the infinite chan is so empty you can't have the fun you get here, only knowledge, but who is really here for knowledge anyway?
yeah, the Veeky Forums mods are too strict sometimes, I've been banned for stupid shit in the past. I made a thread about how to be Chad, and it got like 200+ replies, but then for some reason I got banned and the thread was deleted. Yet, the lonely beta loser tfw no gf threads say up.
>Meta on /qa/ only.
>All meta discussion of boards is to be redirected to /qa/.
read the top of the page you fucking idiot.
reminder: do not engage shit posting retards like OP. sage, report and ignore.
They're banning for racism now? Didn't realize this was fucking reddit Jesus Christ
>r9k shitposter gets banned
>makes another rule breaking thread
>spend every day posting thicc, sips, boogie, fap and attention whoring threads
>mods clean up their bullshit
God forbid this board have some variety to it instead of the same 20 permavirgins patting each others' backs every day
Me too.
Good, take that shit somewhere else. It's about time they followed the rules.
Go away newfag
Fuck off, nigger.
Idk there were way more than 5 onion threads this am in the states and some dude cobras dick pics were up for hours. Seem business as usual to me