why are you still consuming dairy Veeky Forums?
Why are you still consuming dairy Veeky Forums?
Because my testosterone level are high enough to not give a shit about what food I eat
Because I could never consume that much dairy In A day let alone a week
Solid infographic my dude, please compare test e and toothpaste next. I’ll wait here
One, logically, will never eat that much dairy in one day, unless they want to become constipated...
Fuck why did nobody tell me eating 5lbs of butter would have negative effects?
on the other side; how do i naturally increase test?
soyboy asking
work out, eat right, get enough rest
What are you talking about? I actually had my doctor accuse me of using steroids because my test is naturally higher than the normal range, and all I'm doing is lifting, eating, and sleeping! Dairy has NO effect like you're claiming, troll. Go back to /b/
I'm white
This. Also, the idea that dairy has significant amounts of estrogen is vegan propaganda.
Got a source for that pic, OP, besides your ass?
literally has the source in the pic
Here, have a slightly less misleading representation of the data
Be appreciative, OP, this took over 9000 hours in ms paint.
Ahh thank you good sir, this will help my retarded milk drinking step brother understand, he don’t read too good
Typical birth control pills have 35 micrograms of estrogen. A liter of whole milk has 30-50 nanograms. So a birth control pill is equivalent to 1000-1600 liters of whole milk, or an even greater amount of reduced fat or skim milk
>neckbeards on Veeky Forums are claiming to be so fucking deluded that they don't think food matters
Why do you tough guys put up with goblins like this?
Because the Estrogen scare is a conspiracy by the soy industry.
Milk is anabolic as fuck!
Ok. You have to get deep into politics to get whore's abortion pills banned. Until that magically happens you should stop being a fucking degenerate eating animal products.
Eh, eating whatever has taken me to a 350 lb bench in 9 months. Some people have the right genetics, most don't.
Does that include greek yogurt? I eat a shit ton of it for that cheap and ez protein
Unironically 1 gallon of milk a day
Look at If you actually read the studies (not just the abstract) you see how little estrogen milk has. It wont have any effect on you.
Ironically you body balances out testosterone to estrogen. The more estrogen you consume the more testosterone your body produces. That's why all those American baseball players were taking estrogen. At first it seemed really stupid of them taking estrogen but after explaining your body creates a balanced ratio then it made sense. But baseball is boring so I paid no attention really.
Nice bro science schlomo
Why aren't you eating onions?
Brb slamming my gfs birth control, the kid will be worth it when I’m swole as fuck
>tranny wonders why regular guys want to increase their test
>probably shoots up estrogen every day and sees no irony in this
It's sort of true, but still retarded. unlike the test to estrogen conversion, there's no path back so you have to deal with the high estrogen
There's already estrogen in water because of run off from birth control pills, so what's the point?
Fixed that image for ya OP