Body fat estimate? I'm going to put on about 10 pounds these next two weeks. Want to know how much room I have to work with. Stats are 6ft, 157lbs
Body fat estimate? I'm going to put on about 10 pounds these next two weeks...
> 157 holy fuck
probably close to 20% tubby, i'm 6ft @160 and way leaner holy fuck man lose some fat :O
>shitty blur
still a blue board
I agree it is kinda weird that youre only 157. Im only 1” taller than you and right about the same weight but look way leaner
If you put even 5 lbs on I'll dox you, find you, and cut it off.
Your move, faggot
Veeky Forums doesn't believe me when I say I have shitty fat distribution genes. I'm in sort of a conundrum whether I should bulk or cut. I'm already at a low weight for my height.
Nice mexican cock
you should definitely still cut, you're nowhere near "too low" of a bodyfat %.
Yeah but my bean genes screwed me over aesthetics wise.
How low is too low though? 145ish?
What's sad is that you had to fake extendo your babby cock under the blurring.
Get a life.
lmao at people saying "cut".
he's fucking 160 and 6'. Eat a fucking sandwich bro, get to at least 200 before you think about cutting
and try lifting while you gain that weight sweetie.
That wasn't intentional (only 7inches with no complaints so far) but thanks for noticing.
145 would be your weight. "Too low" would be a percentage, which relates to how much of your weight is lean body mass.
I wouldn't say you need to cut, I'd say you need to maintain your current weight while working out, is all. If you want to maximize gains, then cutting is counter-productive, if you want to look good for summer or whatever, cutting is more important than gains, etc. So depends on your goals, I have no idea why you are asking stupid questions here.
You're too low lad. Get to 180 while losing body fat and you'll look okay.
Realistically you should shoot for 200
Thanks. I don't mind looking like shit for another 3 months if I'll have something to show for it when I decide to cut.
Show us that cock or leave. this is not R9k
he'll be obese at 200 if he just goes straight there in a surplus the whole time, needs to bulk at a moderate surplus with occasional short-duration aggressive cuts to limit the fat gain
nowhere remotely close to 25
Only 7 lmao
C'mon my dude
>Shitty blur
>Thanks for noticing
Fuck off and cut
wait is this the skinnyfat lanklet meme where you are 6'+ and skinny (low weight) fat (high bodyfat). Is this why op looks so...unappealing? like low muscle mass?
what are your lift stats, like ohp bench squat dead
Theyre shit. I can barely OHP 75
cock or gtfo op u turbo slut
>I'm going to put on about 10 pounds these next two weeks
dumb retard
3 weeks is absolutely nothing in regards to lifting, and 10 pounds of fat is actually significant. Eat +500 and lift. Stop trying to get bigger, if you go above +500 you're just putting on fat
just lift, your body have like zero muscle, so if you cut, you are cutting whatever little muscle u have, if you bulk, you are just getting even fatter. Stop worrying about weight and fucking lift. I am 5'11 195lbs and I look no where near as fat as you, lil chub on the stomach but wide shoulders + big arms + big pecs goes a long way
>Tfw I still have a muffin top and OP is still considered fat
Am I ever gunna make it?
Reported you fucking faggot. Fucking sick of you fags finding bullshit excuses to post your fucking dicks here I'm trying to shitpost over here not see that fucking shit
>getting a body fat estimation on an onion enthusiast board
OP, get your estimation on a good quality bio-impedance scale, calipers, submerged, by a professional, whatever
People here can only guesstimate and cannot see whether you have visceral fat or not for example