Let's pay tribute to the user from that last thread by starting him his own Humor Thread, shall we?
Veeky Forums Humor Thread
lmfao, I remember reading that post and calmly shutting the laptop to clear my head and search for a better life.
I didn't find it.
Made it in
>actually includes everyone who asks to be in screencap
Oh I'm laffing
I made one t-too.
I leave it up to the masses to choose which is superior.
..But who is she?
I like yours because you included me.
Shyla Stylez. Pornstar.
Sorry m8.
I planned to put every reply in the thing, but that's a smidge more work than I was willing to put in.
Got about half of them though
>made it in both of them
I made it on both fuck yea
What’s the name of the lefts workout?
>routines with only 3/4 days a week
>thinks either of these will make it
Do you faggots really take this many days off? No wonder all you guys complain about your gains and constantly getting doms
Unless your a beginner, you ain't getting doms on rest days
Any of you fags remember back in like 2014 when some fat Hispanic guy posted his progress pic and said he was an 8/10now after lifting? Then Veeky Forums was littered with his pic for months?
Wow I wouldn't have guessed
is this legit
For intermediate yeah
For beginner do SS or SL
Is advanced where you replace your preworkout with cocaine and go hard until you die of liver failure?