How long does it take the average skinnyfat to become green man with consistent training?

How long does it take the average skinnyfat to become green man with consistent training?

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1.5-2 years average, less if you really focus your diet (most of us dont as much as we should)

Took me 5 months starting at absolute skeleton mode

Took me about 3.5 months with consistent training and diet. I have a bit of an athletic background and am bulking though

depends on how many onions you're willing to devour

>tfw just passed into green man mode

That's teal not green

fuck my b im kinda colorblind

What app?

Like 10min just buy some paint haha

from auschwitz mode in 3 months.
>tfw short legs and long torso

what website gives these

That was whenthe green man learned when you try to suplex a robot

What website is that

senior in HS almost 2 years lifting
5'11 185lbs

OP said skinnyfat, not skellington

>>tfw short legs and long torso
I'm the opposite and I keep getting IT pain when I squat.

At least I can lose weight and build muscle with other exercises, but it'd be really nice to just be able to focus on the main lifts.

hi gondola

Anyone save the chronic masturbation one?

I don't get it. Is that a tripfag?

I want to believe pic but I don't know, I still consider myself weak against most people. Isn't 1/2/3/4 like the bare minimum numbers? 2/3/4/5 being like, advanced (1-2 years of strict lifting)

I have only lifted 6 months in last year of high school with high school SS plan and recently started again around 1 month ago while cleaned up diet/sleep/started on SL5x5.

>7 months
>stronger than average lifters

does this mean the average lifter is someone who lift for less than a year? Is this a joke? Shouldn't the average lifter lift for at least 1-2 years? I mean hitting 1/2/3/4 is like finishing tutorial mode right?

Hitting 1/2/3/4 is leaving tutorial mode in terms of autistic internet lifting. In real life it makes you one of the strongest individuals in the gym

is gondola :DDDDD


Being meme'd by Veeky Forums this hard. 1/2/3/4 is quite strong, especially if you aren't a fatass like most of Veeky Forums is. It's nothing exceptional, but to normie standards, it's pretty good

so Veeky Forums pretty much brain washed me into setting 2/3/4/5 as my long term goal, am I autistic for thinking I can achieve this in a year with strict diet?

Also wtf is symmetric strength on the website

you mean why is it called symmetric strenght? It allows you to get an estimate of possible muscle imbalances, considering your weight and lifts compared to the rest of the population and the standard strenght levels, it's symmetric by comparing your own muscle groups to each other.

Your goal is to get all in the same colour as high as possible

>strict diet
More like eating 3500 cal/day in mostly protein and sleeping 12 hours a night

Hope you're under 30

oh shit, how bad is muscle imbalance? Should I balance my muscle groups by focusing on weaker lifts or I can just try to plateau first?

>currently cutting due to high body fat %
>2200 cals/day macro 30/35/35
>20 years old
I haven't seen any loss of strength while cutting, I don't really want to look like a fatass but if it gets in the way of getting stronger...idk why cant i have both

How far can SS take you? Tealman? Greenman?

I really don't think there's a limit, if anything you will be limited by your genetics first, as long as you are getting stronger, no reason to stop what you are doing. However, it is known that after entering that intermediate zone, you should switch to power lifting programs (SL5x5) that focus on strength if that's what you are focusing on.

>power lifting programs (SL5x5)


>am I autistic for thinking I can achieve this in a year with strict diet?

you okay?

>.idk why cant i have both
be a noob, then you can

Also 2200 isn't much of a cut desu

Like 80% of the people who talk about 1/2/3/4 are 200+ pounds

Pretty much every program has squats bench press and deadlifts, even most bodybuilding programs..

the point was to focus on them, with little to no assistance lifts

Isn't cutting at 500 deficit ideal? Cutting too much too quick is bad isn't it?

It has 1-2 sets of deadlift each week, its a squat program not a powerlifting program.

Fuck do I know, I'm some skinnyfat dyel on Veeky Forums

I was trying for that kind of deficit and was barely losing any weight after a few weeks. Started shooting for 1600 calories/day and have been losing weight again.

I guess "bad" is relative, I'd rather get the weight off, plus it gives me time to to lightweight work, focusing on form and letting my injuries heal.

>I'm some skinnyfat dyel on Veeky Forums
>on Veeky Forums

I'm actually not a virgin nor a manlet. I am a proficient spaghetti transporter and skinnyfat dyel, however.

Would say 2 years at the most, less if you're dedicated and of course it depends on your beginning stats

Took me about a year with what I consider a shit diet. I'm not cut though at all and I still consider myself skinny-fat. At the gym I went to and asked the personal trainer questions about my original workout routine turns out I was over training and I know for a fact I wasn't eating enough (explains my rapid weight loss of 30lbs)
5' 7'' (yes a manlet I know) 156lbs

You could possibly get the 4/5 part, but the 1/2 on the presses will take you a while

>senior in HS almost 2 years lifting
>5'11 185lbs
Change your age to 25 and see how blue you are

6 months of serious training got me to pic related. Do GOMAD and it might be a little less, I did GOMAD for 2 months and it was great.

that's not green man thats teal man. Teal man took me 4 months

what program did you run?


>290 pound bench press in a few months
There's no way you were sub 1/2/3/4 before

He's probably doing meme things like lower back in the air bench press and half squat, look ho w low the bench press is.

In April I could not bench 135 for sets of 5

>bench press
I meant deadlift.

how fat did you get?

1 year 2 months.

I went from 190 at 6'0 to 225
Ass never leaves the bench and I squat just below parallel. I wish I could explain why the deadlift is just estimated at 425, but I do pull in oly shoes and both programs I've been on (SS and Texas Method) don't have a lot of deadlift frequency.

>tfw 163 at 6'0 and have been lifting for months




>mfw 8 reps of 100kg squats are equivalent to 8 reps of 10kg weighted pullups
Man fuck this shit, skeletons might as well just not have legs if 100kg for 8 reps of squat is "meh, is ok"
I can do like, 8 reps of 60kg atm.

You've probably heard this before, but you just have to eat more. I cut down to 190 from 250 before I started lifting, so eating a lot was no problem for me. You're also probably much leaner than me if you value that over pure weight; I'm sitting at around 22% bf, but I hated how small my arms started looking at 190 so being stronger at 225 is much comfier.

4 to 5 months to go from untrained to intermediate if you don't fuck around and have the form down.

took me 1.5 months but had athletic background

Four months

I started at 130lbs. lmao

Been steadily gaining about a pound a week.

How about eating some bird while you work on those months and go to church

Lifting for 1 year 5 months
6'0 ~170lb
Keep stalling on Backsquat pls help

It took me 6 months

6'2 190~lbs
3,5 years of training

Got some injuries or why are your lower body lifts so bad

yeah change your weight to 250 and cut your lifts in half and see how blue you are

And how long if you start with strict nutrition plan but chubby at 25%bf?

started lifting mid june, so 6 months it took, three week vacation in SEA where i ate mostly rice and the only workout was sex included.

oh wait that is old one. all teal now.