real /plg/
Other urls found in this thread:
Powerlift a dick into ur ass fggt
what's a good set X rep scheme for 60-65% of your 1RM for squats?
(i have to use my home gym stuff for a little while due to car issues, so i'm limited)
bump for great justice.
I could literally pick any two numbers between 1 and 20 out of my ass and it would be a decent answer. How am I supposed to know what sets and reps you should do with such little information
Why I fucking never....
okay. what more information do you need?
do you guys do pullups generally?
What is your max
How much do you weigh
What are you training for
How do you feel about doing front or high bar or another variation
Ill trade memes for money to buy drugs... please
Please I need to get high
now listen to fucking me you little decrepit incel piece of shit garbage
you will make an apology post to me right FUCKING now
or I will end your fucking existence faster than you can form the rational thought that you are going to cease existing after my fist goes through your skull
make your next decision wisely
Mad ?
reminder that no powerlifters can do this but all weightlifters can fucking squat lmfao
training for strength and i prefer low bar for the moment. max is 455-465 and i'm currently 235 at 6'5".
what are your lifts? jw
btw, this retard is probably gonna give shit info since the first 2 are totally irrelevant, the 3rd is redundant (POWERlifting general) and asking about high bar shows that the idiot thinks there's a significant different between it and low bar for POWERlifting purposes.
Going to do Madcow afte Greyskull LP and one cycle of Nuckols 2x bench, squat, dead
Can i add a GPP day for arms, core and abs? Is it wise to do so? I dont have time after the main workouts to do accessories
Core and cardio* lol
I don't think you are as smart as you think you are
>I dont have time after the main workouts to do accessories
you're not gonna make it, so don't worry about all that other shit you lightweight faggot soyboy.
not an argument, same shitter:
Tbh I would pick a light variation like a front squat and train that with a 5x5 or something similar for a while. You could also do a bunch of timed rest stuff (ie 8x5 w/ 60s rest) but I would be hesitant to do 12's low bar especially if you aren't training for a meet
You replied to me and I replied back, of course it's the same poster
exactly. also, still not an argument, shit boy.
Wtf are you on about lad
>too stupid to refute the original claim
>doesn't even bother trying OR is actually just that stupid and has no clue what the hell is going on
either way, you have no reason to be offering advice. get lost, dumb ass.
user has absolutely lost it lol
Fuck off
t. lightweight faggot soyboy
PLEASE leave
anyone have one of those mark bell tricep band memes? are they helpful for subluxation issues? don't want to have to stop pressing but it's looking dire boys, might end up with a 585 deadlift and a 0 bench press
>mark bell tricep band memes?
You mean a Slingshot? Either way, I hope you get an answer because I have no idea.
one of these
I love you plg
Ok guys need some tips. Been lifting for 2 years consistently and my bench has plateud at 205. How in the fuck do i get stronger on bench and pump that number up?
Lifting for 2 years and 205 bench
Gain weight
no, fuck off, impotent rage fueled soyboy.
Lads can I get some depth critique? Apologies about the shit black pants t-shirt and shit lighting
Deeper faggot
if I go deeper my lumbar relaxes and my disc starts flaring up.
Do you honestly think I give a fuck? Go deep or go home
find a new hobby
t. bench progress as bad as yours, have yet to 3pl8 after 6 years training
Bench more
Is it breaking parallel that's my main thing tbqh
>205 plateau after 2 years
>3pl8 not hit after 6 years
How? Is Bench press the ultimate GDE exposer since you see twinks sumo DL 5pl8+ but struggle with 2pl8 bench.
hmm it's almost like those twinks have advantageous leverages for one lift and poor ones for the other lift
Thus exposing them to be gdes
Hard to judge, but i'd say first rep and second are fine 3rd might be borderline. Ignore the faggot you're going deep enough to get the benefits of the squat.
people with bad deadlifts are the biggest GDEs, since it's usually the largest proportion of total
Pretty sure those twinks refuse to eat and do lots of upper body bodybuilding volume. My bench was stalled for a while at 200 and now it's around 275. If you train your bench like you train your deadlifts, you're not gonna do too well.
Is that an edit of someones ass shooped on her chest?
So who's a good bencher but bad deadlifter? Those guys are usually manlets and then they have a good squat.
Meanwhile the guys with good deadlift are usually only good at DL with shit bench and embarrassing squats.
I am sorry you're a GDE or your buddies are it's just the truth lad.
that too, did only rippetard low volume shit for first 2 years and ended up pulling 500 and benching 205
deadlift is the only lift that matters though?
if you can't pick up as much off the floor as the other guy, you're just weaker end of discussion
topkek keep coping and be the next isley with 3pl8 bench in 10 years lmaaaaaaaaaoooooooo
agree with 1st and 2nd are def legal.
cant see shit on 3rd
Cheers, I'm doing 160 8x2 next session, what would be best for depth judge?
Better lighting, hip height vid. Should I also wear a white or red t-shirt or should I tuck it in or something?
I have done 5x10 at 60% of 1RM. The reps themselves weren't terribly hard, but I would get nauseous after later sets. I think this was largely because I hadn't done any high rep training with squats in a LONG time and wasn't well adjusted to it, as the nausea largely went away after a couple of weeks of doing them.
This wouldn't be a bad starting point. You might be able to add weight, or reps, if it's too light.
Deadlifts in powerlifting are rendered irrelevant to actual strength measuring because sumo is legal. You can't adequately measure your strength on how much you can half rep.
4 and Quads
Agree with post as well.
how long would maintaining that kind of rep scheme would go the longest way? 2 weeks, a month, etc.?
what would cause strain in the groin area during a squat? so to say, where is my form faulty/where would my strength be lacking?
please respond.
Did you use to have a bad habit of a knee or both caving a little on your way up during a squat?
If so and now your forcing your knees out then that can stress it since you usual don't work it like that.
Even playing field. No one is saying you can't sumo.
>but my sumo leverages are shit
Yeah and their conventional leverages are shit, that's why they're doing sumo
Check your stance width and toes pointing out angle, you might be too wide.
first day, did 3x5 90 squats.
Is this above average?
Same with deadlift
I've added 10 lbs a week, doing the 5x10 once a week on Tuesdays and paused squats for 3x5 on Saturdays. I started at 365 lbs, I did 405 lbs 5x10 this past Tuesday, which was really, really hard. I'm going to keep increasing the weight, but I'm going to do 5x8 and then 5x5 as it increases.
My situation isn't perfectly analogous to the fellow originally asking, as my squat is my best lift and 170 lbs heavier than his. I don't know exactly how that would alter my ability to do sets of 10 with 60% of my max relative to his ability to do the same. I was recommending a general starting point.
My issue starting out was a lack of relevant conditioning for sets of 10, not a lack of strength to keep lifting that weight.
They're half repping because they're bad at actually deadlifting. You can assure everyone in your insular, penny ante, retarded circle jerk that sumo counts, but that shit doesn't fly in the real world.
For 3-6 sets or so you can probably still make progress using;
>Comp squat: 10-12's
>High bar: 8-10's
>Front squat: 6+
>Tempo squats: 4+
It's just passive compression mate, helps tendonitis type stuff symptomatically but that's it.
>doesn't fly in the real world
Matt Wenning gives seminars to fire fighters teaching them to sumo deadlift because it's the most stable way to lift a person off the ground. Sounds like "the real world" to me.
t. Someone with a sumo that's 50kg weaker than their conventional
Do you compete or just train for funsies?
Pretty sure he's training for one of those retarded Rippetoe meets. He's a more autistic Alan Thrall who insists on bringing this general down when he doesn't even powerlift.
To be fair only people that are relevant to any and all sports are SHWs and they don't do manlet cope lifts with omega arch and sumo.
They're essentially cope for the weak same reason why women do them.
You're right for the wrong reason. SHW do conventional because they can use all their bodyweight to load up potential energy then use stretch reflex to initiate the lift. This is why heavy guys like Ray Williams or Eddie Hall sink pretty deep before lifting.
If the tables were flipped people would be saying SHWs are coping by using their heavy asses for leverage.
These views always boggle me. For one, what's getting overlooked is that this isn't a measure of strength. It's a measure of the biggest lift within a defined ruleset.
Secondly, if you're just lifting for a Vietnamese basket weaving board instead of planning on competing then it doesn't matter. Doesn't impact your competition results, and your opinion won't impact the rules. Absolute waste of effort getting wound up about something that has zero impact on you.
>Stretch reflex
SHW sink deep because using momentum is the only way to get into position around their body getting in the way.
The bar doesn't scale with the lifter. When a SHW does sumo they get nowhere near the amount of ROM reduction a lighter lifter does because their feet aren't as far from their body because they're bigger overall. Without the reduced ROM the negatives outweigh the positives.
It'll change your life, boy.
I only weigh 94kg and I can lower the RPE of a set of conventionals by using stretch reflex.
It's far less applicable for sumo because you're very likely to move out of your most desired position. The exception to this is using a DL bar because when you pull the slack out you can have your hips much higher. Watch Cailer Woolam deadlift and you'll see he throws his hips forward into position to start the lift. This uses stretch reflex in his hips and quads.
If you want to see a IPF conventional lifter use it too then watch Kbooey. That faggot used to post here so hopefully he'll see and chime in.
No one is wound up lad, it's just an opinion, I find absolute strength >>> relative strength, even though I am a manlet myself.
Also if you go back a few posts back the guy that Figjam was arguing against was trying to show that DL in PL is the absolute measure of strength which is when sumo was mentioned.
m8 deadlift doesn't have a stretch reflex. You're showing lack of understanding here.
You can argue you're stretching your hammies pre lift but it's not the same as a stretch reflex that is utilized in a squat or a non comp bench.
>Did you use to have a bad habit of a knee or both caving a little on your way up during a squat?
that has happened a few times, yes. i've tried dragging my knees 'out' instead of 'pushing them forward' when squatting.
what's a good width relative to, say, shoulder width? wider, narrowing, etc.?
Watch his attempt around the 2min mark
What would you call that instead?
Probably shoulder width and one that doesn't give you too much discomfort from your groin, leverages will vary per person.
Reduce the vid to 0.25 speed and see it frame by frame the guy There is no time between the eccentric and concentric phases of contraction when an actual stretch reflex occurs.
In addition to that his negative is unloaded.
Now go watch a squat vid and compare, might be easier you if you see some Oly guys doing it to see the difference.
I'm not trying to argue that it's stretch reflex. I'm genuinely asking what one would call the act of violently thrusting yourself into position to quickly rebound out to initiate the lift.
stretch maybe ? dunno about semantics for it;, dynamic start maybe kinda bit like oly guys
daily reminder that all of you should start weightlifting instead of powerlifting
pic related
Is FIGJAM truly /ourguy/?
>rates OHP over bench
>Points out that sumo isn't a proper lift, manlets btfo
If you disagree with him you're probably just a salty, weak manlet
Squat 2rm everyday
Alternate bench/dl 2rm
Is there actually anything wrong with this if you sleep well and are high test or will GDEs shit on it because they’re injury prone?
Well then, Matt Wenning is a fucking idiot. Someone injured and unable to get up is best moved by being put onto a stretcher, which isn't handy to lift sumo style. If the person in question is in immediate danger, due to something like a fire, and needs to be moved to a safe location, a fireman's carry is the best way to do it. And some bastardize sumo pull is probably the worst way to get someone in a fireman's carry.
I've done a few meets at the local rec center, I've done one USAPL local meet, and I competed at USAPL RAW Nationals back in October. The USAPL meets were just to say I went to nationals, because I knew I could hit the qualifying total if I spent six months focusing exclusively on powerlifting. Now that I've done that, I have no interest in continue to spend days of my life and hundreds of dollars, put up with shithead officials left, right, and center, AND put up with the general silly bullshit permeating this hideous farce of a "sport" in order to simply accomplish the same shit I could accomplish in the gym across town I'm already paying $35 a month for.
>For one, what's getting overlooked is that this isn't a measure of strength. It's a measure of the biggest lift within a defined ruleset.
What's being overlooked is that I was responding to a guy talking saying that deadlifts were the most important lift, because if you couldn't pick up more off the floor than the next guy, you were weaker, accompanied by a picture of sumo deadlifts.
Also, the USAPL rules state that the a deadlift must be lifted until the lifter is "standing erect." Which SHOULD disqualify sumo right there, as no one in real life would claim that someone mid-splits was standing erect.
Why would you squat more frequently than bench?
>If you disagree with him you probably actually compete instead of larp
FTFY lad
I notice my squat feels great with more frequency and maxing like this seems like a good way to be in and out fast and I don’t really care too much about my bench rn desu
Low volume like maxing doesn’t seem to agitate my knee compared to any form of volume
>in a (((sport))) that allows something like sumo
Just cos you're a fat manlet doesn't mean you need to be salty about having to cheat to keep up with fully grown men
I don't really want to khan-post, but I have no friends and I am really proud of the shit I just took. It was very big and smelly, and I feel like a new man now. I gave birth to something wonderful.
I had a few drinks last night, now my shits are fucking grimy
Not really, i can bench more than i squat. So hardly a gde defining lift