ITT: Post and discuss individuals who have inspired a positive change in your life
Inspirational figures
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jockos the man. heres another good one
I miss him. He got me to start lifting.
During my basic after one of our most brutal cock sessions (gas mask pt), they let us off for the night. One of the master jacks gave us a short lecture on discipline and mentioned Jocko. Listened to some clips before lights out and they fuelled me for the rest of course. Going career in a year or two. Guy really changed my mindset for the better
I know he's a meme but i like this guy
>master jack
So you're Canadian? What trade?
Arty currently (reservist) but I'm going to go infantry when I transfer to reg force
I love this man.
That's a sloppy physique if I ever saw one
it isn't like becoming a meme destroys years and years of studies, user.
Jocko is the fucking man. Unfortunately my school doesn't have a BJJ club or team and joining a gym is not really an option, so I box and fence, but that's my personal war path. Also getting into olympic weightlifting and getting more serious about my strength and conditioning. I feel great. Just doing something that involves serious challenge and the serious possibility of failure instead of
>oh today I'm gonna do my 5x5 and I'm going to hit every rep because my routine is highly calculated for x progression scheme
It's absolutely electric to throw punches or score a hit with your weapon. Our society constantly demonizes aggression when it should accept aggression as a natural outcome of testosterone and encourage discipline. That is why "discipline equals freedom" is so brilliant. AGGRESSION + DISCIPLINE that is what will give a man fulfillment in his life.
pic related is another guy in addition to Jocko who has encouraged some positive changes in my life. not just because he makes quality videos but the attitude he brings to training is admirable and I love the fact that he was a Marine as I am trying to join currently to go to OCS this summer and commission in the Marine Corps. It's good to see him reinforce my image of enlisted Marines from what I've experienced with my brief exposure to the fleet, and I can't wait to be a part of that organization. Again, aggression and discipline. Fucking kill.
Good to hear it user but did your pic have to be paintshitball fake operator bullshit?
Hater's gonna hate
Come back to me when you actually lift, so I can actually take your insults seriously
Wolves don't lose sleep over the opinion's of DYEL sheep
Is that you? Or some guy from youtube? If its you, how can you characterize yourself as a wolf?
Dude I'm way bigger than you. Not gonna post a pic because I'm about to go to sleep but you should recalibrate self image. Feel free to think I'm another internet bullshitter but I'm not.
Awesome to hear! Not the best photo I'll admit. I'm a bit jealous you're going USMC, always wanted to myself (canuck). Good luck and keep it up bro stuff like this is contagious. Get's me high on life
>Jelly DYEL being butthurt because I'm more swole than them
Stay buttmad, dyel little spaghetti fuck arms faggit
I'm LMAO'ing at your life
You're being a dick, but he's obviously making excuses because he's either /fat/ as fuck or a skelly.
Nah I'm bigger than you and taller than you and more muscular than you lol but alright whatever keeps that fragile sense of self worth stable.
Kinda funny how you think that nobody can be bigger than you even though if you were aware of your own physique you'd know that there are tons of people way bigger than you. Like reverse body dysmorphia or something.
Alright that's all from me night guys.
tl;dr you might get better deployments as a leaf
Honestly a senior officer in the Canadian Army came to my school to talk because we have a strong international relations focus. But my school is also a bunch of low test strivers so very few people were interested in hearing from someone in the military. The event was on security force assistance and I was like one of 12 people who went and the only person who really understood the doctrine and operational context he was describing, so I asked pretty much all the questions during the Q&A session, and through that found out that the Canadian Army is getting a lot more of the style of deployments I want to do because the Obama administration was too concerned about diplomatic blowback. I'm speaking mainly of Ukraine. If you're in the infantry, there's a good chance you could actually go teach our allies how to defend themselves so we don't have to liberate Poland again, if you follow my drift.
That said, really fucking praying I'm a rifle or weapons platoon commander in Okinawa, Marine Forces Korea goes kinetic and they need backup. I'm so ready to punch that time card
HAHAHA. Tell me more about it. What do you think of this car, tell me. It has a value of about ~15k. Now, when we factor in your net worth value as a human being, your assets, minus your debts and student loans, this car probably has a better net worth than your net worth as a human being, lel.
Think about that for a moment. ROFL
>Inb4 you post a pic of your car
Nobody wants to look at your banged up brown toyota camry, lmao
>Jocko ''Goodest goy'' Willink
+1 for Jocko
You re still here from the muhgainz channel you fuck
>Good evening Echo
Literally every titan of philosophy, literature, and rhetoric are Veeky Forums memes at this point.
Highly glorious in all actuality.
god, i fucking wish it were really him.
>If you're in the infantry, there's a good chance you could actually go teach our allies how to defend themselves so we don't have to liberate Poland again, if you follow my drift.
>he wants to fight for jewkraine
Please tell me youre joking that mr 4am man gives you inspiration
It's not about the (((politics))) for me. The military has shown me brotherhood I don't think I can leave behind, something I've never found anywhere civilian side.
>Not waking up at 4:30am so you get an advantage against the enemy
Might as well kys
>Served in the Finnish military, was so good at killing commies they put a bounty on his head
>His actions got him a special place in the Waffen-SS where he continued to serve in the war under German command
>When WWII was finally over this absolute mad man moved to the US and then served with the US Army in a special operations unit where he was deployed in Vietnam
>This man, war incarnate, eventually met his end when Vietnamese fighters shot down the helicopter he was being transported in.
God I wish that were me
Yo I live in Alberta and plan on joining the reserves since Im a NEET right now. How do I even get started?
A former fuccboi
I'm so I don't know how it is in Canada but in the U.S. you literally just need to talk to your local recruiter. You can do your research online, talk to people you know who are in already, if any, watch youtube videos about the training or people posting "what I wish I knew" but at the end of the day nothing starts until you go to a recruiter and say "I want to join what can you do for me?"
Then you'll go through medical screening, take some kind of physical fitness test which is usually 3 events: either pull ups or push ups, then crunches/sit ups, then run a few miles. Then you'll get a ship date to your service's basic training, and with the time you have remaining before that date your recruiter will probably encourage you to join all the other guys about to ship in physical training and talk to you about what to expect, etc. But talk to a recruiter, only they can get you to boot camp. Good luck user.
p.s. the typical advice is recruiters lie to make quotas, just don't sign a contract unless it has exactly what you want in it. If you want to go to airborne school, your recruiter saying "yeah you'll totally be able to go to airborne school after bootcamp" means nothing without it in black and white. Just look out for yourself, pro tip it's actually a skill you need in the military, looking out for things that will harm you and your friends. Just use basic brain function and don't turn it off.
Truth over everything
thanks user
My father. Came to America as a young adult with nothing the same age as i enlisted. He was always there and still busts his ass for us.
I got my own place this year and my imagination runs wild how he came up, its not easy. Obviously harder in his time during the 80's but that humbles me to strive and make it.
Arty in Ottawa ayyy
Why would this even be ironic? Guy was a truly inspirational guy, no matter how much shit he did.
My ex-girlfriend who dumped me a month ago
Joe Rogan changed my life. All for the better.
again? when did you liberate Poland?
literally kill yourself you delusional piece of shit
Can't believe no one posted the best one yet.
>not lifting for Rome
why even live
What a hardass motherfucker,
My Grandfather. I never got to meet the man but from what my Grandmother and Dad have told me he is the kind of man i want to be.
He was born dirt poor in England. His Dad and him made money loading crates and ammo onto ships at the docks, day in and day out. He didn't want that so he decided to work on the other side of the world building dams. He married my Grandmother and learned a trade as a boiler maker. They had my Dad and Uncle and decided they want a better life so they immigrated to Canada. He did this with no job or plans. Within a few days he walked into factories and hydro plants and asked for a job. Eventually he got hired at a giant refinery. This was almost a hour commute and he carpooled there every day till he could afford a car. He slaved away in that place to raise my dad. On top of this he was still fit, coaching sports and teaching my Dad and Uncle. Every cent he made went towards his family. Out of this, he got lung cancer. Obviously smoking was probably a part of it but most of the workers in there got lung problems. He was offered a job in their offices to get him out of that environment but he refused because he wanted to be with his mates. Eventually the lung got removed and the cancer seemed to go away. It came back later. At this time my uncle was chosen to compete in the Olympic. The radiation and cancer made him sick as all hell, puking non stop. According to my Dad, he never once complained and did all he could to stay normal. Despite all this he still traveled to see my uncle compete. He died 2 months after. My Dad was 16.
I want to be like him. Not the cancer part obviously, but a man who works hard for those he loves, perseveres, and makes life better for himself and others.
Unironically the bass from pentatonix, Avi Kaplan.
I'm already a bass hitting solid D2's and the only way i'm hitting that first octave is with a fuckton of testosterone.
Unironically this guy. People talk a lot of shit but he is a good guy.
>Preaches the Gospel
>Feeds the hungry
>Heals the sick
>Casts out demons
>Has himself die for our sake
>Rises again
>Offers eternal life
Based Jesus