Can we fuck off with this onion/soy /pol/eddit shit and go back to talking about fitness?
Can we fuck off with this onion/soy /pol/eddit shit and go back to talking about fitness?
yea let's start with this thread
at least they're not talking about bread being bad for you
Wheat bread is best bread fuck off
>Eating bread at all.
Hey fuck you buddy bread is awesome
>not rye
OP confirmed for soyboy that can't eat onions
>Made from yeast.
>Literally what grows in a dirty vagina.
>le leddit le leddit
Fuck off
>cancerous redditcucks post this image when literally NOTHING related to pol has been said
This image needs to include you faggots too
>doesn't read the OP
>replies anyway and looks dumb
I agree 100% with you OP. I just want to post about fitness in a thread that doesn't get bogged down with "cuck/soyboy/jew" posts. I have /pol/ for that, I don't need it on Veeky Forums. However this thread is also against the rules and belongs on /qa/.
On a side note, you know how Veeky Forums anons lie about their lifts, attractiveness, intelligence and height? Go to /pol/ and ask them to give their stats, you're guaranteed a laugh.
spotted the /pol/ fag
Never been there bitch. I'm just sick of fags crying about shit they read about on leddit. You're crying about onions you bitch
Quit saying 'le' you faggot. It was cancer when everyone on /b/ did it and it's cancer when you do it, even in a mocking way.
Le not even him but go le fuck le self
You may as well just literally say "boogieman"
Soy kills your gains since it kills your test.
are you le mad?
This would be a valid point if anyone's test here wasn't either zero or 16000 ng/dl due to Russian gravy injections
>reddit and /pol/ mentioned in the OP
>hurr stop bringing them up for no reason
I've been here since 2006 and /pol/ is the best thing to happen to this site. They're doing God's work.
I've been here since 1998 and I concur
Why would you lie? I mean really.