This may be a dead meme but jesus fucking christ the aesthetics of crossfiters seens as (((pros))) in their (((sport))) are fucking dog shit.
>identical physiques in males and females
>built like fucking roblox characters
>abs as wide as sholders
>shoulders as wide as biceps as wide as forearms
>females legs are grotesquely large with minimal definition
>turtle shell abs from chicken shit breathing
>hands are reduced to bloody leather claws from kipping pull ups
Why would anyone aspire to look like this?
This may be a dead meme but jesus fucking christ the aesthetics of crossfiters seens as (((pros))) in their (((sport)))...
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Because the hive mind of all crossShiters validate other crossfags when they look like this, and collective ego stroking is what crossShit is about.
I feel like they know they dont look like anyone else who works out. They know it makes them look like crossfitters. Its like a rogue tee shirt they never have to take off.
you seem upset
Why are you so bothered when other people find a community that they like and conform to its culture? It's none of your business and doesn't affect your day-to-day life.
Is the way her abs look really a bad thing?
their backs are usually fucking hot tho.
>get crossfitter gf
>doggystyle only until the end of times
>tfw powerlifter
>tfw have rogue gear
Crossfit is pretty gay.
Not defending cross fit here, but aesthetics aren't the fucking point you retard.
fucking disgusting
tfw no chunky abs gf
>no homo tho ;DDD
It's second only to bodybuilding now as a disgustingly roided out sport
> crossfit
Oh that's endearing, you don't realize she's on gear.
>stare at my gf's muscle back during doggystyle
even when discussing women, Veeky Forums finds a way to sneak in their closeted fag dreams
>implying you don't want to marry a x-fitter
Not at all. Excellent training for firefighters or divers. Kinda balanced strength/endurance build
I knew a chick who was a diver in the Navy with a similar build just not as roided. She was damn good at her job
>chicken shit breathing
you better not be talking about breathing with your diaphragm like you're supposed to
same girl
>not wanting a thiccfit fridgemode gf
Are all crossfit chicks roiding? For what? Invetibale injures due to bad form?
>are competitive athletes roiding?
This is Bakhar Nabieva or some shit and she is not doing crossfit.
Also she admited using GH on instagram.
>competitive athletes
Not even a crossfitter but you are a fucking retard
Those guys are some of the hardest training athletes on the planet
>Those guys (female) are some of the hardest tren'ing "athletes" on the planet
fixed that for you
Yea tren is not really something you'd take for crossfit dumbass
The problem with marrying a crossfit chick is that they're only interested in others who are in the cult of crossfit. Yeah, she's good looking, but no girl is worth fucking up my body trying to get to top tier crossfit just to maybe have an outside chance with her
> inb4 never gonna make it
This. Most crossshitter women are on anavar because of less severe side effects
Gotta get big, man.
>Try to watch chicks at the crossfit games because I feel like staring at some thick buttcheeks
>Within minutes, the "competition" breaks down into a bunch of beet-red clit-dick-looking bitches panting, totally blown out, and lazily jogging at walking speed between stations of totally half-assed exercises
My erection went from midnight to six so fast that I didn't even try to fap again for a week. Anyway that's how I wound up on nofap, 10/10 would recommend brahs
>watch crossfit games for thicc girls
>end up wanting Mat Fraser to man handle you
No h-homo right?
Still would bang that girl in the op
>best part of a womans body literally doesnt exist on these girls
I know. Where are their feminine dicks?
10/10 would kek again
If I want a thicc crossfit gf so I can enjoy staring at her sweeet sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet crossfit back gains, do I have to start going to crossfit gyms myself or do I just need to become rich?
>roiding for this.
I want the Annie bullying to stop RIGHT NOW.
who are these dudes?
Mirin those proportions