What do you think of my new squat PR ?
What do you think of my new squat PR ?
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this has to be bait
>wrist wraps
>knee wraps
>elbow sleeves
>not hitting depth
heres your "you" faggot
Everything u said is spot on, except for depth, he's definatly hitting it it here, even on the last one.
kek no hes not, this would be red lighted under any PL meet. Hip joint doesnt go below top of knees. Nice try OP, mademereply/10. maybe lower the weight and lose the ego, right babe?
>415 for 4
You could have pulled out another rep
that's not depth lol
depending on the federation, it could even be judged based on thigh line going below parallel, in which case is even worse off in terms of depth
Impressive weight regardless, but I'd suggest you deload and start working up with the proper depth.
>depending on the federation
sorry let me correct myself. Every PL federation worth a damn would red light it
You are pretty strong, but stupid. You are going to blow your knees out with that hideous quarter squat form, and I have no idea why you would ever upload a video of a squat where you never, ever, not even once, hit parallel. Your spotter got lower than you.
heres what your squat should look like OP
>shit de-rack
>bar moved forward every time
>shit core bracing
>screaming like a spastic retard, thus contributing to the above
>shit knee movement
>all 4 were NOTICEABLY above parallel, each one higher than the last
>elbows flared like a retard
i saw exactly 0 repetitions of squat at 415. red lights out the ass at even a bush league powerlifting meet. booked trip to snap city in the future. at VERY best, these were decent quality half reps.
overall, i'm gonna say that this was total garbage. time to drop back to 2 plates, manlet.
>depth, he's definatly hitting it
he absolutely is not. stop giving shit advice, moron.
definitely counts, but that's a nasty ass squat
what's your max
why does it matter how much you can squat when you're a manlet. just kys already
more than your total you obese manlet. also, that is not an argument.
you squat 400lbs more than ray williams?
>That unbridled retard laugh at the end for making 0 full squats
Are we really even considering 190kg to be worth filming and posting?
>obese manlet role playing like his total is over 1400
0 out of fucking 10, kid. head on back to /b/ ya dumb ass.
i'm also 6'4"
literally just better than you at everything
All those jelly fucks in this thread lmao. First off i dont compete and my squats are parallel except the last one which was a little high. I bet half of you dont even train legs to begin with. How about you show me your squats before opening your mouths. Not gonna make it.
do you make $300,000 a year straight out of uni with your math degree?
>obese manlet role plays like he's tall
>STILL manages to fall damn near 2 inches shorter than me, his superior
manlets just can't do anything right, including making an argument. just bow out and head back to your containment board, squirt.
>Not gonna make it.
No you're really not
>OP has his feelings hurt because everybody calls him out for being dog shit
>straight up lies about hitting depth
>insults people he was seeking to impress, like a jilted bitch
you're one pissed off and insecure little faggot.
First off faggot im not here to impress anyone. And do you really think id be pissed at people who can not even squat 3 plates for one? Cmon dude.
get a load of this insecure little bitch. he thought he was hot shit and ended up getting put in his place.
let's all gather around at laugh at this moron who can't squat 415 for a single rep.
This amount of salt isn't good for you
you are SEETHING, idiot. lmao.
If we wanna laugh, how about you show us your pathetic squat ?
coming from someone who hasn't proved he can squat 3 plates for one, this doesn't mean a whole lot. go be bitchy somewhere, hobbit. no bump. kys, frodo.
i think that regardless of how much you squat youll still be an autismo yells while he squats faggot with a 6th grade hair cut so good luck trying to half rep your feels away when no one gives a shit about your pr, next time ask your bf in the blue shirt to stick his dick in your ass and maybe youll hit 5 reps
Kek, you too user.
what PR, faggot? you didn't get below parallel A SINGLE TIME.
0 x 415 = 0. you squatted 0 pounds. kill yourself you loud mouthed screeching midget.
Aaaahahaha Ego lifter detected, maybe thats why you look like garbo mate
3/4 reps
huge ass
Sean is that you
those were all increasingly shitty half reps. also,
>a manlet who can't even squat
a true GDE. kys fuck boy.
You haven't hit depth in any of these reps high by a good inch or two you probably would get 2 red lights in any decent PL Fed.
If you didn't care why would you reply
Is this a YLYL thread?
He didnt say he doesnt care, dumbass
You're gonna get a lot of hurtful comments from people who barely squat their bodyweight.
i'd squat your body weight but the bar can't fit that many plates
You're the kid doing machines glaring at the big guys in the barbell area huh? Try eating more, "Mr. Ottermode".
You're the fat guy eating in sauna who's smell make everyone else leave, huh? Try eating less Mr "Powerlifter"
elgintensity is dat you
>not eating in the sauna to keep your meal warm and moist
but cooking the onions destroys their test boosting abilities
Nigga real men inject their gains. We're not leaving that shit to onions and nofap
>not injecting onion juice in addition to drinking onion juice smothered onions
Never going to make it
Seriously though this shit is retarded
people will always look for a short cut that doesn't make them feel like they're cheating
>knee wraps
>anything less than 500lbs
>never hits depth
Why'd you even ask. You knew what you were going to get /fit is never impressed and will always find something to nitpick. The sad part is most of these guys can't even squat 225.
>low bar
>tilting like crazy
>wraps everywhere
it's like a Quesada character from the EXTREME 90s
>that autistic screech every rep
>not going LOWER FAGGOT
wew lads, can't believe I replied to this bait.
I only squat 385lbs but I do a paused ATG rep for it. I'm sure if I did some half ROM squat like OP i could easily add 50lbs to it.
>git gud OP
thumbnail made me believe you were going to pistol squat that.
your video has greatly disappointed me.
it's Veeky Forums man what did you expect?
not to be insulting I saw one or two good reps the others were a bit high. You are strong as fuck tho. I think you should be adding some box squats in as accessories and more direct ab work because of the way you are falling apart in the hole.
Also on your work sets stay away from the belt /wraps a bit to aid building up those stabilizing muscles
just my 2cents god knows Im no expert but if you want advice there you go
The way you retards react in threads like these is what convinces me that only 1 in every 50 of you is a legitimately strong lifter. Nice effort op, obviously form deteriorated somewhat but everyone knows that happens. Nothing to say except keep lifting more. Post video if you're going to shit talk.
nope, nope, nope, nope,
0 reps at 415, hope you impressed the cardio bunnies cause not one of those reps counted
Start over at 275 and go ALL the way down. You can probably do 5 or 6. Then build back up, it will take a year or more but you won't be kidding yourself anymore
>all these atg fags
Who cares, you idiots fell for the bait
lol is it nerd day at the gym?
it's not an atg issue lad the guy would get red lighted in any decent federation he's high plain and simple. I'm sure he can do the weight to depth for less reps
>low bar
I Xd out after that
The camera angle might make it look like you are squatting higher than you actually are. Good job op.
It's not even parallel
>spotter AND safety bars
Kek why
>that depth
You left out
>filmed in portrait