>tfw narrow shoulders
I'd rather be a Manlet desu
>tfw narrow shoulders
I'd rather be a Manlet desu
tfw narrow shoulders, manlet, wristlet, and handlet
How do you know if you have broad shoulders?
If you can fill out the upper portion of a large t shirt, you have broad shoulders.
Shit guess I have brad shoulders
> too bad chest inserts are trash
take a front on photo
broad shoulders =2.5 face widths without building your medial deltoids (which will fix OPs situation)
>tfw your best feature is your broad shoulders
>he only has brad shoulders
Op here Please tell me how to make my shoulders at least apear bigger user
focus on building delts, do high rep sets of lateral raises several times a week
Stand with proper posture to avoid any rounding that reduces width
would width be from my chin to my hair or ear to ear ??
plz respond
I am a manlet with abs and boulder shoulders.
I would gladly trade you for some height.
Several times a week? Really I only do shoulders twice a week should I be doing more?
Being a skinny fag has fucking ruined my wrists and shoulder width it feels so bad I'd have rather been a fat fuck
>not brap shoulders
What's the shoulderlet cutoff?
Tfw manlet AND broad shoulders (5'7 21 inch width) feels good tbqh
I guess then I have wide shoulder
Don’t worry
You won’t be 13 forever
>have broad as fuck shoulders
>also have gyno so can't even fucking enjoy them since standing straight reveals tits
yeah right
>have broad shoulders
>but also wide hips
you can do something about your shoulders, you are stuck in manlet pit forever
I measure them from side delt to side delt and it came back between 21.5 and sometimes 22. I've also had multiple other people (Thanks mom, sis, and bro) measure them and got the same results. I think I look small as fuck but I'm always as wide as a door frame
21 on 5'7" is freak-tier.
pics or it didn't happen.
Nobody is up in my house right now. U got any suggestions on how I can take them? I'd gladly do it
A mirror u dummy just have one side of ur body relaxed while other holds phone
>tfw broad shoulders but small chest
what does this make me bros
Let me tell you, picture don't do me justice senpai. I look small as fuck in them if I'm by myself
Prop your phone somehwere shoulder-level and use a timer.
Tfw broad shoulders but wristlet
Does it have to be shoulder level? Even though I'm a manlet there isn't really anything shoulder level near me or in my house that I know of. Sorry for all the questions I'm kinda retarded
>tfw 18.5 inch at 5'9 puts me smaller than 80% of guys
>Adding just an inch puts me at 50th percentile
Feels ok.
How much can you gain to width as a skinny natty? Maybe 2 inches? (1 inch both sides)
a regular table should do it
shoulder level is the best, honestly.
You really don't have anything you can prop it on? You could sit down and then take a picture, that'll work, too.
And you're not stupid, user.
something like that, training lats will also add to your width visually
>And you're not stupid, user.
but he said he is retarded, not stupid
I've improved something shoulder level anons. Anywhere should I hold up a measuring tape from side delt to side delt too for proof?
It took me 4 years of natty training (2 shoulder days/week in the past year), but I finally have somewhat broad shoulders (6'4/223lb at 15% bf now). We might never have superior swimmer-tier frame, but we can still have relatively alpha shoulders.
So don't say such a nonsense that you would rather be a manlet.. Brrrr....
Improvised* not improved
>Even though I'm a manlet there isn't really anything shoulder level near me
Just put your phone on the floor lmao
Yeah, just hold a tape measure close to your shoulders, showing around 26".
But i didn't say my shoulder were 26 inches :/
I mean show 26" of the tape.
U said close to my shoulders but how? I'm unironically a Brainlet and have a massive headache from the pre workout I took earlier and can't think
I fixed your image. I think I may be autistic
Nice. My lats are near invisible so I can hope
>Step 1 :
open tape to 26"
>Step 2 :
grab it
>Step 3 :
Do not leave the tape and move your hands close to your shoulders, but keep your hands inside the boundary of your body
>Step 4:
Take the picture
>but keep your hands inside the boundary of your body
What? I think I know what you're talking about but don't wanna fuck it up
I have very broad shoulders. When you have broad shoulders people will constantly let you know you do. I knew for sure my shoulders were broad before I even started jerking off
That's not possible. The tape measure isn't solid, it would just sag
>it would just sag
It won't.
Just letting u know I have a thin flexible tape measure and not a hard one so it definitely sags. Just confirmed it too unless I fucked something up
Hold your hands outside instead of inside, then.
>18.5" shoulders @ 6'1"
Kill me. Please
I still have no idea what the fuck you're talking about but I took this one. From middle finger to middle finger is exactly 22 inches according to my tape measure. I measure from the middle of the delt to the middle of the other. I don't have alot of mass on my shoulders so I guess I just have good bone structure. I hope this suffices
That's not 21 even with it wrapped around your body.
You're 19 tops
It's 22 mid delt to mid delt like I said earlier......well I said 21 earlier but close enough
and that is not how you are supposed to measure, like we said
And that's why I said I still don't know what you're talking about and just took that one. I told you I'm a brainlet.
Then I'm 25"
Are you part abo or something
looks that way
Whats a good shoulder to waist ratio?
Which part to measure?
did you not get
>Whats a good shoulder to waist ratio?
>Which part to measure?
shoulders and waist
No lol. I told you guys that I was 21ish from mid delt to mid delt in the beginning so I don't see why people are getting mad, or at least it seems that way to me
No. Told u I'm a brainlet anyways if i were to do the same exact thing in the picture the tape measure would sag and it would be practically just measuring the width of my chest at that point
Did some rough measurements and got 61/45cm which is 1.35 FFS
lmao damage control
holy shit you're retarded
holy sperg
Literally said it right off the bat
Fuck just realize I put "I'm always as wide as a door frame" but I meant to put almost
"delt to delt" isn't some magic word.
I said side delt to side delt which obviously means the medial delt to medial. I'm sorry if you misunderstood and thought I meant front delt to front delt
Do you know what width is nigga
Howq do I fix this user? I had decent shoulders as a teen,maybe all is not lost
Wear a corset, that will improve the ratio.