What's the proper way to do pushups?
What's the proper way to do pushups?
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same way as you would do a bench press
thats really fucking nasty
oooh yeeah nice asssssssss
i wouldn't mind shoving my nose directly up her sweaty shit hole and taking multiple long, deep, lung filling inhales.
Guaranteed herpes at minimum.
some people are weird
Yeah bro Deus Vult the West is crumbling bro all women are whores and not good enough for people like us
Can somebody post the picture of the fish from spongebob taking a big whiff from a nice smelly brap? Should've saved it a while ago.
This but unironically
do more than 8
and some are fucking gay.
the west really is crumbling though, if you can't see it clear as day then you're hopeless
Kys sticc fag
naked, apparently
I would eat her shit
>no fit gf who you'd bearhug 'till she passes out after she fnishes her workout
the chad push up
For the love of zyzz who is that?
chest 2 deck
You should really just fucking google it, and I shouldn't help you- but fuck you anyway here.
Societies are changing constantly the west is not the same it was 100 years ago and that west was not the same it was 200yrs ago
Kek look at this sad virgin
Mostly true yes brainlet.
> "haha stuff is always changing so all change is equal dont worry! Especially dont think about how the west didnt actually change quickly in the past and was mediated by people shaping or resisting changes!"
>Dude society is changing so lets import millions of third world Muslims who we have nothing in common with and hate us and our way of life. Because we need low skill workers to work low skill low pay jobs that will be automated within the decade. Also because our birth rates are falling because we keep telling the native population not to have children to help fight climate change and overpopulation. Dude we should just let Google, Amazon and Netflix run the country XD
>He's not an accelerationist that is glad society is crumbling
You will all learn soon.
You're not going to be included when the elite merge with the machines, sorry.
No sauce yet? Wtf
Nowhere is importing millions.
They don't hate us and our way of life, they envy it, otherwise why the fuck would they come here?
Low-skill jobs won't be "automated within the decade": automation has been a continual process for the last 200 years and just because silicon valley PR departments are hyping up AI at the moment doesn't mean the pace of automation has actually quickened.
>Nowhere is importing millions.
you don't live in europe do you?
brainlets believe this
There is literally documents showing millions, brainlet retard.
Yes. I'm very aware of what my country's immigration stats are.
>In 2016, 1 204 300 first time asylum seekers applied for international protection in the Member States of the
European Union (EU), a number slightly down compared with 2015 (when 1 257 000 first time applicants were
registered) but almost double that of 2014 (562 700).
i want to take a piss on her
That's 3 million. (S)
>why would they come here
WELFARE you self hating German faggot. Now raise your ass for the thousands of 30 year old Somali men (Syrian women and children) that land in Italy everyday and will inevitably make their way to you.
Lower and slower than she is.
is that mia malkova?
Imagine being this gay
And some are virgins
She's doing it wrong, back should be arched by flexing abs to not put stress on lower back
>stressing back with push ups
Have you touched a weight in your life dyel?
Are you retarded?
what he said is true mate. Its for engaging the core and the stress thing he talks about is especially true for weighted planks and push ups. Its also essential for going all the way with the ab roller, something thats beneficial for you and really fun to do, so you might as well give ti a try
>his back can’t handle his body weight
>stress = snap city
Pushups are NOT a back exercise, you should not use your back muscles or let your spine arch downwards. That's valid no matter how strong you are.
How do I get a body like this?
at least they don't have aids
genetics and lots of squats and eating lean
what's your body look like now?
Is this always the same guy filming these videos? The camera work is always the same and a fucking turn off already, and on top comes the retardation of the grill
you are actually gay
yes, millions.
Soyboy naivety the post.
>why the fuck would they come here?
To conquer. That's basically what Islam is about.
Canada has ~36 million people, ~20% of whom are first gen migrants actively imported by the government.
>why the fuck would they come here?
uhhh who
dont do them because they are gay
Sound like my car.
But we need immigrants because we are such a fucked society nobody is having kids and investing in it.
This is how it should be done.
you need space and money to have kids, if the space and money are wasted on muds?
Mein negger. He gets it.
You atavistic/"the sky is falling!1!1" faggots need to look at the big picture or get a better hobby that does not revolve around your race.
by your post I can tell you're 56%.
The absolute state of this post.
I have unironically been thoughting this for years.
While progress and regression both constitute change, they are not the same
Why couldn't we stagnate in the 50's like Cuba?
Dont worry my man, all empires rose and fell.
Make lots of money while you can.
So that when the time comes you get the choice to either fight, or bail.
it's called a planche you ignoramus
this was a thread about pushups
Not it wasn't, it was a shitpost and you know it.
if civilization collapses fiat currency will be worthless
shit tastes horrible no matter which ass it came out of you dumbfuck
thank you for having a fetish that is not coprophilia
Goood Goy
People will naturally have more kids when they can actually afford to; bringing in people to crowd out jobs/schools/housing doesn't help that. Besides, "we're not having enough kids" is never an excuse to replace a nation's population with hostile aliens.