/our guy/ has spoken, chin ups and dips are the worst exercises of all time
when will you stop posting yourself on our board?
when you retards stop giving him attention
jesus ive never heard his whiny kike voice
>post contrarian video
>link it on Veeky Forums
>sit back and enjoy views + money
How much money is in this if you are really naturally good at pissing people off and getting attention?
>implying there aren't a ton of hate watchers
Last video of him I saw he was talking about how he is gifted to do heavy ass dips on the machine,due to his anatomy. And as usual he was very full of himself while he was talking about it
This is a parody video. That's not what he actually sounds like or believes.
He's copying Frank Yang now.
Is it supposed to be funny or what? Alex, you have shitty sense of humour
it's a parody video you mongs
>fit falls for a joke
stop the presses
Yeah, it dragged on for too long. It stopped being funny after 3 minutes.
jealous haters. You wish you were as strong and humourous as Alex. But what you don't realise is that he does it effortless, he does not need to prove anything to you and he is his own man. Alex said that Eric Bugenhagen and other lifters (Frank Yang, which he has not even heard of) are not any influence on his videos which he says are very personal and stylistically his own.
Now go back and whine, you are not even hable to deadlift half of Alphas behind the back deadlift.
But doing meme lifts will excessive weight is okay right?
Whole lot of Philbert Matthews in this thread! I actually think this is one of the funniest videos on YouTube, sorry it isn't some fart humor or a cat video.
AlphaDestiny continues to defy expectations, he not only puts out the TOP fitness advice, the TOP PR videos, the TOP books; he also puts out the TOP funny videos.
what's with his faggot voice AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAH
>BetaDestiny uses researches to make jokes
lmao at you, Alex
>this sheet of text because someone think it's not funny
stay mad, Alex
Why did you steal DeFraco's program?
>TOP fitness advice
lmao, are you talking about this? youtube.com
whos he trying to make fun of? ive never heard anyone say chinups/pullups are bad ever. this dudes an absolute mong
you were saying?
His program isn't even that similar to WSSB
You are retard, boy
Interesting, I would have said above knee rack pulls are the worst exercise ever but alphadestiny has opened my eyes.
Who is this alex guy and is he the same as that 'alpha method' guy which gets posted on here?
I'm not going to click a video.
holy shit if thats you say good bye to your fucking discs
This is definitely satire, but why 11 minutes of it? kinda cringy
Lol enjoy being weak
VERY strong but the form scared me not gonna lie
hahaha he sounds like a bitch
I aint that weak but Id rather be then in a wheelchair m8, That said you could probly just rep 600 or something with perfect form and not snap everything...
Personally I enjoy when you post about yourself in third person.