Would it be worth it to pay for a coach to teach how to power clean? $100 for one 1-hour session and three 30 minute sessions. What should I be wary of to avoid getting suckered and ripped off? Is the power clean worth it?
Would it be worth it to pay for a coach to teach how to power clean? $100 for one 1-hour session and three 30 minute sessions. What should I be wary of to avoid getting suckered and ripped off? Is the power clean worth it?
Is it okay to use mass gainer if the calories per dollar is cheaper then real food? It's not going to replace my meals but It will help me reach my caloric goal.
Over here milk is pretty expensive and for the price of one litre of milk, I can get the equivalent of 1000 calories with one serving of mutant mass.
nigga its literally just a jump and a shrug
> needing anons to literally spell out what you can and can't eat
No man I mean is it unhealthy or anything. Right now I just use milk and oats and it still cost more than the gainer.
it's not that hard to do just check out youtube videos and record your form.
is muscle milk worth it if im too lazy for scoops
anyone else see serious oblique gains from deadlifts?
Physio told me to reduce range of motions for the ohp or bench due to tendinitis, so would floor presses and pin presses be good replacements or are there better alternatives?
Hate this retardism.
tricep tendinitis?
Do anything that doesn't hurt and you'll be fine
also start doing a fuckload of eccentric work
3x20 3 days a week
Check the macris and make an informed decision.
Most are high in sugar
Should I tell her how much I love her?
tell her you like her and ask her out.
lol no never tell a girl you like her even when ur dating
My T level is 1010, what's your?
Mine is 1011
Alright gotcha man. It sucks though because I'm lactose intolerant and the milk I drink has added sugar to it.
What do I do for cardio?
Before doing weights, I've been a runfag, managed to run a marathon, now it won't do the trick unless I run for hours and it's boring AF
keep cutting to lost more fat or eating more to gain mass ? i already lost 20 kg , 5'8, 174 cm, 70 kg
Is it true that the less you weigh (i.e. the less fat you're carrying), the less energy you actually need to "power" your body?
I have lost about 2 stone recently and I feel SO much stronger and more energetic and have tonnes more stamina. Is this usual?
lads - jsut got my blood test results back from April this year(fuck the NHS), i know nothing about this sort of this
are my levels looking okay?
31 y/o male - 215 pounds, 5"11
Isn't it expected?
In theory you have just taken off a backpack weighing 12kg so of course you feel more energetic and have more stamina.
>the less energy you actually need to "power" your body?
If by "energy" you mean food then sure, fat cells use energy so the less fat you have the less energy you use up overall.
I've lost 25kg and now I can walk up hills and climb stairs no trouble compared to before.
are you fucking stupid? your doctor is meant to interpret these results, not you, not the Veeky Forums shitheads. I really do believe many of you retards need to kill yourself. also you are a fat bastard and should die anyway.
the doctor just said "yep, everything's fine" after glancing at them and then gave me the print out. they're very uninterested, i find these days. doctors that is
I have a ton of time this winter - how high can i up my volume and see faster results if bulking? currently doing PHUL and dont feel busy enough.
test is around average.
alkaline phosphatase is slightly high; you using roids brah? (indicates liver damage)
everything is normal.
nope never used anything like that before, lifetime natty
any idea what could cause that?
TSH is a bit high (~1 is optimal) and testosterone could be higher.
You should lose some weight.
Oh, and take a vit D supplement if you don't get out in the sun much.
Can't make it to the gym today for legs and tomorrow is supposed to be my rest day. Can anyone recommend a good hill, bodyweight workout I can substitute in today?
I started doing cardio recently, going from none at all to going to week 4 of couch to 5k in ~3 running sessions. I was able to complete it fine, and I felt fine immediately after, but a few hours post running my knees started to hurt. Not in a sore way, but a painful way. It's been two days since and they still ache a bit. Is this because I went ahead with the program too suddenly and didn't give my body time to adjust? Should I run again today, and if yes regress to an earlier part of the program?
some user gave me some great advice about how to not run to start with, do something low impact, because you will fuck up your knees and legs otherwise
swimming or cycling and just stop eating and start fasting with water
What's a good pair of running shoes for a budget of £65?
Owned a pair of Asics and they were the absolute worst shoes I'd ever worn
6'4 (194cm), 155lbs (71kg) skelly wristlet here.
I've been on a diet for 5 weeks and fixed my eating habits so I lost a lot of water weight and bloating mainly from less sodium.
I want to put some of the weight back on, but stay very lean. What's a realistic weight for me to get to where I look a bit healthier, but still very lean?
I was thinking like 170-175 lbs (78-80kg).
I never go to the gym if that makes a difference
Or better yet do PH3 if you want mad strength also. The PH3 has some blood flow restriction stuff in it which is kinda retarded so just replace them with normal exercises.
You're very much underweight so please do bulk up. You can easily have abs at ~90kg with muscle. My advice is slowly clean bulk to around 90-95kg and when I say slow I mean SLOW. Do this for a year to around 100kg and then drop the little fat you have accumulated and then winrar.exe
I'm a retard and didn't read the last sentence. You are also a retard for not going to the gym. Lift some weights damnit.
rest today and do legs tomorrow???
You mean like eating at a 250 calorie surplus? Right now I eat at my maintanance level but I'm usually starving.
Also question about my shoulders, I'm hunched slightly in the picture but is it considered broad or narrow? This will effect how I look at a heavier weight right?
Yes anywhere from 250 to 1000 surplus depending on your activity level. I don't understand your latter question. If you're a asking about your posture then yes, it needs fixing. It will "effect" in the sense that if you start training a lot of chest for example and gain muscle, your bad posture will worsen and you will begin to have aches and bad mobility. Fixing your posture is not a hard task and you should begin it immediately.
The main thing is I haven't found a good program to track progress like Ct5k. Would you happen to have one user? I didn't know if running messing up your knees was a meme or not, but I guess from my own experience I should stay off.
ok appreciate it
oh, the latter question was about my shoulders, not my posture, i just worded it badly. I was wondering if my shoulders are narrow/average/wide and how much that effects how you look at heavier weights. I was just saying my posture in the photo might make it hard to tell shoulder width
milk gives me really bad spots along my chin, alternatives?
Sup Veeky Forums
Stupid question. How often do you wash your gym cloth, and where do you let the dry after a workout to prevent bad smell in your room/flat?
every workout, same as gym clothes.
get a bunch of cheap ones and just wash them with your clothes
Open a window and hang the clothes in front of it
high bar or low bar squat?
Don't stay off running. Recover from your knees (something low impact like cycling/swimming in mean time) and try running again in a week or two. You may be running too fast? Week 4 of C25k is pretty intense for someone that's presumably never ran before, so try starting from week 1.
Define better. On average, you'll burn less calories on the bike, your heart rate might be slightly less elevated. Only real advantage is that it's lighter on your articulations.
If you can, do both. Even throw in some elliptical and rowing machines
No. Running is the best form of cardio. Try something like a self defence class if you can't stand running? Training sessions are pretty intense and they do wonders for your CV fitness, as well as teaching you how to fight. Would recommend Muay Thai or BJJ.
I had a lucid dream this mourning and it was fucking awesome. How do I have lucid dreams every night?
Yes. Way more than I'd like to.
That's a rip off.
When I do leg press, do I push through the heels like when squatting and deadlift? Or do I push through the toes? Does it matter?
Tips on dealing with eczema? I have that shit all over my arms and legs. I've cut wheat and sugar out of my diet entirely, but that hasn't helped yet. The only cream that's worked for me so far is hydrocortisone, and that shit gets expensive when you rub it all over your body every day, and it's not good for you in the long run.
Opinions on wearing tights at the gym?
yeah man, I'm not telling you to not listen to your doctor, but don't stop yourself from getting a second opinion or really looking into the results. Here in Canada the health system is so overloaded with ancient and or obese people that a doc will not give a damn or even care to mention that certain levels are a bit high, or advise you on lifestyle changes unless there is an IMMEDIATE problem or something that they can sell you meds for. Otherwise it's "yeah everything looks fine now fuck off" .
best beginner weightlifting shoes that are pretty cheap?
cool if 6+/10 female, jacked male, or suffering from circulation issues in calves. not cool if fat (either gender) or dyel (male)
but in all honesty who gives a fuck, wear what you want
muscle milk is processed crap.
cut bit more.
you are carrying less so you use less energy for walking around. also associated is eating healthier when losing weight which also can increase energy.
just rest and do legs tomorrow.
literally anything, you dont need milk in your diet.
thru entire foot if you can but minor difference.
i use to have terrible eczema. put hydrocortisone only on the affected area, get aveeno ezecma relief lotion for entire body, reduces itchy feeling and soothese dryness. then you may need a zertec prescription for some time. depending how bad it is (i was almost entire body and infected scaps), get an allergy test and see if something in your life is a major allergy. allergies change with time and about 8 years later im entirely fine so try all that and then be patient.
weightlifting shoes are a meme.
Been lifting since September 5th, and I haven't lost any weight at all. I've been eating at maintenance and have been supplementing 5 day weightlifting with twice a week rowing machine. My lifts have skyrocketed though. My question is should I just keep doing what I'm doing if my lifts are going up or should I forgo the lifts to try and lose weight?
Bench 3x5 200 lbs
OHP 3x5 125 lbs
Row 3x8 135 lbs
Deadlift 3x5 250
Bodyweight: 270lbs at 6'4"
So when I deload, is it reduce weight by 10% - 20% and work my way back up gradually, or is it just 1 week of reducing weight by 10% - 20% or more and trying to get back up to my previous weight immediately to try to progress again?
I'm doing that reddit 5/3/1, haven't been able to progress on anything this week. OHP has been at the same weight for the past two weeks.
How do I get that clear separation line between my pecs? I can bench 2pl8 and I'm around 15% bf but it just doesn't seem to come
barbell bench is kinda bleh for actual chest development. swtich to or add in dumbbell bench flat and incline and make sure you lower it all the way down to get full stretch. drop the weight considerabley even if you have to get that deep rom.
dont believe you need to do 5/3/1 until over 315 bench. you are only testing maxes once a month or something.
Are your lifts supposed to stall when cutting?
It's a 5/3/1 based on 5/3/1 spinal tap which is weekly progress.
It's not bad but its just spinal tap and sheiko thrown together, meaning you will overtrain and crash and burn in 4 weeks max.
You're training some muscles two many times in a row my dude.
nSuns is a nobody that doesnt know shit about training, doesnt apply any principle, only reddit routines that are very good are the GZCL ones, and they're exceptionnal.
I need a pair of sweatpants that are:
* Stretchy
* Have a zipper on the front pockets
* Have back pockets
Any recs?
when do you drink milk? just before bed or? im bulking
All the time.
Why the fuck this video has over 80,000,000 views?It's just gymnastics... youtube.com
nigga i aint replacing water with milk
can't for the life of me think of a reason
best SIMPLE intermediate programs for strenght?
currently 1/2/3/4 pl8s
forgot to add, preferably 3 trains a week, MAXIMUM 4 days a week
>wants to be 70sbig
>doesn't even roid
jailbait spandex butt, most likely
If I do 500 dips and 500 shrugs a day for some months will my back become bigger?
I dont care about it being ripped or low body fat
I just want a wide back
And why does this get this many views?What does this say about the internet or about the world?
human history is but a long defeat,user.
do at LEAST some chin ups or pull ups, preferably weighted. if possible do some kind of row if you have access to equipment. heavy ass pulls are also good
how's my stack? hoping to improve brain function and memory
Are tablw rows a good option?
the one where you get under the table and push the body up
read through it, I'm picking out and going for individual components rather than a premade pill for the exact reasons mentioned in the blog, but thanks anyway
Okay, so today I was doing squats and all my joints just gave out on me. The weight didn't even feel that heavy, but my joints were creaking and making some weird noise. Just couldn't squat at all.
What's better for packing getting swole in a month? PPL or UL? Gonna take a break off my regular strength routine since I'm going on vacation in a month. Want to just do a bunch of hypertrophy shit for now.
Also, for PPL could I just do PPLxPPLxPPLx...
and for UL would it be recommended to to ULxULxx or could I do ULxULxULxUL
I'm doing PPLPPLx after a strenght program, started it with 1/2/3/4, doing pretty good gains, especially back, traps, etc
no experience at all with the other program so can't comment on it
My deaflifts are getting a little bit too heavy for my grip. How can I improve my grip strength or what can I use to help me hold on to the bar so I can do my deadlifts without worrying about just dropping the wait out of nowhere?
Not much gonna change in one month. If you wanna try hypertrophy for a bit, PPL or just PP (split legs up) would do. Maybe upper lower?
Yeah. Cutting sucks.
Your losing fat and lean mass, slowly. Lifting prioritizes fat mass loss, but theres still some muscle going with it.
Maintain your current strength level, or manipulate your intensity or reps to advance.
Ima fap to this!
did you warm up at all? Sleep well?
Just take it easy and try again next time.
You've fallen for the homeopathic jew
probably a combo of viewbots and pedofiles legally getting off
Yes, absolutely.
Chuck Taylors, or literally anything with a solid flat sole.
ehhhh whatever if you aren't fat. If you are fat plz no
If you can just find a runner's store nearby and ask the employees. A specialist store will probably try to help you out.
>Is it okay to use mass gainer if the calories per dollar is cheaper then real food?
I can guarantee you this has never been the case in the history of mankind.
negatives and forearm exercises.