Share your tips for having a good night of sleep.
I am sleeping around 8 hours per night but every time I wake up, I feel fucking tired af.
Share your tips for having a good night of sleep.
I am sleeping around 8 hours per night but every time I wake up, I feel fucking tired af.
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Need good tips for this as well so bumping, and also how to not have so fucked up dreams.
Last week I've been waking up over 4 times each night from fucked up dreams
Lemme tell you about this night
> dream me and my team are driving around my home town
> drive past old best friends house
> "nahh bros, the guys living here are cool
> I know where we can find the best loot"
> drive to spoiled brat chicks house, parents are super rich
> It's just down the road from my best friend
> break in and find only spoiled brat at home
> and some asian kid for some reason
> we loot the place, including fridge (thx Veeky Forums)
> find brat chick in her pool
> decide we're taking out all residents
> stand with pistol to the head of the asian baby
> realize it's the son of one of my team members (though none of them are asian)
> get very confused as to why I wanted to kill him and relieved I don't have to
> go to brat chick in the pool
> shoot her in the neck while talking to about some random stuff
> bullet goes through her throat
> blood everywhere
> she starts singing and coughing while bleeding like hell
> goes on for a pretty long time until pool is filled with blood
> singing fades out though she's still alive and bleeding
Wake up weirded out ass fuck
>no electronic devices in your room
>no electronics 1:30 hours before going to sleep
>walk barefoot on grass for a few minutes
>get a little bit of sunlight
not OP but
> live in 1 room apartment
> all cooking equipment have electronic displays
> live in northern norway, snow everywhere
> no sunlight until end of february
its called the "dark time" when the sun never shows up. Thanks for trying though
Hey OP. I've actually looked into a lot of methods regarding getting a better sleep. I've even had sleep studies conducted on me.
Going to need more info though. Do you wake up with an alarm? What time do you go to sleep/wake up? How long does it take you to get to sleep? What activities do you do throughout the day (active/sedentary/mixed)? Do you use electronics before bed? What supplements do you take? How much caffeine do you take?
I find cardio works well. A good jog 3km and my sleep is pretty good. It's not to long, easy to sustain regularly
I have sleep apnea even if I sleep 10 hours a day I don't rest. The only solution is sleeping with a fucking Darth Vader mask that i can't afford anyway.
Can't fucking sleep for more that 6 hours without waking up no matter what I do. I go to bed at 10pm every day, my room is dark and well ventilated, I avoid electronics before bed, never drink coffee or tea, etc. I wake up feeling drowsy and retarded but function alright during the day.
I've had a garbage sleep schedule for years before I started lifting and taking my health seriously, is it possible that I just can't sleep normally now because of that? Any advice and tips are appreciated.
That's fucked up. Was expecting some kind of sexual assault
I will never ever have proper sleep ever again
how can i stop having nightmare. im a 26 adult but somehow i keep dreaming of wierd shit or just straight up nightmare that Wake me up in the Middle of the night.
im not doing drugs, im living a Life with no stress so what gives?
Healthcare will provide you with one
How i went from garbage sleep pattern for years to having a good sleep pattern:
1. install f.lux for pc and use night time mode on phone 1-1.5 hr before bed
2. melatonin 30 mins before bed
3. 10000 lux light for 30 mins after waking up
go to sleep and wake up at the same time doing this for a couple weeks then you should be able to easily fall asleep and wake up refreshed
Yeah, but I am takes ages and they only give you old models and they are fucking noisy.
I am afraid of what my gf will think if I have to sleep with that shit. I know I am an idiot.
ZMA boiiii
I wake up every single night at random times because I think somebody is about to break in and it takes me a few seconds to realize nobody is here
How the fuck do i fix this?
I have no childhood trauma or anything
I go to bed at ten. Changed my life.
I went through having sleep apnea with a gf and she completely understood the situation. If she cares about you she'd understand that you having a proper nights sleep is more important than you looking silly for a few hours.
I've lost 30kg now and don't get sleep apnea anymore. So - alternatively, lose weight/stop smoking/stop drinking or get the surgery which lasers off the throat muscles constricting the airways.
few questions for you m8
>are you fat?
>do you have difficulty breathing through your nose
>do you have any hayfever symptoms
>do you grind your teeth in your sleep
>have you had your tonsils removed
>do you have a history of snoring on top of the sleep apnoea
Maybe that's as much as you need. Also it might be that you're not exhausted enough before bed. Lifting isn't very exhaustive in that way unless it's high volume.
Happens to me as well. Not sure why. I wouldn't say its every night but I'm quite a light sleeper so if i wake up I'll automatically think the worst.
One time there were animals outside my window making some sort of screeching sound and I though it was a Demonic Death Cult. Lol.
If it's bothering you that much get a sleep study/talk to a psychiatrist.
Now that you said that, i had this dream where i was killing girls with a chained sickle
>Rain sounds
>Try to minimize electronic usage (or blue light filter on screens) 45 minutes before bed
>Keep consistent schedule of waking/sleeping, same time every night will force your body to make itself tired in preparation of that set schedule
>REM based alarm clock that will wake you up refreshed outside of REM
I'm ex-military and have PTSD out the ass but still manage to get a decent~ish sleep most nights by using the aforementioned.
Another big one is having a girlfriend to cuddle with, I always slept well having someone else there with me.
Fear of the unknown coupled with an expectation of everything going wrong at any given time. Go see a shrink.
So do you also believe in supernatural things?
I sleep with my wife every night and except for waking up because of the breaking in thing I sleep perfect and it takes me 2 minutes to fall asleep again after waking up
BUT when she's out of town for business every few weeks for a day or two and I have to sleep alone I can't fall asleep and I wake up 10 times because I think some demon is standing next to me and wants to murder me
This goes so far that I have to completely sleep under a blanket with my head underneath the blanket even during summer
What the fuck lol
unironically have nightmares most nights. kinda used to it now. only occasionally do I explode up gasping and the last time was some dream where I was walking with my gf and heard someone running, turned around and someone in a hoodie stabbed me in the chest.
How do I stop thinking about my failures before I fall asleep? Being fucking exhausted is the only thing that works.
Read Stoic works, Seneca or Epictetus for starters.
Nah it's not that i believe in supernatural thing it's just that my mind goes pretty nuts when I hear strange sounds lol. Easily fall back asleep within a few minutes of hearing them though.
It's all mindset, matey.
Failures are not inherently negative unless you allow them to be that way. Yes, failing sucks, and failing to accomplish something that you wanted is a bad feeling, however it's important to look at failure as a learning experience to improve on.
Consider failure as another opportunity to improve, not a roadblock that inhibits you from progressing. Go to sleep knowing that even though you failed, you'll always have another opportunity to succeed; and we as humans are remembered by our successes and accomplishments, not our failures and setbacks.
>take everything you consider a failure
>think about it
>learn something from it
>realise it's not a failure
you learn more from failing than succeeding desu
> (You)
>few questions for you m8
>>are you fat?
Nope 13 / 15% of bodyfat
>>do you have difficulty breathing through your nose
>>do you have any hayfever symptoms
>>do you grind your teeth in your sleep
>>have you had your tonsils removed
>>do you have a history of snoring on top of the sleep apnoea
Basically I have done a polysomnography a few years ago and the study says that my throat collapse when i am sleeping and there is not much to do about it.
Thing is, I feel that if I don't focus on my failures, analyse them over and over again for days and months, I'll never be able to reach the adequate conclusion in dealing with the problems I have. Then I start having doubts about implementing it because of the shortcoming I'm trying to overcome in the first place. It's like loop of fuck me up the ass that goes on constantly in my head.
I never really thought about sharing my xp with anyone but since I just woke up from a nightmare and saw this thread I will
>extremely lucid vivid nightmares all night every night
>things like getting robbed by a qt slut I'm banging or losing my job or getting arrested
>always wake up not knowing what's real and what's not
>know that some of my memories are likely fake and from dreams
>the distrust it causes me to have is still 100% real
Night time is stressful bronions. I generally wake up a few times and have to collect myself like "Fuck none of that really happened praise allah". Then dread going back to sleep because I know I'll be re entering the nightmare. My last dream I brought a qt home and got undressed and went to take a shower when I got out I went to start fucking with her and realized that I left my wallet in my pants outside of the bathroom. I checked it and found it replaced with some type of fake iou money bullshit. I started getting mad at her them woke up thank allah. Took a little bit to realize that it was all a dream.
This may sound like some mumbo jumbo bullshit on first thought but these anons genuinely have the ticket. I’ve realized this is the key in life and is all the difference from making stuff a pile of things that turn into a list that makes you want to kill yourself to a list of things that may not have turned out how you had planned, but one, aren’t the end of the world, and two probably had a positive lesson to be learned in some fashion if you’re willing to put your pride away. Didn’t mean to just piggyback their posts and reiterate, but it’s great advice imo.
Thank you, this means a lot to me
honestly like write them down in notepad or something, then just underneath write about them. introspection is so important to being a well-rounded person; it quite literally is the ability to look into yourself and recognise shortcomings. it doesn't take ages, it just takes practice.
i'll green text one of my most recent ones
>have sex with girl I was kind of into
>wanted to casually date
>took 3 months to message her
>sat in "we might date, we might not" limbo for 3 months
>gave myself no chance at getting over it
>friend tells me it's the worst thing I can do and that she's already decided on an answer to the question before i've asked it
>message her
>she seenzones me
>forget about it less than a week later
I sat myself down and realised that I could see it as a failure; a girl who fucked me and wanted me didn't even respond to me a second time around. then I actually thought about it, and realised a) this shit is time sensitive and b) don't live life like it's schrodingers box - meaning that i'm not going to avoid running the risk of an unpleasant reality by simply keeping the truth from myself.
I used that learning a week later to ask a qt out, she said yes and we started dating like 3 months ago.
don't let your failures stay as failures.
Prime advice, thank you user.
>want to write down dreams
>dream of fucking different girls every night
>don't want gf to read that
What do
It seems like almost everybody are struggling up here in Finnmark with sleep during the winter half year. Really glad that I have this amazing ability that i can easily fall asleep no matter what.
I have one exception, I can't sleep for shit if the mattress is too soft. It always feels like it's to hot, even if it's freezing in the room.
that sucks finnmarkbro.
maybe get a bigger mattress so you can roll over to the cold side when it gets too hot?
I've invested in another dyne so that I can have a cold one when I want
my biggest problem is falling asleep when girls sleep over, guess its a luxury problem but still..
Recently lost 50lbs, was still sleeping like shit.
Cut out nearly all caffeine except a little green tea. Solved my problems 100%. I still only average like 7 hours, and then 1 or 2 little 15 min naps. I've feel fucking great though now.
Oh yeah, I also altered my sleep schedule from staying up late, to going to bed around 10 and waking up around 5am. I use melatonin if needed to make sure I fall asleep.
Write it in a code that only you would understand, be cryptic about it.
penzu or something like that
you can get mil grade encrytion and duel passwords on the app and then journal. if your girl can crack both of them, you're fucked regardless.
damn that sucks. it's so often either a nose is fucked or the person is fat. there's the surgery for parts of it depending what collapses in as the poster said. they're just painful as fuck and not guaranteed to fix snoring.
Exactly even if I go through surgery there is no warranty.
I slept crap for years till I started uni. Constant early rising for classes and mentally (uni) and physically (gym) tiring days would have me alseep within 15 minutes of going to bed at about 10.30pm to rise at 8am.