Any tips to produce more test and get gains ?
Test boost tips
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how many grams lf carbodishrekolate are you supping?
Test levels that increase from normal natty range to normal natty range have no effect on muscle gain. If you have low libido, go ahead. Otherwise just lift and eat.
Or roid
What's with this fucking onion meme?? It was one experiment performed on RATS
No roids, want to be natty
around 80g of sup proteins / day
zinc garlic onion amino acids exercise tobacco whiskey leafy greens lots of fruit
But no carbodishrekolate.
Tobacco and whiskey?
A lot of experiments are made on rats because they translate well into humans
>broccoli helps the liver to metabolize estrogen more efficiently
>broccoli converts estrogen molecules into a less potent kind
>sulforaphane in broccoli sprouts causes MAJOR REPRESSION OF MYOSTATIN (EASY GAINS)
>sulforaphane prevents hair loss and promotes hair regrowth
>sulforaphane **MAY IMPROVE AUTISM SYMPTOMS IN YOUNG MEN** - "participants receiving sulforaphane had improvement in social interaction, abnormal behavior, and verbal communication..."
>How to Make Broccoli Sprouts
>Sulforaphane and Its Effects on Cancer, Mortality, Aging, Brain and Behavior, Heart Disease & More
>Broccoli could 'hold the key' for treating autism
Sulforaphane is found in much higher concentrations in broccoli sprouts, although it is present in broccoli as well. You need to be eating both for maximum health and gains. This is a legit superfood and even superior to onionmaxxing. In 2017 you need to be broccolimaxxing
Look at high test girls
Read lewd musclefu comics
”A little help please”
I got you famalam
We share 98℅ of our DNA with rats - and you share about 99℅
> Anonymous 11/23/17(Thu)12:10:40 No.43686085▶
>We share 98℅ of our DNA with rats - and you share about 99℅
we also share about 50% of our dna with bananas and 80% with cats
so its safe to assume that various things like onions might effect pigs, cats, rats, and dogs very similarly, correct?
we're bananas bois
"safe to assume" prob not.
It would be a worthwhile question though. I was just joking around when I made that comment.
More importantly will onions make bananas cry?
Thrice weekly intramuscular injections of testosterone esters.
find out. might not cry in a way humans do, obviously. but maybe they can cause some sort of perspiration
Will try tomorrow
Will post results tomorrow
do you even have the knowledge of how to pursue such an endeavour?
Do you know anything about controlled variables? You need at least 6 bananas first of all. 2 in open containers, closed containers, and in the open.
one of the two bananas needs to be peeled. I really feel like you aint got this.
I only need 4
I place 1 on a table and make the others watch, I ask the banana to tell me what I want to know.
(I always make sure I know the first couple of answers to weed out lies)
I ask the 3 watching and if they lie I beat the first banana, I repeat this until I destroy the banana.
Then I pick the next banana and put it in the centre of the table.
I repeat this and it works.
You’re a tuff guy
>Test levels that increase from normal natty range to normal natty range have no effect on muscle gain.
This. just LOL at these fools thinking a couple of hundred ng/dl increase is going to make any kind of difference at all.
For true
nice bitch, thanks for the info bro
This. The difference between average and high natty test levels are unnoticeable.
they’re mostly used because they’re cheap vermin
Humans are not rats
Except gypsies
what if you're on low test ?
>he cant tell the difference between high and low test just by looking at a mans face
bad news my friend, you are low test.
doesn't squatting increase test? (large muscle use) if so, do some squats or leg press before other lifts in your routine
im in low test range, but within limits so doctor wont do a thing.
Leg press is not a substitute for squats
What is the source?????
you missed the point my guy.
you just have to use your quads and glutes for moderate to intense lifts. even just a couple sets would help
>inb4 you don't use glutes for press
apologies, I don't leg press and I don't know a ton about it
>Humans are not rats
Actually, they are. You are the biggest one here.
Because this is Veeky Forums, and Veeky Forums memes people into doing dumb stuff. Onions aren't that toxic to humans in regular servings, but the levels that Veeky Forums endorses is crazy. Onions cause anemia in cats and dogs, and might do the same thing to humans if one consumes the dose Veeky Forums prescribes.
onions have layers
i think you need to learn how to greentext and quote
Tobacoo is a proven aromatase inhibitor. Plenty of research on it.
a lot of experiments are made on rats because they have similar metabolic rates, are cheap as fuck, and nobody cares if they die. That's pretty much it.
Then you should be on TRT.
Totally not what I said, you illiterate piece of trash.
>not being a gym rat
No test for you
OP i need that sauce
You understand that almost all chemical testing is done on rats first?
We'd still be using leeches and tea leaves if not for animal testing