i'm thinking about replacing the bench press with weighted dips entirely. please give me your opinions on this and i'll ignore all the ones that suggest it's a bad idea
I'm thinking about replacing the bench press with weighted dips entirely...
Do dips even target chest? I have no idea but I just did dips yesterday desu
You're only training lower chest.
Dips are painful when heavily weighted for a lot of people.
Also less delt involvement which is a big bonus for natties who have lacking delts.
Dips are, in general, a meme exercise.
flies (cable or machine preferably, dumbell is okay)
close grip DB presses, great to incline
these are how you really pump a chest, bench is a compound of chest, triceps, and delts
>cable or machine preferably
Weak bait
dips are a meme, you're better off doing pushups
I stopped benching since it caused discomfort in my shoulder and I didn't have a spotter at heavier weights.
Did them for a year now, did 3 plate(135 pounds) pr at 180 pounds.
Pros, my chest didn't decrease in size, stayed the same while getting back a lot leaner, and noticable tricep development.
It also impresses and terrifies normies and that along with weighted pull-ups will make people on the gym stare at you(I don't have autism so I like the attention).
That being g said, start with regular dips and work toward full range of motion,I go the lowest I can.
DB flies have much higher stress on the joints and rotator cuff, there's no reason to do them if you have cables or machines available
don't underestimate the controlled negatives of cables man
>Dips are, in general, a meme exercise.
it's a meme, you dip!
If you do them with your body vertical, your shoulder joints get mangled.
If you do them with your body horizontal, it's basically a triceps isolation.
lose/lose, just find a flat or incline bench variant you can live with. Dumbbell/barbell, close/medium/wide grip, you'll figure it out.
i tried to do this but the dip handles at my gym are really narrow and hurt like hell
For flies? He’s 100% correct, the only proper way to do DB flies would be on the floor so you don’t rip your chest or snap your shoulder.
it's acceptable to replace bench with dips
dips are like decline bench done in a bit different way that actually hits triceps harder and chest just as good
flat bench translates well to dips and vice versa
it might be easier to snap your shit up doing dips though, and they're harder to set up once you start doing them with 1pl+
i would do both instead. It seems like its much easier to get injured off dips but thats probably because my form sucks or some shit. So there are some days or even a full week im not doing dips and just benching. I wouldn't take bench out of your routine
make sure you’re doing then with rlly good form so you dont visit snap city user.
dips=lower chest
i do dips, flat bench, incline, and cable flies on chest day
they murder my shoulders
could be because i have shoulders that aren't meant for this exercise or that i'm doing it wrong
also my shoulders never hurt on any other exercise
either way i like bench more
Started doing them weighted recently and my chest pump looks huge afterwards, way more than from bench, so I hope that means it's working.
less deltoid?
Are you a fucking sabant retard?
Like, you are super retarded, drooling over your keyboard and pissing yourselft but somehow you can use a computer and shitpost here.
>weighted dips
depends are arm angle.
dont do it kid my sternum still burns randomly after i did dips 3 weeks ago
Cables are objectively better you mong
I mean I reckon it's best to do both but it could be done. Just make you have strong lats and don't destroy your shoulders. Look into different form types if you want to target your tris or chest more on any particular session
no. your triceps can't handle that weight alone.
>weighted dips
Mark Rippetoe has been asked this exact question and his answer is exactly the opinion I am about to give to you.
It is a better movement in theory, but the weighted dip over time builds a likelihood of injury. Eventually, every lifter will find that the dip starts to hurt them, or just give them discomfort, and that will progress into true injury. You cannot dip forever, always progressing in weight.
The answer is that you bench press as a primary movement. You weighted tricep dip as a secondary movement for tricep/chest development, and once the dip starts to hurt you, swap it out for the Decline Lying Tricep Extension.
>tfw even this autist has a friend (guy who took the picture)
why cant i connect with people
i tried that, got to +50kg and then my sternum was hurting for like a month after so i stopped doing dips completely, now i only focus on incline bench and machine flies and my chest is pretty beefy now
>less delt
Someone is a dyel...
They are great, try em and see if it's for you. Most important advice i can give is, do not move shoulders forward, squeeze your shoulder blades together and keep them there during the dip. That is how i avoid shoulder problems. It's my main chest exercise but they are also good as accessory.
I had a trap injury from bench and had to do dips for two years instead of bench (dips didn't aggravate). I got up to doing +150lbs weighted to parallel for reps. When I finally was able to go back to benching, my bench was stronger than before I stopped.
Couple things to note with dips. What you work is changed based off the angle you're pushing from, and if you don't stop at or just above parallel you're probably going to eat an injury, most likely to the shoulder or sternum.
fag that couldnt dip with 30kg assisted, dipping now with 50kg added here after 1 year without even focusing on the lift
its fantastic exercise, for me and my long ape arms much better than bench.
few points tho:
a) get tight, grip the handles like you want to crush them and bend them outwards just like you would bend the barbell on press, to get more lats and protect shoulders
b)brace your fucking core, tighten up your muscles, i was having hamstrings and quad cramps when my sodium was low during dips
c)engage your lats and press "forward and towards your face" just like on bench
d) be in control, be explosive on way up(you can even make bodyweight challenging this way, slow towards bottom and explode hard) but !never! divebomb reps
e) find optimal handle / hand placement, too wide will hurt your chest and put shoulders at risk, too narrow will limit range of motion
f) warmup the shoulders and lats beforehand just like you should on flat bench
My general take is:
Much more people can do dips contrary to popular belief, but people do the exercise wrong, and then they blame exercise, not their garbage form.
Same goes for squats and deadlifts.
T. guy that had herniated disc, recovered out of it and is even stronger now
Weighted dips are great chest wise, but why stop benching? Unless you have serious issues bench pressing I highly recommend you continue doing them.
This may sound weird and i hope you guys read this.
I have had a chest/sternum pain show up. Near the second rib insertion, 80% of the time on my left side.
And all i had to do is pop it, like when you pop your knucles, i inhale, expand the ribcage, pull back my shoulders and flex the pecs, move shoulder up and down while flexing and theres a POP right between muh ribs, rite in the sternum.
Same thing with the sacrum ilium joint i lay down on the bed cross and lock muh feet and then try to pull the appart, instant CRACK POP SKRAAAAP, then i sleep.
Sounds like penis cancer
ad lots of ohp and incline bench
My bench was stalled at 205x3 with shoulder pain, so I stopped doing them about 6 weeks ago and substituted dips in their place.
I was about 200lb when I started, and could barely manage 3x5 at bodyweight. On a maintenance diet, I've gotten up to 3x5 with 48lb added, and can now do 5 sets of 10 at bodyweight on my volume days.
I fuckin love them man, I get WAY more chest activation and zero pain. And I've been doing them on an unstable platform (a $2 walker from Goodwill), so I'm hoping to get an immediate jump in weight when I set up my power rack for Christmas.
If you want to learn form for them, go buy a walker at Goodwill and practice at home. It's worked great for me so far, but I'm fast approaching its rated capacity of 300lb.
Don't feel bad. It was probably his mom
I took away bench because my left shoulder is fucked and bench really disagrees with it.
If it's because injury or discomfort, you could try dips and dumbbell bench press. That's what I do.
Don't listen to most people here, dips alone can replace bench, the dumbbell presses just supplement.
do weighted dips to supplement gymnastic training. if you want a planche, theyre pretty good
What are the handles like on your dip frame? The ones at my gym have them like parallel bars (palms in) but it sounds like your describing them in line so its like you’re doing a push up (palms back)
30 years old here, been lifting regularly since 16.
BB bench has given me all sorts of injuries. I started dipping a few years ago. I go past 3 pl8 for reps. Never had a problem.
People need to find what works for them. Neutral grip DB bench and dips are the chest exercises I swear by.
Can you answer this?
rippetoe himself has said (in an Ask Rip) that dips are indeed a more complete exercise than the Bench, but he excluded them from the core of SS because of the possibilities of injury (seems to just be genetic that some people are susceptible to injuring themselves on the dip)
Honestly you'll probably be fine if you're smart about it and it will probably even drive your bench up. Good luck, report back in six months with results.
fucking Veeky Forums
add in some DB bench and you'll probably be just fine, you'll never be a huge bencher but your chest development won't be worse for it
enjoy biceps tendonitis
The dip does work the chest. Lean forward a bit on the dip and it hits it pretty good.
Dips should never be painful unless you have fucked up shoulders or are doing them wrong.