How's those joocy neck gains coming along boys, let's see some necks
Neck gains
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How am I supposed to train my neck without injuring myself in the long run?
Neck curls bro, also trap exercises. deadlifts, shrugs get my neck pumped
Buy kneepads
Do neck curls on floor while warming up and progressing the weights like in any other move. Focus seriously on breathing tho.
You can do them pretty rapidly and nothing bad is likely to happen, because the floor is your spotter.
>sub 6 foot american / anglo turds have to train neck to give the impression they had the slightest bit of testosterone exposure during puberty
lol u mirin superior slavic genes? never did meme neck shit, just had healthy hormone profile
Nice towel
>testosterone exposure during puberty
lol at slavic intelligence, not how that works
I think youre retarded and dont get it desu
>dont get it
are you impying that having a healthy hormone profile during puberty gives you a thick neck? because that isn't true
tiny necked american shit detected
good testosterone during puberty = thick neck
stay mad you wispy facial haired little stubborn anglo shit
>good testosterone during puberty = thick neck
>wispy facial haired
neck thickness isn't related to testosterone the same way cock thickness isn't
tiny neck cope, take a deep breath little buddy
>tiny neck cope
how big is your neck?
18 inches lmao, never did meme workouts, just high test :^) stay upset on the internet though, maybe a few neck curls will make you feel better
if thats true then thats actually pretty impressive, but its not related to testosterone
not upset, just informing. Veeky Forums thinks everything positive or negative is related to test for some reason
>maybe a few neck curls will make you feel better
yeah sure, I'm still gonna train my neck later :-)
>male sexual characteristic isnt related to testosterone / androgen receptors
i'm sorry little man, i'm sorry you couldn't have been exposed to healthy hormones during puberty :P
now shhh
You didnt get the joke dude
baits getting lazier
Is the joke you're pretending to be attractive?
Still mirin brah. Motivated me af to keep training my neck.
Damn man lifting won’t help that face
jealous little man
thanks m8