Are you really going to stuff your fat fucking face and get drunk tonight...

Are you really going to stuff your fat fucking face and get drunk tonight? Holidays are not an excuse to go over your caloric intake. Let me guess, you thought to yourself, "Oh, it's bulking season." Nice excuse fat fuck. You're just looking for reasons to skip the gym and eat a little bit more buttery mashed potatoes and cheese. Thanksgiving is a fat fuck's favorite holiday. You're not a fat fuck... are you?

Europoors and third-worlders need not apply to this thread; you're irrelevant anyways.

> Europeans are our enemies
Nice D&C, have a (((you))).

However as an American you are probably a racial quadroon, Hitler wrote that "America is half negro, half Jew" and he was honestly right

why are you implying they'll skip the gym? i'm european but if i was american i'd lift and then eat a ton.

>However as an American you are probably a racial quadroon, Hitler wrote that "America is half negro, half Jew" and he was honestly right
You're already being bred out by Arabs.

If left was stuffing her face and getting drunk tonight i'd be right there with her.

fuck off, I'll do what I want

You don't become a fat fuck in one day though.... r-right??

No, just like you don’t become fit in a day. That being said, going too crazy over the holiday might make it more difficult to get back into it on momday

What did he mean by this? Milky?

this is OP

That ones clearly already stuffed her face enough, don't want that pot belly to get bigger

It's A LOT easier to get fat than it is to get fit. I gained 10 lbs in a week once from fudge; and that shit did not come off , like it wasn't just water weight. Meanwhile a 2lb per week weight loss is the best you can hope for unless youre like 500 lbs

maybe for already fat people. But for skinny people its the inverse.

It's infinitely harder for me to put on weight to lose it, if I eat until contentedness every day I would lose 15 lbs in a few months and I'm already a really lean person when stuffing myself.

>newbie lifters obsessed with calories

>Fun bad! No fun!

This pic is shop right?


I just had an amazing chest and triceps day and had the Thanksgiving food as a post workout meal. I don't see an issue

No, I do not believe, it looks to good to be real

That girl on the left is fat. There, I said it.

What pornstars have this body type?


I'm skinny so yeah I am gonna eat a lot, fuck you

She's thick, there's a difference

How low test can one person be

I'm a skinny af hard gainer, I need the turkey gains.

my gym is fucking closed user what am I suppose to do. BULKING today and hitting the gym hard tomorrow

What if I told you these girls are 15 years old?

Pic is OP

Don't care, dream woman

Preach. Getting fit for deus vult season.

>gym closed
Excuses... do HIIT outside, planks and abs in your room, etc. Plenty of shit you can do.

Going on a trip w/ my college in a few days. Got a hookup for xanax legally bc of my anxiety, so I'm just gon get lit on that and fuck alcohol

First cheat day since Halloween, first carbs day since 3 weeks ago.... happy thanksgiving Veeky Forums

I get more turned on

>Hitler wrote
>implying I give two shits what that fucking whiny-ass loser wrote
Way to go out like a fucking bitch too. Killed himself like a fucking woman.

user if she stood next to you and complimented your 15" biceps you would cream your pants.

pls sauce on this seed steed

>not hanging out and kicking back a few beers, watching football and eating delicious, home cooked meals with your friends or family
>inb4 edgy straight edge reply
You’re a loser.

Also my cheat day. Next one is Christmas or Christmas Eve.

Happy thanksgiving bro

imagine being this gay

Wow you sound so cool on the internet.



I did my 100 chest presses early, around noon. I've been drinking and eating pie ever since.

>mr. 56% thinking he can say ANYTHING