Alright which one of you was this?

Alright which one of you was this?

Other urls found in this thread:


>that nose


jesus fucking christ that guy is punching below his class

shes cute what are you talking about

She looks like a jew rat and the guy is too handsome for her. Probably a lifetime of being bullied for being a nerd that fucked his perspective.

Lol maybe, but she is cute.

Her nose fucks everything up, she's cute otherwise

Looks like a different guy in every picture

Good to know that Gundam Chads exist in real life


It's not just her nose dude. Eat some onions

She suffers from Anorexia-Nervosa shitlord.


The (((nose))) knows.

what the fuck dude

That nose, those ears.. jew rat prolly smells like matzo balls

She should probably kill herself then.

Having a man like that guy when I looked like that would be enough reason to not kill myself desu.

You know what they say about betas marrying the first used-up whore that shows them the least bit off attention.

She's definitely not on his level but considering this wasn't just a hookup, it's fine. Love is weird.

>I’ve had two surgeries this past year and will probably have a handful more.

Its about being selfless. If she offs herself, her boyfriend can then get someone better.

He will regret this when he sees their first child. Good genetics gone to waste

That rat is even pulling her dress in the fancy pic to look even slimmer.

to the chambers

fuck off, OP. Gunpla is awesome

he's too good for that crooked nose jew bitch

Fucking /pol/tards migrated here for good didn't they...
God I hate those dumb refugees. We had it all guys, cringe, fitness and feels all the way, but now every thing is either about something being a meme or a shallow discussion of ethnicity

Yeah it's pathetic. Just have to ignore them and hope they go away.

>hates refugees

I think you're the /pol/tard, you faggot.

Cute story, though they did have at least high school in common already. (Hope I can show my 600i to my cutie one day)

Why are jewish girls so irresistible even when they aren't hot? Honestly there's some weird jew magic about them - when an average girl gets my dick diamonds for absolutely no reason, 10 time out of 10 she's been jewish.

They be escaped they're containment board. Theyre going to ruin the already shit Veeky Forums
