This guy smacks ur ass and says thanksgiving is a celebration of genocide. What do???
This guy smacks ur ass and says thanksgiving is a celebration of genocide. What do???
He weighs about 150 lbs so I think I'll be ok
>Yeah whatever breh,I'm not an amerilard, so I don't give a damn shit about their traditions. As a Germancuck I'm too worried and being constantly reminded of the Holocaust anyway. Pls stop touching me,or the Manitou will strike you down
>202 lbs
>pro football player
>pro baseball player
>olypic athlete
>greatest athlete of all time
Think again, pal
that ching chong neanderthal face fucking scares me, i think i'd get knocked the fuck out desu, kid has like 20lbs on me and looks like a hawaaian tribe leader
>*Let him smell my onion breath*
>How's that for a genocide
Tell him "I know."
and currently deceased
It's crazy to think 100 years ago dyels like this where seen as Olympic athletes.
>You're damn right
>Smack his ass
>Happy Thanksgiving
Smack his face and tell him he should be glad I don't finish the job
I would probably nerd rage and fight him, Idgaf about the outcome. I would likely win due to raw anger alone. Shit happened once before at my friends house party, I just lost my mind, wasnt even a fight I just attacked the guy
Tell him MLK Jr. Day isn't about celebrating cheating on your wife.
Tell him Independence Day isn't about celebrating oligarchs rebelling against monarchs and using peasants as cannon fodder to buy financial independence.
Tell him when they celebrate Ghandi in India they're not celebrating pedophilia.
And, by the way, when we celebrate Columbus Day here in America we're not celebrating genocide.
Also tell him that Billy Mills is a way cooler Native American Athlete, and also tell him that if he played any of those sports today he'd never get a college scholarship let alone play pro.
Carry on with my day as he returns to his trailer park reservation to abuse his children and watch what remains of his people die of alcoholism and diabetes. This holiday is built on genocide and conquest, just makes the turkey that much better tbqh
that face is proof of the higher testosterone they had back then. Now give that man the high protein diet of today and he would me muscular as fuck
You should have checked yourself before you Shrek'd yourself. Then I hold him down and make him smell my onion farts.
Jim was an amazing athlete and had a tragic end, plz no disrespect him
>celebration of genocide.
tell him im glad to meet him and that he is my hero. i respect his opinion.
>the filename
I'm glad someone respects Jim.
ask him why he's wearing 2 different colored socks
>Implying based Jim Thorpe would be a libtard
That makes it even scarier that he slapped your ass. I wouldn't fight an Olympic-class ghost.
Dyel manlet prairie nigger
>202 lbs
not in that pic he aint, 85kg tops.
I ask him if he's gonna let Comedy Central let him be portrayed by a pineapple nigger who can't act, or keep lecturing me about celebrating an excuse to be with family and eat food because it's connected to a myth that whitewashes early English/Native relations.