Let's get a good old degenerate curlbro gunshow thread going on. Post your guns and stats, small guns big guns it don't matter
>tfw almost 16" and going on a cut
Let's get a good old degenerate curlbro gunshow thread going on. Post your guns and stats, small guns big guns it don't matter
>tfw almost 16" and going on a cut
I just measured mine today, right at 16" as well. Good for us user
6ft 170 lbs
I fucking hate bicep curls, i love triceps workouts but detest biceps
forgot to add
>6ft 200 lbs
Nice. Your arms look bigger than 16". Hoping to weight close to 170 as well at end of cut.
Other way around for me. Always get a much bigger burn doing triceps at lighter weights.
most iconic gunshow
prove me wrong
tfw i cant seem to get mine to grow past 14" even though my bench is going up
Get the fuck out.
How much weight are you curling?
Bench is mostly chest
i'm 5'11 180lbs and I don't know if mine are even 15". Does no one train legs?
5'7 manlet 190lbs
>lifts for strength
Impressive my dude
I'm OP. I don't curl much, oly barbell with 5kg weights, strict form, no swinging. Mostly work em with weighted pull ups and heavy rows.
I do, but I got dem long lanky legs so not much wheels to show.
Goddamn bazookas over here.
Mine went from about 11.5 to 14.5, flexed (yeah I know), but how do I get them bigger?
I'm 6'1. Forearms are just 12.5. Been doing just hammer and regular curls for a while. Doing more triceps work helped.
Oh and of course I do other stuff, like pull ups and bench.
jesus man is that even legal?
You can't be 6' if those are only 16 inches. Why? Because i'm 6'3 and my arms are 16 inches and they look fucking tiny. Those look huge.
You're either measuring wrong or you're actually a manlet.
>6ft 1
>17.9 inch arms
Why am I such a soy boy Veeky Forums?
>forgot picture
I don't do much more. Just keep going heavier with your back work and keep up the accessory work. I usually focus more on 12 rep range for a burn with arm work.
>brainlet skips 6'1"
>he doesnt have "guns"
No unfortunately. But its with government approval.
Are you a government experiment?
mirin because leaf can't into ak
But you can into VZ58 if your looking for AKish aesthetics.
Maybe. They might be trying to see the effects of shitpostan on Veeky Forums with /k/ stuff. /fitk/ > /fitlit/
I guess it would be ok if I was a gril
What helped you guys to get big arms? Imo my arms are too tiny and frail for my broad frame
>Maybe. They might be trying to see the effects of shitpostan on Veeky Forums with /k/ stuff. /fitk/ > /fitlit/
but we don't
bugger off
not a fatceps thread, sorry bud.
Thanks brehs
Being a manlet? probably not
yeah been training for 8 years started at 12 inch its been a long path
C'mon brehs, get some more guns in here.
That's not how you measure biceps
This is me. I am just barely over 6ft...taller than most people I meet. With boots im probably around 6'2
I just grabbed a phone charger, wrapped it around my arm then measured that distance with a tape measure.
> he measures flexed
Oh sweetie!!
Most do. Would you measure your penis limp or hard?
you're obviously fat
I have 16" arms but because the muscle is narrow they look tiny from the front.
Curl bro portaloo edition
16" upper arms, 13" forearms
Will you choke me?
Are your curls going up?
good one, everyone knows 5'10 is the king
fuck off 5'11, you're neither manlet nor lanklet
no one wants you
you're doomed to walk the earth alone lifting weights with your average height
You mirin fagets?
are you retarded?
>Can’t tell where the shoulder ends and the bicep begins, but that’s half the fun
That's right I got SICK shoulders too
How the fuck are you 6ft 170
I'm 6ft ~200 with 16 inch arms, do some squats son
I think user was saying you have small arms with little to no definition
im at 12" after 1.5 months of lifting. pls no bully
>No measuring tape
pls dont hurt me
12 or 13 I think, lost my measuring tape. My tricep is crap
W-what are you wearing bro?
that's some thick forearms, jesus christ my dude
no pictures on me but
>163lbs. turbo skeleton
>12.1" flexed
kill me. i also have 11" forearms.
fuck bb show us the rest
I'm not that fat, but you're right, looking at the photo my arm is shapeless. I need to work harder.
>roiding for this
still love you tho
haha nice gyno fag you even need a bra L O L
Im same size as you, i think that's normal for guys our weight, at least they're bigger than when you started (mine were legit like 10 or 9")
When you get to 185 lbs you'll have bigger arms
yeah i started at like 125-130 lbs. or something ridiculous so I've definitely improved.
wearing sports bra broseph
no homo tho
I only wear it so I don't eye rape innocent people with my nip
do you even lift?
from may 2017, iirc this was 20 months difference
fucken mirin cunt
literally my only good feature
6'2 - about 96kg
fuark literally banner to hulk transformation over here
168cm, 68kg, can't take a picture for shit.
It's lame. But I've only been lifting for 3 months.
>just over 13.5 inch arms
>tfw bench 120kg
Why oh why
>5'10 74kg
Yeah I'm bulking to like 80 now.
what's the dyel cutoff for arms?
i have 36cm (~14.2 inches), but ive only been lifting for 4 months so im not expecting much
Pls post more cheekie I love you even if you're a /fraud/
I've seen better arms on a chair.
Check 'em.
>94 kg
post full body
im , i want to see someone around my height and weight. most people are in 80kg range
Don't really take pictures of my legs since my left quad is ~5 cm smaller, due to a patellar dislocation - my right quad is 66,5 cm
And yes, that is heavy downlighting
How big is your clit?
[spoiler] pls fuck me with it [/spoiler]
40cm or 15.7 inches for Americans
you have better chest and abs, this was july before bulk
oh wait, i was about 87kg in this i think
i dont have a recent one
legs around same time, think my quads are about 25 inches, calfs about 17
wtf, those are some weird proportions
look at your giant hand bruh
I'm not even mirin your biceps, I'm mirin your forearm