Is she right?
Is she right?
Source? I need to read this secret blackpill manga
I hope so.
What if I try to make myself look good (workout, nice clothes, ect.) But I have no desire to be liked by anyone?
Am I not still self centered?
You do have a desire to be liked by someone... You have a desire to be liked by yourself :)
Keep it up, man, become who you want to be :)
Don't let your dreams be dreams :)
And don't fall for the onion memes :)
Painfully so too.
I love myself, I always have.
It's created an ego and a personality most people find unattractive and shitty.
But I don't care, I'm fucking awesome and they jelly they can't live my life.
Actually girls find me charming and funny until they realize I was being a dick to be a dick and not being flirty.
the acne scars wont go away
Suck dick better than you ever will.
Actually yeah. I've always been "the ugly guy" people laughed at. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't fix the face. I have a decent body now but my face was, is and will always be fucked up which led to a few personal disorders caused by my turbo low self esteem and no self confidence. I can honestly say that I'm as ugly inside as I am on the outside.
I'd attribute that lack of effort to low self-esteem (or disproportionately high self-esteem) before I'd say a person like that was some kind of asshole. There's also the people (myself included) who are just homely by default , but still put in effort to look better and have better hygiene. By her standards, the amount of effort it takes to look good on our part, and what that says about our character, doesn't matter.
So why would I accept her standards in the first place? Improving yourself, for yourself, is the best attitude.
Change 1 2 3 IIRC.
Wrong. You can be attractive as hell and still be a bitch/asshole/bad person who doesn't give a shit about anyone else. You can also practice good hygiene and be a kind person but not have aesthetic facial features or wear particularly flashy clothes. And if someone does look bad, the only reason is not that they're self-centered, there are many possibilities. They could be going through a rough patch/stressful time or have low self-esteem.
Of course not, you've never met an awful person who was attractive? I don't believe you.
good looking people cannot be bad people
I disagree with the claim that people are 90% looks, but she's right that most people that don't try to improve their outward appearance are usually shitty on the inside. There are plenty of reasons not to do so other than being self-centered, however.
>what are outliers
the only people i have that kind of an opinion about is people with hygiene problems. if you reek of shit or have bad breath, yes, i think you are selfish and a shit person on the inside.
as for the rest of it, how the fuck does one make self look good? if you're born unattractive there's only so much you can do to improve your looks. even worse, if you try too hard it may come across as an obvious inferiority complex
She's trying to sound smart