I'm thinking about getting my neck hair lasered off? What does fit think?
Has anyone had their neck hair lasered off?
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do what you want, but I'd never do that.
If you're gonna shave it off constantly you might as well
soyboy needs his lazers?
why stop at your neck?
continue with assholehair your boyfriend will appreciate it.
if you want to look like a Jersey shore tool for the rest of your life be my guest. this is such an extreme measure as opposed to just shaving like men have done for centuries before you
Be sure to get your clitoris hair too
I didn't know this was a thing. Thanks op, I'll start saving now.
i find it very retarded to shave/laser under the shin, on the neck its ok though
You should get your neck razored off tbqhfamiglia.
My mate got it done and it looks really good on him, he had chest to neck hair almost so wanted to permanently remove that gap
He said it stings like someone's got an elastic band that's hot and pinging it against the skin, it also gets a bit pussy after your 1st couple of rounds of treatment but aloe Vera sorts it out
trans girl here. i've had lots of laser. it's expensive and takes several sessions but it totally worth it. and yes it feels like hot rubber bands snapping against your skin.
if you do only get the neck and not "under the jaw" like that guy
>t. have to shave at most once a week
this is gonna get the redditors in more of an
uproar than net neutrality or battlefront2
you're attacking the neckbeard?!
what next the fedora/trenchcoat combo?
i removed my asshole hairs so my gf could eat me out better, it's pretty neato kids
Not like the OP pic but I do have to trim my neckbeard daily would be kinda neat desu. Mostly just a little past the Adams apple would be great.
Jokes on you, I can't grow neckhair
Native American Master Race
where from
show benis
Are you mainlyusedforwalking on tumblr?
I have a giant triangle of hair on my traps and the back of my neck and two long stripes of hair going down to my ass.
I was thinking of getting all that lasered off, but I don't want to pay some dudes a bunch of cash to do it.
Has anyone tried something like this?:
why are you laughing
people are so scared of becoming ((((neckbeards)))) that they shave there beard like WAAY too high. that dude looks like a serious faggit having the hair under his neck lazed off.
the neck beard meme isn’t someone who literally has hair on their neck you homos. neckbeard meme is just referring to gross fatties with patchy beards.
stop shaving your beards like OPs pic, let it grow out and be a fucking man
>the state of /fit
My body hair goes straight from my chest and back up my neck to my beard and head hair. I wouldn't want the ridiculous lasering that guy in OP's pic is getting but ideally I wouldn't like my hair to be climbing out of my t shirts.
to have a proper beard it should begin slightly over the adams apple, gives it a nice thick look when it gets long enough
>this x2
who’s beard is that originally?
This. I've heard of some soyboys that laser their facial hair off but they probably could only grow shitty rat stashes anyways.