Why isn't 5/3/1 more popular on here? Seems like everyone but /plg/ is following some meme hypertrophy program. Doing 5x5 is shit for both strength and hypertrophy.
Why isn't 5/3/1 more popular on here? Seems like everyone but /plg/ is following some meme hypertrophy program...
Other urls found in this thread:
I apply 531 on my main lifts, 4 times a week. and instead of FSL I do a different exercise.
Deadlift 531
Squat 5x10, 5x5, 5x3 or 5x1 as x% of 1RM
Deadhang 5x for time
Abs 5x10
Bench 531
Ohp 5x10, 5x5, 5x3 or 5x1 as x% of 1RM
Incline Bench 4x8
Pull ups 5x10
Tri's, Bi's, Facepulls
Squat 531
Deadlift 5x10, 5x5, 5x3 or 5x1 as x% of 1RM
Frontsquat 4x8
Abs 5x10
Ohp 531
Bench 5x10, 5x5, 5x3 or 5x1 as x% of 1RM
Dips 4x8
Rows 5x10
Tri's, Bi's, Facepulls
Is somebody willing to post progress pics made off of these powerlifting programs?
5/3/1 is the goat but the problem is all his knowledge is super spread out and not organized. Forever in particular. I personally enjoy doing all the weird variants he's thought of because it's like routine hopping but not really. So the workouts feel fresh but I'm keeping a steady progression
A more important question is why hasn't anyone uploaded 5/3/1 Forever yet?
I did the boring-but-big variant of 5/3/1 for about 8 months and was very happy with the pacing and progress. Just the right balance of volume and intensity
Because 5/3/1 is a program for advanced lifters and nobody on Veeky Forums actually lifts enough for 5/3/1 to be efficient
I personally run Triumvirate and have been having good progress with it.
I don't understand people who say it's complicated, it's literally 3 lifts a workout 4 times a week. Am I missing something?
>5/3/1 is a program for advanced lifters
What kind of shit are you spewing?
Experienced more so than advanced. You can do all kinds of shit with waves, overwarmups, ladders that it's barely recognizable but still technically 5/3/1. And that's without even touching the accesories.
youre fucking stupid if you think doing 9 reps will get you results
Shut up you fucking weakling. Stick to your 3x20 bicep curls
531 is not a program, its a way of life
Because it in't hat good of a program.
It is inferior to texas method for strength.
I would recomend phul over 5/3/1 for a general lifter.
Read about who is the target user of 5/3/1 is.
I do 5/3/1. Unironically put 15lbs on my OHP on my first round through.
>been doing 5/3/1 then 3 sets of 10 of the same exercise
>supposed to to 5/3/1 then do 5 sets of 10 of a different one
thank you op for causing me to look this up, also im fucking dumb
BBB is 5x10 of the same exercise.
I follow a 531 routine, ok progress to far but my lifts are shit to begin with and only on 3rd cycle
everyone on Veeky Forums seems to shitpost on 531 threads but they never offer alternatives so i'll keep doing it until my progress stops
plus I don't really want to squat every single workout like other intermediate routines
Texas method is a template
You can put it into upper/lower split or what ever.
It’s a great program but holy shit it is boring.
I like this routine. Looks nice. Yours or?
BBB and BBB Challenge are different things.
no ebook version and people are too lazy to scan each page
might want to add a horizontal row on day B and a vertical on day D, your push:pull ratio is pretty out of whack
I tried the BBB 5/3/1 one for like 2-3 months, forgot how long.
Thoughts on it was it was extremely boring, just like the title suggests. I did notice some gains, though but I don't think I was on it long enough to notice strength gains.
There's literally nothing advanced about it. Wendler even says so when he describes the program
If i do boring but big should I do any accessory work on top of that, if so what?
Because its shit. The bridge is far superior
>not advanced
then why would an intermediate lifter do the program at all when they can have much faster gains on the texas method?
I dunno, 5x5 with thrice-weekly squats got me huge. Switching to 5/3/1 was pretty much quitting lifting, the gains just fell off. One work set/week for each core lift. LAUGHABLE, man.
Oh, look, it's someone who has never read 5/3/1 and who thinks "Ain't Doing Jack Shit" template is the program.
PROTIP: Wendler suggests programming accessory work and lays out a number of templates to assist lifters.
The purpose of 5/3/1 is to develop an athletic base. Slow progress allows a user to develop and build strength gradually, which is in stark contrast to a peaking program where realizes strength that already exists but will fade quickly without maintenance.
>one work set per week
Every template Wendler suggests adds considerable assistance work. BBB, the most popular version, adds 5x10 supplemental work. If you program the routine properly (not retardedly), you'll be hitting the same muscle group at least twice a week. Throw in additional compound movements (dips, chins, rows) to hit the muscle groups more frequently.
because rate of progression the program calls for =/= your rate of progression
just because you are only progressing your training max at 10lbs/month (which for squat and DL is 120lbs a year, which is already a completely absurd and unrealistic rate of progress for most genetically average human beings who are past beginner phase) doesn't mean you are getting stronger at 10lbs/month, you might be smashing your AMRAP sets more or doing heavier joker sets etc
pretty much my experience with the vanilla 5/3/1 + BBB in 2013, i regressed on everything but deadlift (which was the only thing that had higher volume than other routines I did in the past)
>weight we can lift for 5 sets of 10
>weight that makes us stronger
We must choose, user-Kun.
careful of your shoulders, at least do some facepulls. but if you've been running this without injury so far i see no problem. post bod?
well that's annoying
if you are actually suggesting working in 65-75% intensity ranges doesn't make you stronger, you're a moron
dude you know nothing about this program if you think 9 reps is all that gets done. You do 25+ working weight if you are actually not being retarded.
BBB or Big Muscles variant with Pyramid sets is imo the perfect combination. went from 225 - 355 on my squat in 6 months for working weight.
If you go to Wendlers actual site he says you can do 5x10 with either the same movement or the alternate it’s up to you. I read it in some faq page.
I like 5/3/1, remove the first deload week and just deload after 6 weeks instead of 3.
Wouldn't recommend for beginners, since the progress is slow, I guess you could add 5 lbs or more each 3 weeks for a more LP style, and I think he even has a beginner routine styled for 5/3/1.
It seems more 5/3/1 is a template and you alter it to fit your needs or goals. The issue is that a lot of people on here just want a set routine to follow to reach X without doing research and all that shit. Of course that's a generalization, but it's the impression i get from a good portion of posters here.
What do you do for abs?
never heard of that big muscles variant, can you link me to something that describes it? or is it just BBB with heavier weight?
Deloading after 6 weeks is what Jim recommends now too.
>if you made your 5 rep max your 8 rep max you didn't become stronger
Sorry lad, you are too retarded. Why should I care about month increase of training max if I smash PRs every workout?
>strength and hypertrophy are mutually exclusive
>a bigger muscle isn't a stronger muscle
Did 5/3/1 BBB for around 6 months. Was pretty shit, the only thing i actually got noticeably better at was OHP.
I've had way better results with 5x5 or even a PPL with a strength base.
And im up there being pretty strong with a 80kg OHP, 145 kg bench, 220kg squat and 260kg deadlift.
Doing compound lifts once a week just doesn't work for me.
You don't do 5x10 in that range, you do way less.
>5/3/1 is the goat
because 5/3/1 is dogshit and for turbosperg fatty redditor virgins
post your lifts
90kg ohp
130kg bench
do zercher squats cos im not a homo
235kg diddly
row 145kg x5
5/3/1 has barely any heavy volume so it's not a great way to get stronger. if you do it with a lot of accessory work then you will get bigger but you could say that about any program.
wendler himself said he wrote it on the back of a napkin while in a cafe one day, I don't think much thought went into it. it is only popular because it was on strstd.com
>wendler himself said he wrote it on the back of a napkin while in a cafe one day,
You should have read the newest book, picked a template, and customized to your needs.
Read the book. Beyond 5/3/1.
Come back when ur over 18 pls
does anyone have a pdf of the newest book?
yeah so you're a fatty redditor "powerlifter" following 5/3/1 who's weaker than a brosplitter, go neck yourself loser
What programs are good?
5/3/1 a shit
it seems like 5x10 with the alternate movement is better
trying to do 5x10 after 5/3/1 of the same exercise is crazy hard
I do it every weak nerd. Maybe that's why it doesn't work for you?