I've been training my ears for the last two years, I've got pretty good hearing gains now.
I listen to loud music when I lift, to damage the inner ear slightly, then let them rest and get plenty of vitamin B12 so they heal back stronger.
I've gotten noticeably better hearing now than when I started, I can even pick up high pitched ringing sounds that earlets can't hear.
/HGG/ Hearing Gains General
This is not a thing. The fucking inner ear is not a fucking muscle. If you do this you will fucking destroy your hearing overtime.
We have officially exhausted all fitness topics on this board.
Classic Earlet, I bet you don’t squat because you’re worried about your knees.
Are you stupid? Of course you can train your inner ear.
It's like how you can isolate your inner chest with squeezing exercises.
this is bullshit, you will give yourself permament hearing loss, once the cilia in your ear that interpret sound waves via vibrations die, they do not grow back stronger, you just become slightly more deaf.
>being this gullible
>Tfw trained my inner ear too much
I can literally hear my neighbour when he whispers to himself at night.
Eargains were a mistake.
I do 3 sets of white noise for 5 minutes, then 3x5 of brown noise, then finish my workout with 3 sets to failure of pink noise.
I'm considering upgrading my stereo to something more powerful - I train at full volume but it doesn't seem as loud as it used to since my hearing has got stronger.
Then how do you explain anecdote?
>t. earlets
>falling for the b8
Wear these for maximum auditory gains
Does it have to be a stereo system or can I use in-ear monitors?
Stay dyel earlet
i knew a guy in highschool who always listening to extremely loud music and he had the hearing problems of an old man
Fuck man, I did this factory job for some time and now I have hearing problems because of it.
Can europoors sue companies?
bump i want this to catch on
Why are you complaining, you were getting free hearing gains from work & you want to sue for it?
Stay Pleb.
jesus christ this board is such a shadow of what it was just 2 years ago.
you should try shooting guns right next to your ear, maybe even attempt PRs with higher calibers, shotguns and whatnot
t. earlet
I found some kind of solution to it, I feel I am gaining hearing now.
I might still go for the sue
how's your thread going broski