Why do planks feel like they're building my upper arms much more than my core no matter how I do them?
Why do planks feel like they're building my upper arms much more than my core no matter how I do them?
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Cause you’re relaxing you’re core and letting your stomach hang
Am I supposed to suck my gut it on something?
They specifically say not to raise your hips but that's the only way I feel anything in my abs.
Do you squeeze your abs and glutes?
No, but I'll squeeze yours.
fucking anime nonces
y-you too
For real though, squeeze them when you plank. Keeps your posture correct and you definitely feel it in the core.
Flex glutes and abs as hard as you can. If you relax you're wasting time. If you can plank for 5 minutes you're doing it wrong. Hell if you can plank for more than 1 minute you're probably doing it wrong too.
Most people turn planks into an ego "lift" for whatever reason. No one cares how long you can waste time while not relaxing. Flex the actual muscles and go until you can't.
Weak arms
similar problem here. my lower back hurts before I even feel like I am getting a core workout.
That's what I'm trying to look like.
>get on the floor
>doesn't do dinosaur
get fucked
Die in hell, degenerate sodomite, hope you get torturesd
not an anime fucktard, but is this good for abs? its the only thing im lacking/not training atm.
Do cable wood choppers and shit. Much more effective then planks.
calm yourself user
I squeeze my glutes and especially my core for the duration of when I plank but I still feel it much more in my chest. Pls help
abs pulldown
hanging knee raise
I'm degenerate for wanting to get in shape?
>not an anime fucktard
I'll just put down my advice and let you sort it out on your own.
He thinks you're a trap
Figures. Are there seriously no other women on here?
planks teach you to push yourself even when it hurts, and overcome mental obstacles of endurance. I don't think doing 4 minutes of planks everyday is going to do much for you muscle wise.
>on the internet
>on Veeky Forums
>on Veeky Forums
That was a good one, you're funny user haha
Always nice to see fellow patricians.
I just wanted to do some planks.
Anyone else lose breath quickly when squeezing abs? I feel like I'm doing it wrong.
Nigga do you know where you are?
stop squeezing with your diaphragm
Thanks but how? I'm retarded
Practice tensing abs and maintain breathing standing up to get a feel for it
Pls help
Tyyyyysonnnnnn Fuuuuuryyyyyyyy
here ya go """""girl"""""
separating the two is something youre going to have to practice
lay on your back, put your hands on your abs and try to lift your head and shoulders off the floor without holding your breath
Nigga do you know where you are?
thats your psoas you are feeling
its felt in the lower back
it is part of the core and needs to be worked too