Anyone ever loose the motivation to lift because u are Chad and have done hella? This past year I've smashed maybe 6 girls and made out with plenty. I even got a girl out of it. Its kind of messed with my gains because I'd rather just lift 3x a week, maintain and make money then really go hard on asthetics. Motivation/story/rant thread? Also, happy Thanksgiving. Feel free to post your life gains as well.
Life Gains
>Smashed 6 girls this whole year
I'm ok looking, I don't even lift and I can meet a girl from online every week or two
some Japanese lady invited me to her house this weekend just from a couple of phone calls
the fuck is wrong with you people
>some Japanese lady invited me to her house this weekend just from a couple of phone calls
some japanese lady invited him to her house (to fugg) after they talked with the help of their telephones a few times
I dated them maybe two months per girl. That constant puss aha
>This past year I've smashed maybe 6 girls and made out with plenty.
that's literally 2 weeks on tinder
Damn, I guess. The true number is 7 grills and I'd just switch between em every other day. Idk man it was better then my previous year with a oneitis and 40 pounds heavier.
>realize my japanese is getting good
>superlike some japanese woman on tinder
>hit it off straight away after talking on the phone
>we made plans to hang out
>she suggested I should stay at hers to avoid having to go all the way back to mine, then back to hers, because were hanging out all weekend
also, casual sex is haram, just because you can, doesn't mean you should
just find a nice girl to marry :)
>tfw haven't had sex in like 2 years
I'm starting to feel like a virgin again
hold me lads
I see, that makes more sense...
> "just find a nice girl to marry"
> uses tinder
user, I...
Are you muslim user?
partly testing if i'm still banned
This is more of a degent to trad story then a virgin to Chad story.
>high school me
>buying Molly, going to "raves" a lot
>tons of shitty "friends" who I always hang with at parties and these
>eventually end up sort of dating a girl from my school
>her parents are pushing her to become a model, she doesn't eat for this goal, does drugs and sucks my dick
>eventually tire of her, break up because want to fuck other chicks
>she sets out to ruin my life, accused me of causing her eating disorder and self harm
>all my friends stop hanging with me, some even start dating her shitty friends
>alone and hated by most who know me
>graduate high school, spend the last party nights alone in my house shitposting and checking everyone's social media to see all the fun they're having
>summer before college start talking to one girl from another high school about this time, she's really supportive and doesn't believe the bullshit about me
>we start dating but it's much more earnest then my past relationships. Kind of just talk, always feel good when around her. She's a bit of a recluse too.
>go to college in rural area on scholarship
>don't connect to anyone there because of my urban party background, classmates are mainly rural and religious
>first couple months of freshman year alone, just studying
>since I'm studying all the time get good grades
>all this while trying to make ldr work with girl from hometown.
>go to gym on a kick, meet some kids who become my friends
>they're rural religious types but funny, good to be around for me. Time spent with this crowd lifting soothes my soul in a way.
>after a semester ldr gf transfers to my school
>we pick up where we left off
>I lift with my free time and kill it in classes, we hang with crowd from gym. Drink mildly on weekends but mostly laugh, shoot the shit, watch corny movies. Gf likes all of their gfs and starts hanging with them, they get coffees and go shopping and shit lol
>I finish out degree and have grad school acceptance lined up
>now were in a new city together, both building our careers, hanging with people who we enjoy, building a life
>on a lark check in with friends from old days on fb
>neck tats, weed culture, complaining about job market, fucking random club sluts or acting like they are
So glad I went the way I did guys. Feels like I'm a different man but holy fuck I think I just got super lucky.
Good for you, user. Put a ring on her and start a family. Then you will have fulfilled your duty to the next generation.
That's the plan.
Trying to have a few kiddos and a nice home with her, that would be very fulfilling.
> Smashed 6 girls in a year.
> Calls self Chad.
Bitch, I've smashed 6 girls only last month.
Tinder in a big city. Literally fishing in a barrel.
I'm rich and focused most of my life on business and my career.
Never dated, never had a gf..I'm 30 and successful. Could use some tips on getting a gf guys....
Forgot to mention I'm 5'9" and a sand nigger.
White girls are easy dude.
Smashes on the first date every damn time.
I went 5 years and then started having sex again this month. It's almost like losing it again, except you remember your old tricks.
>bragging about banging six desperate strangers a month
>not having mindblowing sex 7 nights a week with someone who loves you
People have different definitions of success. If a man gets what he wants through honest hard work or his own wit then by me he's alright.
sick. Good for you user.
You're still here too? I guess the chan is for life after all
>Put a ring on her
Glad for you user, but do not do this
Never change, Veeky Forums
Well I'm still here because I'm alone... money only makes greedy people happy. I just want someone to recognize my success and enjoy life together..
First ever post be gentle
>2016, be me, decent looking 20 y/o 160 lbs 6’0 athletic, fairly bright Caribbean male
>finish 2nd associate degree at local state college, but at the same time go through tough breakup with first gf of two years, who turned out to just have been using me to get through school
>be pretty depressed about next stage in life since I never really had much of a social life outside of her, and now there’s no college to find potential gf material
>end up volunteering at national radio station (since I got a degree in mass communications and pol sci), and eventually work my way up until I get hired full time
>fast forward to October, 22 y/o, I’m now basically a household name and daily voice on the largest media platform on island, now obviously with less anxiety of speaking in public, to new people, and generally not being autistic
>still no gf, little social interaction outside of work and sports, no apparent drive to get girls, people even start thinking I’m gay
>fast forward to a couple weeks ago, my birthday, decide fuck it I’m my only obstacle to not having a gf/social life so message this cute, brown eyed girl on Facebook who apparently graduated together with me but I’d never talked to in college
>strike up a conversation and it flowed smoothly somehow, despite being pretty much asexual for the past year
>she turns out to be a great match, traditional values, really into me, ambitious, into fitness, etc and we fall for each other, never been happier about life
Life is a dream atm
Also, was kissless virgin until 19
I've had sex with 30 women in the past 2 years since becoming fit and improving my self confidence. The first dozen women i had sex with it felt amazing but now when i'm fucking women it just feels like a chore. Even when they let me do whatever I want it doesn't make me happy.
Weird that if you're telling the truth probably nobody on this site knows who you are.
Household name. Interesting. What's the media platform?
I live on a small Caribbean island which very few of you may have heard of. (You could probably ID me with this) but I was live posting while Hurricane Maria was fucking up my shit
The national radio station
Beggars belief
Don't fall fo' no bitch bruh. Lotta these hoes will use a nigga fo' his money see, so you shouldn't allow that silly ho think you gunna be her sucka. If you ain't gotta busted mug, just talk to a ho you think is lookin fine. Tell that slut you wanna get her some hot cocoa cause fall is a great time for cocoa. She'll like that shit.
Talk to that mama about her life and interests and shit like. Make stupid jokes with that stupid grin you got. Get that skeezy laughing, engage with some physical touch if that ho fellin' you. Keep it short and simple, simp. Gentle affirmation grab behind that ho elbow, place your hand just above that donk as a guide when you walk, smooth casual like.
Just don't get played by any ol' ho dawg. The game is rough out there homie.
>bangs 6 girls
>thinks hes now Chad and should stop lifting
Hey, are you on discord or Snapchat? I have a friend who would marry you, she’s hot and very fit and needs to leave the Muslim country she’s in. She also very family oriented and doesn’t care if you aren’t good looking, she’s asleep right now but if you’re up for it I’ll give you her Snapchat