Does my T actually increase when I don't fap for a while lmao? I'm on day 3 and I'm getting crazy urges. I haven't had morning wood in months.
Nofap really works?
Other urls found in this thread:
nofap is a meme
you're only supposed to avoid cuck POV porn.
It’s a retarded meme some retards took too far and serious.
It has absolutely no effect on T or other hormone levels.
>POV porn
Pick one
Cuck POV?
As in Cuck point-of-view you brainless retard.
It has to do with sexual morality and time management. You could do so much more productive stuff without wasting your potential on hour-long porn sessions, watching the nastiest scenes.
Who tf uses that term? Nevermind, you're a wordcrafter.
My balls feel even heavier after jerking off 4 times this afternoon/evening. The most pornographic material I use for fapping these days is non-nude stuff, a lot of times I just go by imagination.
Get on those onions boi
you know what acronyms are?
fucking retards here
NoPorn is the real deal. NoFap is pretty extreme. Every creature with a dick and hands jerks off on this planet.
It can be done. You just have to work out hard--cardio or weights, SOMETHING to near the limit of your capacity--in the morning. Then you're somewhat safe. Rest days are the devil's work days.
IME the memes are real, it's just really hard to get that sexual energy under control. For me some crazy sublimation starts happening two weeks in. It's getting there that's a bitch.
t. went 1.5yrs without fapping from 24-26yo while lifting and eating meat. Fucked some girls but not a lot, would go months without ejaculating
What do you do about wet dreams? I sometimes don't fap for 7+ days not because of nofap but just because im too exhausted from training, and im always reminded that i forgot to fap with wet dreams
Never had one in my life
>never had one in my life
I meant the combination of Cuck and POV. Never heard of that before.
>you know what acronyms are?
Yes I implied that here Have fun.
I would say... watch more porn instead.
Nofap is absolutely real. If you really want gains, you must not only never jack off, but never have sex either. Anything resulting in an ejaculation is a loss of testosterone that you can't afford.
You guys are retarded. Youre gonna give up good harder erections for so called gainz that are barely noticable. Just workout harder.
You're gonna have to wear a chastity belt every time you go to sleep. Trust me bro, it's worth it.
I made the most out of my gains while masturbating. I am not recommending porn consumption though, maybe watch Hentai instead.
>sexual morality at risk
>from masturbation
you aren't raping anyone when you masturbate, just so you know
I seriously wonder why nofappers don't ever mention this obstacle. Is it rare to have wet dreams? Or are they all so low T that they are partly impotent? Im not against the idea of nofap but i just couldn't physically do it because i ejaculate either way after a week.
Nonsense. I've forced myself on myself on many occasions.
if you dont jerk off, your body will just ejaculate on its own. Either way, you are going to ejaculate. These nofappers will ignore this physiological process and turn this into a philosophical one even though they are after the physiological benefits....... which is none. So yeah, its a meme made by grade school children desperate to just talk to girls. They always mention talking to girls as a benefit
i hate rapists. I hope you are alright user. I hope you find the guy that did this to you and you kill yourself. Thats what all rapists deserve
Masturbation is linked to porn consumption. I listed sexual morality for a reason. You know who owns the porn industry.
People of different backgrounds some of which happen to be Jewish and in the focus of people like you for some reason?
>sexual morality at risk
>from porn
my goodness are you extremely weak. Even normal people don't get fucked up over porn. Maybe you should just give up mother fucker, life is wayyyyyyy harder than porn
Come on faggot you don't have to be a /pol/ack to know whats up
>Maybe you should just give up mother fucker
Just retreat to your goats, you brainlet
2 / 2
>can't refute
>calls people brainlet as escape
>even fake life on internet is too hard for him
Oy Very! That's right goyim! You know the Jews are your friends, if the west ever rejected us you would surely perish, not that we Jews are any different. Despite being God's chosen people, Jews are happy to share our country, america, with whites, see america has always values Jewishness as a core value, as well as freedom, pornography is part of both of these! Race is a social construct, us Jews see that, which is why we make interracial pornography! Its all american! We're just one big melting pot nyuck nyuck!
>can't refute
I'll do this then.
>Even normal people don't get fucked up over porn
>watching porn for hours
>the projection
jesus, you have some real problems. you also have some real problems if you think everyone does this.
>jesus, you have some real problems
I am done with this shit
>i have statistics to back up my statement!
>there are thousands of people out there dying from watching hours of porn
>im here to talk about porn safety
just don't fap unless you're about to go to bed, kills all motivation and depresses me for the day for me anyway, when I do it right before bed I fall asleep comfy and wake up with a nice hard on :)
Fuck off shill, nobody wants to see your cum ridden ass smearing the shit all over this board. Just leave, go to Veeky Forums and annoy these people.
>i am the ambassador of fit
>on behalf of all fit, i know for a fact we all watch porn for hours and have problems
>leave this place now because people like you who advocate normal life is not wanted!
>>on behalf of all fit, i know for a fact we all watch porn for hours and have problems
I can't stand the fact that you've been jewing me for more than half an hour. Go to /pol/ and burn.
There are many people who need help on this matter, although they are married and have a job and shit. There are numeral reason why you could be addicted to porn, hence why there are so many who are trying NoFap. Many people on Veeky Forums do well in their lifes, others obviously not. What is your fucking problem?
Are you asexual?
There are people who can't remember their dreams or lack the imagination, hence why they rely on stimuli.
>there are many people on this site who watch porn for hours on end and this becomes a problem
>but those same people don't have problems because they are doing well in life
meanwhile in nofap threads
>guys! I noticed i talk to girls more often now
>my test is through the roof!
>you all have to try nofap and noporn, the benefits give you super powers!
its good that you admit to have problems but don't push your problems onto others who aren't weak ass bitches like you. Thanks for the laugh tho
Wet dreams also include waking up with your pants full of cum, you'll notice that even if you forget your dreams
do you spend hours on youtube arguing with random people there too? get off the internet you autistic faggot!
>its good that you admit to have problems
I... haven't.
If you haven't watched porn even once for a fucking day, you are really fucking gay.
>who aren't weak ass bitches like you
Coward. KOAD bitch
>i dont have problems
>if you havnt watch porn all day even once, you are gay
lolololol, please stop!!!
>nofap really works?
>Does my T actually increase when I don't fap for a while lmao?
NoFap is stupid. NoPorn is real.
>do you spend hours on youtube arguing with random people there too?
Well I like to argue with people. Yes. And if anyone is attacking me like a stupid mongoloid, then obviously I would like to disprove them. It's not like I could hurt these cowards in RL, so why not.
apparently no porn is only for people who watch it all day
It's true though. It means you have no libido. I don't know of anyone who hasn't once enjoyed the shit for hours, newfag.
>i spend time arguing with random people online
your real problem is that you make up problems to make your life less boring
>i dont have problems
>admits to watching porn all day
Dude. I was talking about watching porn at one occasion in one's life where the underlying purpose just wasn't about jerking off to some random shit, you nasty little ratshit.
>>admits to watching porn all day
I am not watching porn all day nigger. See
>if you dont watch porn for hours you have problems
>im not the one with problems
>your real problem is that you make up problems
No I genuinely enjoy fights.
Bullshit...when I went 2 weeks I came just as I was waking up. Your body isn't meant to keep the same shit in that longf
great attempt at trying to place focus somewhere else. get yourself checked into a psych ward when you get the chance
>great attempt at trying to place focus somewhere
Maybe you should focus on someone else? It may make you look suspicious.
>another attempt at trying make it seem like user has the real problem
>Your body isn't meant to keep the same shit in that longf
Are you really sure about that? You're never going to make it, son. Better cut your dick off.
>another attempt
Well I am just replying to an asshole because he made me wanna smack his skull. Nothing unreasonable for me.
>i dont take shits
>i keep all the food i eat inside me
I don't need to take a shit. My body has an advanced metabolism, I am pure and free.
Same here. Hence NoPorn. Just jerk off less too, makes you less of a slave to your dick.
>admits to being a slave to his dick
>applies to everyone
>day 23 of no fap november
>still no "flat line", daily urges
>finally starting to notice an increase in productivity
>almost relapsing thinking about qt coworker
Lend me your power, Veeky Forums
Well, you could just watch porn
Well I'm on day 20 or something and I'm going fucking mad. I got drunk as fuck two days ago and embarrassed myself, but fuck it, I can't stop now
>do no fap
>have wet dream
>cum is so filled of supps it's almost rubber
>had to get off
>stains my cloths
>basically elmer's glue
It works. And you aren't supposed to be masturbating while looking at people fuck on a computer screen, you are supposed to be fucking females you fucking cucks.
I have a high sex drive, big muscles, don't know the number but the one time I had a blood test for meds the doc said my T was very high. Like he seemed shocked and asked me if I felt OK or crazy horny all the time. I just don't shot web in my sleep I guess
Pretty sure that's just sperm, when I break a long streak it's super thick
Thanks, great read, saved.
Holy shit, yeah,big redpill here. Read Kevin MacDonald too goiz
It does not increase T levels. There is barely noticeable spike (think single digit percent) at the end of first week. After that you're back to normal. After about 3 months your T actually starts decreasing.
The biggest (and likely only) benefit is it makes you horny. Horny means energy you can use to help achieve your goals, if you are able to channel it.
Source: I was among the first anons (maybe the very first) who started trolling with nofap on Veeky Forums. It got severally out of hand. Kinda like MLP.
I thinn you need to watch "your brain on porn". It's not normal to see thousands of different women having sex. The novelty of seeing a new woman is really powerful, and when new porn you've never seen before is available at all times, it's not about "libido", it's about being a dopamine addict.
Try and jerk it 8 times a day with 0 porn. Sure it's possible, but it's unideal. There's a difference between actually being horny and your brain saying "watch porn, I want it". One is libido, one is addiction.
If you're not hard before even looking the sruff up, it has nothing to do with libido.
There is a big difference between seeing women have sex on a computer screen and seeing women have sex in real life. I've often gotten boners IRL over things that wouldn't arouse me if they were only on my computer screen.
Or just jerk it without fucking using porn? If you are capable of getting a boner like a normal person, why fuck your brain straight up again by going straight to porn?
t-t-t-there g-g-guys, I-i-i p-posted it a-a-again! M-m-maybe I'll feel better about my impotence and weak boners if I convince others to jack off to pixels on a screen.
You guys are all completely wrong about this, nofap and noporn are ONLY about dopamine, and dopamine addiction. You're brain is designed to release the most dopamine for the most rwarding behavior. Sex is literally at the top of this list instinctually . You can do cocaine all night and your brain will start to feed you less dopamine. However with porn, your brain thinks that every girl is a new potential mate, endless dopamine. So when you start feeding your brain all this dopamine with fapping , you're brains dopamine receptors start to heal, giving you the " superpowers" And they are real because your brain is literally rewiring to reward you more dopamine for little things, activities etc. Making life more enjoyable, more confidence in life over all, feeling more energy etc.
STOP feeding your brain *
A lot of truth. But you're forgetting about the androgen receptors in the brain. Too much ejaculation vauses them to become overstimulated do they doenregulate.
Stop fapping for a while and they upregulate. This is what makes you "feel high test"
>tell myself tonight is the last night before no fap
>relapse 5 times in three nights
>the next day get qt red head college student number who I have almost a decade on.
>call her two days later "Hi, it's user." "HEY user, HOW ARE YOU?!?!"
>set up date for monday and hang up.
>no fapping for this amount of time makes me...
I would say I'm going to fuck her brains out but she's already in college (major doesn't matter 99% of the time).
protip: if she's out in public or has a picture with a friend who is obviously feminist, no touchy, no talk, no eye contact.
Keep a journal to track social, career, goals, sex, physical and money gains.
All porn is for cuckolds
Does nofap work?
>pic related
it spikes at 7 days. any longer than that you are doing it just for yourself with no real benefits and anything very far beyond that is doing you harm.
How is not masturbating a waste of time?
Because being a retard is always a waste of time
I've had wet dreams but my body has failed to ejaculate from years of ejaculating only by masturbating+nipple stimulation
then dont watch porn. fap only once a week. just bang it out...
whats the problem?