/fph/ because the old one is a hugbox
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Start with at least a few posts of your own twatwaffle
Be the change you want to see
Forgot I'm on a different computer, no pics.
/pol/ was actually good back in the day
i know i sound like a pol edgelord but nu-fit should be gassed, those r9k lurkers have no contact with fat people beyond a hello, they dont understand the amount of ignorance and weekness or selfshness required to be clinicaly obese, they cant see that if a fatty trully tries they could look somewhat human in less than 5 months, yet when they see those greasy fucks in a gym doing meme exercises they jump head on to the whiteknight train because either theyre fat themselves or theyre innocent about those beasts that parasite society, fuck nu-fit
Side note
>visiting family for gainsgiving
>have to take Staten Island ferry to their garbage dump of a borough
>ferry is packed full of people, pretty much no seats
>orca pod is taking up nearly 10 seats
>there’s only 3 of them
>surprised the workers didn’t convert the ferry into a whaling vessel on the spot
tumblr is a wonderful place
Forgot to add picture
this to me is obvious trolling and such low hanging fruit. this is so obviously satire.
You underestimate the degree of delusion needed to just leave the house and face normal people. I've been wrong so many times on what is trolling and what is real for those fatties, I always assume it's legit.
Well no shit
still can't find the sauce of this to this day
Your tax dollars at work bros
>400 lbs+
>drinking coke in large amounts
At lest she is going to die verry soon...
>forehead fat
mongrel genetics behave in mysterious ways
>a little cardio here and there’s not going hu-
I'm surprised she didn't smash his head with how fucking fat she is.
>[Visibly Horrified]
She's lucky he didn't literally crush his fucking skull
I'm kekking but I have a face that looks as if I've seen my own death
>Tfw you go to hard on the onion diet
Why would an eating disorder be grounds for expulsion? This has to be a joke...
Holy shit, same thing happened to a buddy of mine who went there. He had to chug water and hold in his shit before his "weigh-in" just to stay enrolled
Fuck Yale, epicenter of ivy league degeneracy
>92 lbs at 5`2
That is a bit underweight, but she doesn´t look like she has much muscle mass anyway, so it should be fine.
I'm glad to know there's other people out there that just carry around chicken broth
ahahahaha all that salt
they frame it as "mandatory health leave"
>Holy shit, same thing happened to a buddy of mine who went there. He had to chug water and hold in his shit before his "weigh-in" just to stay enrolled
What is the point of that?
>pocket broth
>shit shit sha!
I had a fwb who was 5'2 and around 90 lbs, literally perfect body for a woman.
How the fuck does something like that pass the physicals required to be a cop?
I'm married to a 5ft 80 pound asian, and I agree.
>How the fuck does something like that pass the physicals required to be a cop?
There is litteraly a double standard for women in moust countrys, also the one in the USA seems to be verry low compared to others.
Mandatory physicals stopped being a thing in the 90s
>metebolic disprivilege
>I will delete comments suggesting diet or exercise
>Mandatory physicals stopped being a thing in the 90s
If the cop is unfit, a crimminal could outrun him.
Youre oreaching ti the choire buddy
Don't try to make sense of so e kf the laws we have in this fucking world
I'm out of pictures
Don't know, I just had a cop tell me that when I asked. He told me it's a split between roiders and fatties now
>wolf experiencing sheer terror on thar belly
>If the cop is unfit, a crimminal could outrun him.
This happens when people demand more law enforcement. Tests get skipped, training is hasty.
Some border patrols were stopped from apprehending suspects because their partner was so out of shape that they had to stop to give them aid.
>split between roiders and fatties
Neither of those typicaly have a decent endurance.
(Except if you call EPO useres roiders)
What movie is this?
>border patrols were stopped from apprehending suspects because their partner was so out of shape that they had to stop to give them aid
I want a source for that, not since I doubt it, but because I want to laugh about them.
guardia and get
limitless I think was the name
Something about a pill that makes you more smarter. Who needs that shit
>this pic was meant to be satire
>it turns more into reality day by day
I feel bad for those people because deep deep down they know that shit is wrong, but their body and impulse control are so fucked up that they have no self control
You might have moments of clarity where you know how and why that shit is fucked up, but then your disformed body needs kicks in like a crave and makes the clarity disappear transforming you on a mindless zombie
>beeing able to use a door is thin privilege
Oh fuck that movie, gross.
BS. Cops still have physicals, at least where I live. Court security doesn't though, even though they are still technically sworn deputies.
Endurance athletes eat A LOT, they have to since they burn upwards of 5000 kcal in competitions additional to their BMR.
a lot of departments have physical standards for entry but after that you can go to shit and no one will bat an eye
the point is to make weight to avoid being suspended for being "anorexic"
The guy ramming her with the cart gets me every time.
>suspended for being "anorexic"
They should do that for fatties as well.
Positive side effect:
Gender studies wouldn´t be a thing anymore...
What future hath mankind wrought.
this can't be real
I hope this actually catches on. The more fat people we get, the better I look.
She’s a qt
makes me cringe so hard
fake and gay thats one of two obese sisters that have a youtube channel.
This. The cops don't start fat, but get fat knowing they don't have to run again
>anal cavity
jesus fuck my sides
>I've been wrong so many times I'll continue to be wrong so many times
You're still wrong, but now you feel better about it?
Is that diet Coke or Barq's? Also why does Facebook want you to tag that Twinkie?
i just started watching it myself, i was expecting that shiro dude to restart the stream but he never did
That's a bullshit comparison though. There are plenty of deaths by malnutrition. Not so much through anorexia which is a mental disorder first and foremost and if you ever got to the point where you're about to die of anorexia you could just eat a goddamn banana.
get OBS and stream for us user
I wouldn't know where to start.. It does help with fasting though, looking at those creatures makes me never want to eat again
Shiro, if you're lurking
get off your fat ass and stream
i think i saw him on r9k the other day, streaming some other shit. But yeah if you're here shiro
holy shit i thought this was fake and i was laughing hard
but it's fucking REAL?
i'm mad as fuck
>earth is lost
>lets go to mars
>travel cost is by weight
Just existing as her must be painfully uncomfortable, physically. Imagine how her skin is constantly being folded and stretched while also flopping everywhere and her muscles are slowed by the constant lagging fat mass whenever she moves her limbs, her heart must be working as hard as it can just to keep her alive and is being hindered by fat within her arteries, her legs probably get numb from just sitting in odd positions. Imagine the difficulty shitting, imagine how bad she sweats. Think of how large her stomach must be for her to balloon to such a size, and the constant hunger and sugar cravings she has perpetuating this physique. Her feet must be aching every day. I wonder how this much fat will affect her bones long term. I wonder if she remembers what she actually looks like facially. Her self esteem must be so far gone to the deep end that she's accepted the fact she doesn't exist on a sexual plane for almost everyone and even if she does it will come with its own strains. How does a creature like this masturbate? She's not even a real person anymore. Just a cautionary tale to overweight people and she accepts this role somewhat by making herself look comical.