Drinking raw eggs
Any of you do it? Seems like a good way to fill up on calories.
Drinking raw eggs
nigga just fry and eat them
No thats gross.
pussy bitch niggas, really..
10 years ago that would be quite normal
especially now with all fucking health standard regulations
I mean when was the last time you've heard anyone talking about salmonella?
trap thread?
A couple months ago with the last out break?
it's just nasty dude
if you want drinkable calories drink milk
>ps is that boi or grill
The body absorbs the most of it when it's cooked.
Yall know this is a guy right? I've seen before on trap threads
>I've seen before on trap threads
you browse trap threads? what a fag.
who this
some trap from /b/
Better bioavailability when cooked while still slightly runny, no reason not to
Of course I browse trap threads you faggot. Ever since i started lifting my test has gotten higher and I just wanna dominate a cute trap
There's a bugle nigga, look at his arms nigga, that's a fucking MALE
should I fry it on a pan for like 2 minutes then?
or boil it for 2 minutes?
Issue with biotin over the course of months of drinking eggs. Worth the risk? Maybe, tastes like cum to me.
depends on the country.
UK eggs are the safest, and most developed countries are like 99% safe to eat raw.
I've eaten quite a few (~50) raw eggs and never had problems. I worry about it though.
f like to microwave it when it's straight from the fridge.
Cold raw egg is rather unpleasant, but if you swallow it in a single gulp, it's not bad. You can also mix it with milk etc., in a glass.
I like it slightly runny. Eggs are versatile when added to many ingredients, e.g. omelettes, pancakes, and used to coat things in e.g. a pan or wok, or can be used to add consistency/density/richness to many liquid ingredients like cooking sauces or cakes.
Fucking versatile shit, eggs fucking are.
Is it healthy if i eat three eggs each breakfast? Make it to an omelett with herbs and mushrooms
I've eaten them for years. No problems.
please tell me thats a man
I don't think it's possible for a man to look like that...
Use to add three to my bulk shake but my morning shits turned into a liquid filed nightmare
Cut back to one per shake and bowl movements are pleasant again
that's an unflattering pose
why isn't he showing ass? prolly as bony as the rest of him
post feminine benis
you'd be surprised
Why not blend it up with a raw onion?
Its a trap
I have been doing it since I was a teenager, almost 30 now.
Cooked eggs don't taste good, you have to do dishes, all that. Fuck it. Put an egg in a glass, add a little orange juice, shoot it.
I wish I was born 30 years ago so I wouldn't get caught up in the degeneracy of masturbating exclusively to traps
it's too late for me, as well
Haha no 30 year old would do that
ofc not, because Im 32! haha!
I'm 32 and I definitely don't masturbate to traps while thinking about pounding their tight hole over and over
Congratz, you baited me into posting it.
post feminine benis
desu Im pretty ok with the thing. I never had any kind of sexual attraction for regular men, not even cute twinks.
>inb4 you are a closet homo!
nein, I will not care if I was homo, so its not that. in fact, I think no homosexual man will be sexually attracted to a trap/tgirl
it's a weird situation, I like to think that the Romans and Greeks would be alpha about it and just fuck the trap while not caring either way.
Only a fag questions their own sexuality, or something like that.
indeed. resembles a sexy girl = obliterate (boi)pussy
simple as that.
going to pass on that, don't wanna get banned
>don't wanna get banned
now THAT'S a feminine benis
Would you /k/
Sounds very healthy. 270 cal and 30g protein. Good start for a breakfast I'd say.
no cause this isn't /k/
Let's get mounted
As long as you can handle the texture and don’t worry about the slim but real chance you might spend a week shitting and puking your brains out, go for it.
The texture is like a bunch of lougies sliding down your gullet.
>So used to seeing trapshit on /k/ I automatically assume this is /k/
Says a lot about /k/ huh.
>traps have more vascularity than you
Chickens are vaccinated against salmonella. The chance is so slim that you shouldn’t worry about it.
actually having sex with a trap isnt that great
t. had to endure manly grunts while doing the deed
That’s what bothers me about this shit. The porn is hot as fuck but the real thing is disgusting.
Then you had sex with a dude, not a trap
That said it's still not like you'd imagine. Definitely not like fucking a girl
You'd need to be downing like a dozen raw eggs daily for it to actually affect your biotin levels
How is it different? I've jacked to traps online for as long as I can remember but have never actually got together with one.
It's hard to explain. For one thing there's no vagina, so unless you're really into dicks that's something you gotta deal with. DESU it's something you have to experience to understand.
traps are dudes in drag though so whats your point? trannies =/= traps
I am talking about trannies you moron
Not really the term has evolved and the word just is another way of saying tranny desu cross dressers are dudes in drag
t. Trap conneseuir
>Then you had sex with a dude, not a trap
Trannies dont fall under traps.
Trannies are disgusting though and will kill themselves before they hit 30.
Traps are just boys that can be mistaken for a girls.
im revoking your trap conneseuir title
t. trap pontifex
such a shame he never shows his boipucci or feminine benis
You guys are literal Somalia-tier skinny niggers
you have to put the egg whites up your asshole, its the fastest way to absorb things in to your body
If you insist on consuming them raw, at least buy pasteurized eggs (yes, those exist and are more common in grocery stores than you think)
Okay, go ahead and explain the difference, as far as sex is concerned
read trannies with their fake tits are literally the brainlets delight. putting cute feminine looking boys into the same category with them is a fucking insult
so you've never had sex before, great just making sure
whats wrong? is the little brainlet intimidated?
>y-you proved me w-wrong but h-haha you never h-had sex
go back to wasting your precious protein filled loads to the balding rat that goes by the name of bailey jay
boner deflated
Sorry I was promoted after I posted that, you can’t take away my title
t. Trap grandmaster
your trap knowledge is literally /gif/ trap thread-tier, fuck off.
i just contacted the pontifex maximus and he's already working to banish you from our holy lands
both of you are a disgrace to our craft
t. Trap Messiah
The proteins in raw eggs are in a particular shape that makes it more difficult for your body to absorb. Cooked eggs have unfolded proteins, and are easier to absorb. The drawback is that some nutrients are dimished when you cook an egg (vitamin A, vitamin B5, phosphorus and potassium).
At best you'll absorb half of the proteins in a raw egg.
You just need to lose that fat user. Every guy has good veins hiding under that subcutaneous layer. Even soyboys have them, as evidenced by that picture.
A true Veeky Forumsizen I see.
this one is really hot i would fuck all day
Who is this?
You fucked a low quality trap I tell you
and how do you fuck a high quality one?
Scramble add cooked lean mince beef, thats the best way.
For quick calories to drink get whole milk, maybe add oats and peanut butter
First you find it obviously,see if she is into you then you say its your first time with agirl like her or something along the lines,then you ask if she has a femenine voice becausw for you a manly voice is a turn off it aint that hard,or you just call and talk to see what the voice sounds like.
I have fucked only one transvestite and he/she (whatever) had a very femenine voice and was very androginous but I took care about the matter before meeting to fuck.
Fucked like 3 trannies besides,well not 3,more like 2 and got sucked by one,thats not counting my first experience wich it was sucking a traps cock,the act was meh but it was kinda hot,couldnt make her suck mine but was willing to rim my ass lol.
>tfw I have fucked more trans than girls
spend the time looking for i fucked skinny completely shaven 19 year old who moaned like an actual girl while giving me the nicest compliments. took a few months to find >her and a lot of searching but it was worth it
Grindr,Romeo,Hornet,apps like these,they are for gay men but there are traps and trans there
this is true, the proteins become denatured and more soluble when cooked. i was dissapointed to hear this because i always thought it was so cool to crack an egg into my mouth in front of guests.
I use craigslist tumblr and twitter. make sure they are 20 or younger (less chance of std - ive fucked 4 cds and no herpes or anything yet). also the best cd is a hapa as asians tend to have more feminine features and smooth skin
Raw yolks are good, it's actually better not to cook them because some compounds (like cholesterol) risk oxidation. But raw whites seems like a bad idea, the proteins are difficult to digest, and the ones who don't get fully digested (between 30-50%) end up fermenting in your colon and producing noxious compounds.
How the hell would you use tumblr for that
lots of cds in my city put in their about me section that they're from my city and to send them pics and/or kik. then if you're gym fit it's easy af to get a reply
I want to machine gun punch your faggot hole.
Afterwards I’ll take you shopping for your faggot clothes.
My last SCF (sissy cuck faggot) died of a hemorrhage. Email me at [email protected]. I can fly out if you live far.
And if things go well, we can progress to me kicking and stomping your ladyboy stinky house biscuit hole.
Let’s chat on email and see where it goes. (I can fly a plane.)