Will this actually work?
Will this actually work?
yes stupid fuck
Don't let the normies get hold of neck theory. Once mainstream we will lose a rather useful tool.
Yeah, you'll worsen your posture in no time at all!
I've seen Anthony Joshua use it for boxing conditioning, so I guess it should
t. necklet
yes. its classic exercise people have been doing for years.
also do neck curls with a plate and side raises
>buff guy doing exercise
>asks if it works
no, using your muscles to lift a weight which you progressively increase does not make those muscles bigger or stronger
Literal opposite. Strengthening all angles of your neck improves head posture
Work in what way? Just eat more and lift heavy. Big guys don't do this kind of shit.
sure they do
What exercise is this called? I'd like to pick this one up.
dick sucking head raises
Weighted head bangers
Yeah a few weeks of bashing your dick and balls with that swinging weight and you can finally stop worrying if girls like you.
He has 100 lbs on you so....
let's see your pics then, big guy
Never done any dumbass neckercises. Before you faggots call me fat I weighed 115 lbs in high school, now 180.
we didn't mean your neck idiot, we want to see your physique
lol that'd have to be your bicep measurement before you'd be big enough to talk shit
17 inch neck is totally average
This is a neck thread retard. My point is I put like 5 inches on my neck just doing barbell exercises.
Working on it
>not doing weighted dicksucking
never gonna make it
that chubby no definition arm with tape loosened so it measures a paltry 16 inches
absolutely pissening
>demand pics
>provide pics
>still heckled by dyel pencilnecks
Post your neck to arm ratios you faggot motherfuckers
post your arm then faggot
All I'm seeing is a guy larger than you who does neck exercises.
Then do them. You probably need all the help you can get. But it's still a meme.
what is this suppose to do?
>15 inch arms
>throwing shade
I bet you brag about your 42 inch chest.
is that a pride parade thing?
nice double chin faggot
Yes. Neck harnesses are fairly cheap and even if you buy the most expensive one (~$100) you'll never need to buy another one in your life.
Unsure if training the neck does anything to help your other lifts and as far as I know a stronger neck really only has practical utility with boxing, etc. But it's absolutely essential for looksmaxing.
well this
Mine came today ;>)
You need 8×10 waterboards