Remind me again how this is FAIR
Remind me again how this is FAIR
You forgot:
Men: Pay thousands of dollars on illegal chemicals that will kill you by the age of 40 if you want to look like a movie star.
The picture is wrong, it should say
WOMEN: Win the genetic lottery
MEN: Win the genetic lottery
>Born genetically stronger, smarter, and objectively superior in every way than 99.9% of women are
>Still complain
Nu-males were a mistake.
Everything I do is fair. Don't question me, creature!
It's fair because women only have a 10-15 year window of market value
Tired of this dumb shit. Women like guys who are in decent shape, but rarely care for huge bodybuilder style physiques, and even more aesthetic Zyzz-style bodies are by no means required. In general women are less appearance focused than men are. Avoid being fat and stay neatly groomed and from there on it is mostly personality.
If you're gay, different story, but I doubt that is what this post is about.
its not, get over it pussy
>Women like guys who are in decent shape
I disapprove of this. Begone!
It's not. Being a woman is easy mode.
You all realize that girl's body is nowhere near the equivalent of that guy's body? That girl's body is a 6/10 at most and the guy is 9.5/10. And for faces there isn't anything you can do about it.
Come on OP you could have at least included a cute IG model (9/10 or more) instead of that average grill. This is the type of girl Im guessing would be more accurate, and they have to train to look that way.
>He thinks life is ever fair
top kek
Remind me again why it's supposed to be fair.
it wasn't ever meant to be fair. only men can truly mire because only they can truly understand the pain that it took to get there. if every man got zyzzed then there would be nothing special about making it.
Not sure if you're trolling but that picture doesn't help your case m8. We're judging bodies not faces.
Fat men can get hot women through other means than appearance. Fat women can't get hot men ever. Plenty more guys punching than girls.
>In general women are less appearance focused than men are.
It isn't shit for brains and there's no reason it should be. Evolutionarily speaking women are more valuable, a women can have 1 child per 9 months, a man could literally have thousands a year if he were dedicated enough. Thus men have evolved to fine the average non-obese women extremely attractive, it is not the same case with women, as they must be more selective with mates.
or work out more, faggot
He's right though, as long as you don't consider height to be part of appearance.
>women have life on easy mode
Wow no way
Man I wouldn't even care if women didn't act like they are somehow the victim and have life harder.
I hope you're the one who's trolling. Claudia Tihan has one of the hottest bodies on IG
no it's not
like 90% of women look good i they're at a healthy weight
Period then menopause for majority of life and have things handed to you sometimes
Not bleeding out of pussy for most of life and you have to work slightly harder than women
I'd say im glad to be male desu
>Claudia Tihan has one of the hottest bodies on IG
You think anyone knows who that is? Maybe like 5 of you do but I was talking about the picture you posted nigger and that picture was not flattering.
Even the picture you posted there barely looks like she has a better body than the girl in OP. If OP requires no training and that one requires a lot, I'd just skip the workouts lol.
It takes work to stay thin, esp due to necessity to consume less calories than men and pms. Funny how neither are acknowledged in this thread. Makeup and caring for long hair are part of the equation too but I digress. You men would have an easier time if you focused more on dressing well and in the very least having lower bf %.
Life isn't fair nigga.
Sack up and deal with it.
It's not. But you have to deal with it.
Literally just don't eat, cunt
How to dress well, pls not Veeky Forums
Eating fewer calories isnt harder if if your body also consumes less calories.
I was staying at a normie's friend's house with his GF the other day for a few days and they ate like complete shit. She was a little chubby, never works out, and we had a giant fucking brownie sundae with chocolate syrup and whipped cream in a giant fucking bowl, each day. I never got the impression that it was out of the ordinary and she was even talking about getting something like that the next day I was going to leave so don't think it was something special cause I was over.
Yeah, it really is that fucking simple. Stop thinking that a desert every day is normal if you don't consistently exercise. Staying thin is stupid fucking easy.
>be male
>if you didn't win the genetic lottery, you'll be fine
>if you put on a bit of chub, you'll be fine
>if you don't shave, it doesn't really matter
>getting an ottermode body (what girls actually like) is not particularly hard in terms of exercise or diet
>all you need is some deodorant and shampoo
>if you're a man, you should enjoy exercise anyway
>also you're physically superior in every single possible way and you don't have to deal with shit like periods and giving birth and you'll still be attractive when you're 50
>be female
>if you didn't win the genetic lottery, you're fucked
>if you put on a bit of chub, you're fucked
>if you don't shave every part of your body daily, you're a freak
>make sure you buy 50 different products if you want to look good, goyette!
>gross vagina maintenance that anyone with a penis doesn't have to deal with
>get treated like some weird alien creature in every worthwhile career path
>you're physically inferior in every possible way, you make gains at half the rate, and if you work your ass off every day, maybe you'll be as strong as the average male who doesn't leave the couch
>also you age like milk and will be undesirable past 30
What a bunch of whiny fucking manbabies. Stop complaining and work out you worthless fucking faggots.
Dumb bitch detected
It’s not fair faggot and it’s not meant to be.
She is actually right about most of this. The cringy manbabies of Veeky Forums who think they will fix their failure at life by lifting heavier than everyone else are very poor representatives of what real manliness is.
Also, why do y'all smell like onions?
>he thinks this is a 9/10 or better
Cmon user. Poor taste.
To each his own though, less competition for me that way, and for you. Good luck user, I hope you get your 10.
You are absolutely wrong. The way It works now is that chads, which are only like the top 10% of guys, fuck all the time. They fuck the 80% of girls that are decently attractive. That means being at least a 6/10, and doing basic grooming and not being fat.
I always see average guys get turned down over and over, while average girls get so much dick they run out of holes. Yeah maybe you age like milk after 30, but if you aren't a chad as a guy, good fucking luck ever getting laid.
Shes only correct about the physically inferior part. The rest is somewhere between exaggerated and laughable
Men can maintain it by will for decades. Woman's beauty is like the life of a mayfly
hoping this isn't bait because it looks too sophisticated but perhaps the larpers are getting more clever by the day
just a disclaimer, I'm not a stormfaggot or an MRA or anything and you do have some valid ideas here
>if you didn't win the genetic lottery, you'll be fine
I'd say that face and height for males are harder/more important than face/height for females
males can't improve their face beyond low bf %, can't use makeup like women can
in addition to that, short and tall women both have it easier than manlets, and no amount of lifting can give you height gains
>if you put on a bit of chub, you'll be fine
depends on if that chub is on muscles or not, a guy with muscles who has some chub is still attractive, but a guy with less muscles with some chub is instantly a few points less
>if you don't shave, it doesn't really matter
true in most cases, however individual preferences for mates amongst the females I've befriended tend to be along the lines of "minimal hair", not sure if that's true for a majority but it's at least anecdotal evidence
>getting an ottermode body...
while it's not particularly hard, I would argue it's somewhat harder than being female and just needing to eat less to be attractive
>all you need is some deoderant and shampoo
not sure what's meant there
>if you're a man, you should enjoy exercise anyway
depends on T count for the man, and I'd argue this is as sexist as saying that if you're a girl you should enjoy housewifery anyways
>also you're physically superior
girls have superior flexibility and in my experience are equal or better in terms of cardio
I'll concede that one
>giving birth
huehueh if you're a girl, you should enjoy giving birth anyway
>attractive when 50
genetic lottery comes into play here, for both sexes, not everyone is Clooney and not everyone is Aniston
I will agree, men only require money and status to get the things they want and to separate themselves from other men. I can roll out of bed, put on a black t and get in anywhere with enough money thrown in. Just look at that blerzikan guy or w.e his name is guy looks like a bag of rocks and needs a beard to hide his shitty face, but it's the image he uses and he's stacked.
A girl friend blew my mind when she enlightened me to the idea that, in regards to beauty, women need to constantly compete with other women just to get the attention of men.
>how good your life is is solely determined by the amount of sex you have
>nothing in life is more important than sex
>life is sex and nothing more
Grow up
A sex filled life is much more enjoyable than being alone and depressed. Having to settle with a 3/10 girl because the rest are out riding the cock wagon doesn't make it any better.
cont to now for the female list:
>if you didn't win the genetic lottery, you're fucked
it's easier to get by as an asslet/titlet female (unless you're totally flat in both areas) than as a manlet or dicklet
>if you put on a bit of chub, you're fucked
depends on how much chub and where the chub is stored; if the chub goes straight to your core and gives you a pot belly you're fucked, otherwise you're mostly fine, not as hot as you could be but not anywhere near intolerable for most men
>if you don't shave every part of your body daily, you're a freak
eh yeah I'll concede this one, but one point I'll make is that most men don't mind TRIMMED hair down under
>50 different products if you want to look good, goyette!
women aren't forced to wear makeup, most of them do it either so that they can tolerate their face in the mirror or to bump up themselves a few points, imo I get turned off massively if girls go beyond things that make their skin look smooth
>gross vagina maintenence
I'd argue dudes with foreskins have it rough also, I'm not informed enough to compare between the two unfortunately. I'd also point out guys who have to shave their dick-ass underzone
>treated like some weird alien creature
somewhat valid, but I'd also point out that almost every worthwhile career path will cuck male job applicants just to get in a female who may not even be as competent just for (((diversity)))
>physical inferiority
hey you've got flexibility and cardio gains at least, and you don't have to be muscular at all to attract almost every guy. in addition, female lifters are known to roid which helps
>age like milk
depends on genetics and bf %, there are a fair amount of older women who are attractive, but I'll concede that it's pretty contingent on whether or not you're a skinlet
Foreskin maintenance rundown for anyone curious about the riveting life of the uncut male:
>start shower
>get in shower
>pull skin back
>finish shower
>push skin back
2 seconds of effort
>I'd argue dudes with foreskins have it rough also
lol do you think you look like that as a man by genetics?
I haven't done this in a long time. Am I going to die?
if you're feeling brave actually rub your dick clean as you shower, like don't just wash away under skin give it a light scrub
>not even American
kek, nice try
I'm a cut guy and I haven't discussed foreskin maintenance recently, apologies for not being aware of that
do you have anything to say about the other 90% of my points
It's not fair!
But this is not the fault of society, is it the fault of nature.
The Buddhists say, "Life is suffering."
So you can do one of two things: you can dwell on the fact that life isn't fair and grow resentful and bitter until you turn murderous. Your final thoughts before shooting up a school will be "the suffering that defines this world does not justify its existence"
Or you can bring order into being. You can shoulder a responsibility. You can formulate an ideal and work to embody it. You can grow articulate and shine a light on other people who are writhing in confusion and suffering away. You can tilt the world just a little bit towards heaven on earth.
So remember, no man is an island. You are a node in a network. Your actions have power and meaning, and they ripple outward exponentially.
Cheer up!
I think /r9k/ is more your type of board.
That picture isn't the issue. The only thing I find hard as a guy is being the one that has to pursue. Having to be the initiator to try and get a girl. Then because you initiated it you're responsible for most things that comes after that.
Then there's also the fear of not being attractive to the girl so your coming on is viewed as creepy/weird so it can be intimidating
Then again I'm socially awkward which causes me to overthink and not bother unless I'm 100% sure she's interested
its not fair but theres no fixing that so deal
It's not, but who cares
posting in the lowest T thread on Veeky Forums
Amputation is now your only option.
Wasn't trying to be a jackass about the foreskin thing, just see it discussed and bantered about a lot and thought people might be genuinely curious. I agree with you on basically everything else though. Basic tradeoffs are that girls have to do more to their appearance but they can modify it more easily. Appearance is a more powerful tool for them, but also a more powerful punishment/requirement.
Girls do a lot more with clothes and hair and such. Longer and more routines to deal with, although this is over exaggerated by some. Makeup really only takes them a few minutes when you get them to talk about it frankly. My routine for choosing an outfit is just me choosing a shirt I want to wear, then some pants that sort of match with it, and then I might choose between my two pairs of shoes which ones would look better. Girls do a whole bunch more, and their feelings of competition with other girls are a lot stronger than our feelings with dudes.
That and they mess with their eyebrows. Just another thing to add to the list of shit to do.
Remind me again how life is fair?
It's not fair, but that's the point. If life was fair, every man would procreate; instead, nature had tilted the balance towards women so that they get to decide who passes their genes on.
And in this case, it's men who are hardworking, determined, masculine, succesful, attractive, etc. Which means putting in a lot of work to be better than other men.
So stop complaining about how natural selection works, what are you? Some HAES its-not-my-fault-I'm-fat fucknut? If you don't wanna play the game, go MGTOW, otherwise go and lift some weights son.
You don't really need to be that buffed in order to be attractive
I don't mind
At least I don't have to bleed out of the vagoozle once a month and have a monthly cocktail of hormonal shifts dictate my emotions
>ameritard actually think this is 9/10
i see slavic qt's on a daily that would blow this IG model out of the water.
Men are more intelligent, so it evens out
My god this thread
You are all fucking insane stop inventing problems in yout heads. You all need help. Please talk to a therapist and say the same shit you are spewing here
>It takes work to stay thin
>Literally doing nothing but sitting in a chair will make you thin
This, the pros outweigh the cons by tons×10^3
you're a moron, give it a few years and you'll wake the fuck up
Erm, I wash it properly with soap you dirty pleb
Just do it evertim, use a plain bar of soap and use the soap as a sort of lube so it doesn't even feel like anything
just stop eating like shit
you dont need to "starve yourself" like what these landwhales say, just do little things like not eating fastfood everyday or not finishing a partybag of doritos by yourself
you fat fuck
The point is substituting for your shitty boring personality with looks.
If women are born ugly they are fucked.
Men can choose whether to look hot or ugly women can't.
Maybe in your country.
This is wrong. Makeup completely transforms women.
I never understood people who think that men and women should be held to the same standards. They aren't equal lel
almost all of this is bait
In fairness i dont find left. If a girl doesnt have genetics for big breasts and ass then she's shit out of luck.
She is vile, get some taste man.
Because women have an expiration date at 30 years old, when their
youth and looks fade, they are fucked in the dating world, because no man
cares about a woman's income, if she is ugly/saggy/used up.
Men on the otherhand start to make a lot of money by 30, so we can pull
fresh young pussy every day, since most beautiful young women are gold diggers.
We men have it better, I take being a man 100 times over being a woman.
a shitskin mexican is your idea of a 9/10 or more???
the fuck
only whites and asians can be 10/10
>muh period
Get a girlfriend and you'll start to understand how inconvenient bleeding from your pussy is. I'm not saying its some massive burden and theyre hero's for putting up with it, but I'd rather work harder to look good than bleed from my dick and suffer the associated pains once a month. You people complaining about women having it easy are as bad as feminists complaining how easy men have it. Each sex has their advantages and disadvantages and the grass is always greener on the other side but I'd rather stick with the devil I know.
Then you are never going to make it.
Veeky Forumsfit/fa/ck/o/ master race
>posting facts on Veeky Forums
Get out
>law is literally structured to advantage women
>both sides have it bad durr
kill yourself
Women stop being hot by 30 or so, sometimes later if they have amazing genetics but even then they're nothing like they were at 17. Men can still be hot very late into life.
it is not, but it is the reason men pushed civilization and made great accomplishments over the course of history
the recent degradation of society is in part due to women getting more control instead of simply selecting the better one and breeding
Because you're a man and shouldn't care about what's fair. The term fair is an emotionally loaded blackmail word to manipulate people stronger than you. Only weaklings throw around the word fair to try and reduce others to their status
>males can't improve their face beyond low bf
This is why you have never been called hot, there is tons you can do
>equal or better in terms of cardio
You have either never an actual woman or you are and hang out with untermensch
>males gave females more power
>blames females
Girl on the left is just thin. It's easy to be thin as a guy - in fact it's easier for a man to be skelly as women have a need for a layer of fat and your body will try it's best to keep this.
You're comparing two different things.
I've had 4 girlfriends, faggot. Only one of them was even inconvenienced by her period.
It's not hard to get muscle as a high test male which is genetics.
You have the exact same mindset as tumblr teenage feminists, how does it feel?
Why does underman = opposite of superman? Whats with german?